《Bleach: The Shadow Shinigami》Chapter 7: Taken and a promise
Yato now was in class during lunch and was eatting lunch as he had felt two new spiritual power's enter the city and he just sighed.
"I thought they would come early" Yato said to himself as he had went back to eating his lunch as he had looked outside of the window and went back to eating his sixth bento box having twelve others left.
As this morning he didn't have the chance to eat breakfeat so he had more then his usal twelve bento boxes he was very hungry he decided to make four more then he usally did as he was also thinking about his student's.
'Ichgio don't go and be an idiot for once but....knowing who you are you'll jump right through the literal gates of hell if that meant to save a freind' Yato thought as he had then began eating again as he thought of his little brother.
Yato had then actually was pretty glad because he might be able to burn off some of the food and have something else to do as he would often just be at home clean up do laundry, make food, help his sibling with their homework.
At which Yato eyes went open as he finally realized something.
'Did I just become a house wife?' Yato thought to himself as he did just list off many things a house wife does this just made him laugh as he had then grabbed his next bento box and began eating.
While eating Yato had looked to the side as Ichgio had went and opened the slide door into to class.
"Hey there teache-" Ichgio was cutt off as he had saw his brother with many empty bento boxes on the side and eating once again.
"Hey there Ichgio I'm on my lunch break so you can just call me your big brother" Yato said as he had finished eating his lunch and he set the bento box on the side and picked up another as Ichgio had just walked over to his desk had sat down and spoken up.
"I got a question for you Yato" Ichgio said as Yato looked up from eating looking over at his younger brother.
"What seems to be the issue?" Yato asked Ichgio.
"Do you understand what's going on with Rukia?" Ichgio asked Yato.
"What are you talking about Ichgio?" Yato asked Ichgio as he already knew what was wrong but he wanted to see what Ichgio think is happening.
"She was acting all weird this morning at first she was joking and wishpering then out of nowhere she stopped and looked more serious" Ichgio said.
Yato had went back to eating as Ichgio just watched as he had finished his lunch in the matter of seconds as he had the reached under his desk and Ichgio heared what sounded like a fridge opening.
Then Yato pulled out a gallon of water and Ichgio had watched as his elder brother had downed the whole gallon of water in two sips and then he tossed the gallon of water into the recycling can which went in and Yato said one word.
"Easy" Yato said as he looked back at Ichgio who was looking at his brother weirdly as Ichgio was wondering one thing that many people think when they see Yato eats.
'How can a person eat that much?!' Ichigo asked himself as Yato had looked at his little brother and decided to answear the question Ichgio asked him about Rukia.
"Well she might be stressted out because all of tha assignments she is missing you would be afraid as well if you were also missing the same amount of assignments that she is" Yato said as he was telling the truth.
This being the truth with Rukia really missing a few assignments and so Ichgio just simply nooded his head.
"Well alright then I am gonna go and have lunch with my freinds so enjoy your many and I mean many lunches" Ichgio said to his brother who had just went back to eating his other bento box.
After Ichgio left Yato had just continued eating his food while still thinking about the two new spirtual powers that have entered the town and he also is thinkg about how yoruichi and urahara are reacting to this issue.
'Man I am pretty sure Urahara is trying to give Yoruichi some milk right now' Yato thought to himself as he had then finally finished eating the rest of his food and then downed a second gallon of water in the blink of an eye.
Yato had let out a sigh and just taken out his book and began reading it until lunch was over which Yato had began teaching again and just like before Yato noticed Rukia was looking off to the side thinking about something else so he decided to just leave her be for now.
As school had eventually came to an end and Yato had went straight to Urahara's shop to speak with him and Yoruichi.
Yato had finally arrived at Urahara shop and saw Jinta and Ururu talking with each other as Yato easily gotten past the two and into the shop.
"Urahara where are you at?" Yato called out.
"I am right over here Yato" Urahara said sitting infront of a TV which Yato had then sat down right next to Urahara and taken out a sheet worth of work he had to grade.
"So you came in here just to grade some work?" Urahara questioned.
"That and something else I wanted to talk to you about and by the way I wanna ask you a question" Yato said.
"What would that be?" Urahara asked.
"Where is Yoruichi at?" Yato asked.
"Probaly somewhere being a garbage panda" Urahara said.
"Wait garbage panda?" Yato questioned as Urahara began chuckling and Yato quickly relized what Urahara is talking about.
"You calling here a Raccon?!" Yato asked as his eyes went wide.
"Yeah exactley!" Urahara laughed as Yato just stayed silent as Urahara then felt a bloodlusted aura and quickly began stoping.
"She's right behind me isn't she?" Urahara asked which Yato simply just nooded his head as behind of Urahara is Yoruichi who is in her cat form as she then pounced onto Urahara and began scratching his face Yato had spoken up.
"So Yoruichi have you seen the two?" Yato asked which she had simply just nodded her head as she then spoken up.
"Like I was supecting it is a captain and vice captain that has come" Yoruichi said.
"What are you gonna do about what's happening?" Urahara asked Yato.
Yato had finished grading some homework as he had then looked up at Urahara but Yoruichi decided to ask another question.
"What will you do if any of your students encounter those two?" Yoruichi asked.
"Most likely either Ichigo or ishida might be the first to encounter them and I might just watch for a while then step in but Yoruichi could you just watch my students for me?" Yato asked.
"Sure I will but I want you to make me breakfeast for the next week" Yoruichi said.
"Deal" Yato said as Yoruichi had then just streached and yawned.
"You are really becoming a cat day by day" Yato said to Yoruichi who quickly stopped before she was gonna lick herself as she looked Yato in his eyes and saw his face which just looked at her.
"Don't you dare judge me" Yoruichi said which made Yato chuckle to himself as he had just went back to grading the rest of his students work.
It was now later on in the afternoon Yato was finally getting home as he had quickly taken off his shoes at the front door and saw that nobody was home yet and so he decided to atleast get dinner ready and also clean up at the same time.
'Dang I really turned into a house wife' Yato thought to himself as he had saw a framed picture of himself and his mother and father the day Yato had won his very first sword fighting tournament in first place without any diffuclty.
The main thing he remembers is his mother and father cheering him on from the crowd Yato just loved to see when his mother smiled it was something that would always make his day and even though she is gone he still remembers the first time he cooked for her.
The first time he cooked for his mother Yato food was terrible and burnt but still she smiled and ate it so Yato quickly decided to become better cook for his mother and when it was mothers day he had baked her a very beautiful and delicous cake.
That day is something Yato will always and forever remember as Yato had then finished cleaning the house and had started cooking until his family gotten home and had eaten their dinner which Yato had taken out a plate for Rukia but as he was getting close to Ichgio room he quickly stopped.
Yato had closed his eyes and relized that Rukia was gone as he had walked into Ichigo room and seen a letter that Rukia left behind as Yato had then just sighed as he had sighed and had then walked over into his room.
As Yato had then sat down in his room and had began eating the food he had began eating the plate of food he had set for Rukia as then Yato had then heared as Urahara had sent Ichgio out to go out to Rukia as he did owe him.
Yato had then stood up from his desk and opened his window and had then jumped out of the window following Ichgio from behind.
Yato had then landed on a rooftop and watched as Ichgio had began clashing with this red haired Shinigami with their blades clashing.
Eventually Renji had showed his Shikai which is something Ichgio doesn't even know of as he was the slashed down across is shoulder my Renji and Renji had went to finish Ichgio only for Rukia to jump in to try and save Ichgio but was easily tossed to the side.
Ichgio had went to counter attack but just as both Renji and Ichgio blade were about to clash the two were instally stopped as Ichgio and Rukia eyes both went wide at who they are seeing.
"Y-Yato?" Ichgio asked suprised to see his brother.
"In the flesh" Yato said as Renji was shocked as the person standing infront of him had just appered in the blink of an eye infront of him but effortlessly stopped his blade catching it with just his thumb and index finger.
'Who even is this guy' Renji thought to himself as he had tried to add more force to his blade but still nothing happened.
"Yato where have you been?!" Ichgio asked being mad at his brother.
Yato just sighed "Well you should know some people need breaks to! You try and clean the house make dinner and grade homework!" Yato yelled as the two began having a full bloown agrument.
Renji was looking at the two suprised so was Rukia and so Renji had then yelled.
"Hey you two focu-" Renji was then caught off by the two brothers glaring at him.
""STAY THE HELL OUT OF THIS!!!!"" Yato and Ichgio yelled at the same time as Renji then went to add more force down to his blade but then he had noticed blood on the ground and had saw it was coming from his hand.
This was just more shocking as instead of hurting Yato who still is having a argument with Ichgio about doing the dishes Renji had made himself bleed.
Yato had just sighed as he looked back over to Renji who had finally looked back up at Yato.
"So you must be the vice captian and the other guy is the captain am I right?" Yato asked.
"H-How did you know?" Renji asked.
"Well first you announced it and two if you were a truly exprinced swordsmen you could tell that the power diffrence between you two is great just like me and you" Yato said as he had finally let go of Renji Zanpakutō and so Renji just quickly jumped back.
"You really thinks so well then take out your Zanpakutō and lets see then!" Renji yelled as Yato had realsed an annoying sigh as if before him was that of an annoying child.
"If you were a decent swordsman you'd be able to see the disparity in our abilites before we even drew our Zanpakutō. It's either extreme stupidity or you are just missing alot of brain cells in that head of your's. Which one would you say it is." Yato said talking down to Renji.
This just angred Renji while Byakuya just watched as he wanted to see if this person that might have been responsible for single handiley killing the Menos Grande.
So Yato reached into his sleeve and pulled out his book and this just suprised Renji "Wait are you screwing with me?!" Renji asked mad.
"Sorry but I am not the type for person who would put their time into someone that isn't even worth putting any into so just come at me" Yato said casually as this just enraged Renji even more as he had rushed at Yato and went for a downward slash only for Yato to easily smack it away like it was a fly.
This shocked everyone who seen this except for Yoruichi and Urahara who were watching as they had already knew and could tell Yato was on a who diffrent level then Renji is and could end this without any effort.
As Renji was launching an onslaught of slashes with Yato easily parrying.
'You gotta be kinding me?!' Renji though as Yato was effortlesy parrying each of Renji sword slashes and even when he used his Zanpakutō Zabimaru's ability to strech out Yato still parried it like nothing.
Renji had finally stopped and was now just panting as Yato had then looked over at Renji with a bored look on his face and asked one simple question that just rocked Renji whole world.
"Are you done yet?" Yato asked as Renji eyes were just wide and in surprise after that onslaught of attacks he had launched at Yato had zero effect.
Yato had then closed his book and looked at Renji "I guess it's my turn now" Yato said as then he disappeared and reappeared infront of Renji.
This just shocked everyone as Byakuya began thinking to himself.
'Was that a flash step?! No it can't be it was that his pure speed?!' Byakuya thought to himself.
Yato had then just kicked Renji in his left knee causing him to fall to the ground then Yato followed but with an knee to Renji chest then a solid palm strike to the face which sent Renji flying and landing right infront of Byakuya.
Renji was now shaken up as he could barely stand on one knee as he was coughing up some blood and about to go unconscious.
'All it took to get Renji to his knees was three blows! Who is this man?!' Byakuya thought to himself as he looked over at Yato.
Byakuya had went to flash step and try to catch Yato off guard only for Yato to disappear then Byakuya felt a hand on his shoulder and had saw it was Yato.
Byakuya was just more in shock as what his opponent just did was pure physical speed which Byakuya had went to flash step behind of Yato only for Yato to disappear and instead of feeling a hand on his shoulder on his left.
"Are you done yet?" Yato questioned as Byakuya just jumped away.
"Your annoying I will end this" Byakuya said as he had then unsheathed his Zanpakutō and was about to unleash his shikai only for Rukia to step foward between the two.
"Sensei stop!" Rukia yelled.
"Rukia what are you doing?!" Ichigo questioned.
"I don't want to cause anymore trouble for you guys so I will leave" Rukia said.
"Rukia-?!" Ichgio was then cut off by Yato.
"Alright then Rukia" Yato said.
"Wait Yato are you serious?!" Ichigo asked.
"Just shut up Ichigo you wouldn't stand a chance with a guy like this you can't even last a second with him" Yato said.
As Yato had watched as Renji who was barely able to hold himself with Byakuya and Rukia leave to the soul society.
"Really Yato are we gonna just let Rukia go?!" Ichgio asked Yato.
"Heck no little brother I promise you we are gonna go and get Rukia but first you got to go and do one thing for me" Yato had then pointed at Ichgio Zanpakutō.
"First you must learn the name of your Zanpakutō and I know just the right person call" Yato said.
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I could give you a typical synopsis that you'll gloss over...or I could tell you the essence of what the story will be. Still with me? Great! Let's get to it... WISH MOUNTAIN is inspired by fairy tales and, in a way, animated Disney movies. The biggest inspiration of them all is Beauty and the Beast. Why? Because I love it and hate it at the same time. The thing I hate about the movie is how the villain, Gaston, never got a chance for redemption. The movie was all about what is on the inside that counts, right? Beast went from bad-to-good because Belle learned to love and care about him. Was Gaston not worth that same chance for redemption? Sure he was a bad person, but so bad that he couldn't also undergo the same kind of change for the better? It was this question that got me thinking... what would Gaston's redemption look like? What kind of story would that be? From this nugget an entire epic story unfolded that has both outgrown, but has never forgotten, that original inspiration. So what can you expect? In essence: something like an epic, adult-orientated Disney story, which is gloves-off when it comes to violence and character trauma. I'll be doing my best to write a story that is as close to a classic adventure fairy tale with real stakes and meaningful characters as I can. The story begins with two orphans; Amaryllis and Chicory, who are whisked away to the magical WISH MOUNTAIN, and are faced with fending for themselves all alone. This is a HUGE story that will take YEARS for me to finish. If you're ready for a journey to Wish Mountain, then Once Upon a Time begins with Chapter 1...
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Alternate Worlds
This is actually a group of short stories I did some time ago. The first group are 3 stories, all starring the same Protagonist but with different foes and ways of how the stories play out. Past this I have other story lines that I have done this with and will likely use this heading to put them out there. - Note: The Book Picture is the location of the Portal the car went through. There are 4 such statues set across from each other and then two of the large pillars, set across the street from one another. New Story Line: Lost is about a man lost in a world that Used to have summoned hero's, ones where the mages who did the summonings did not close the pathways properly, so sometimes people from all across time, space, and dimension end up falling in to their world. Some become heroes, some 'Demon Lords' and some something else. I have 3 versions of this story which I will put here, one chapter a day. 2cd version was massively flawed, which I only realized while sharing it. As such I am skipping it and moving on to the 3rd version. The 3rd Story of Lost is about a man who mysteriously fell in to a world based on video games, complete with leveled zones, levels of skills, professions and so forth. Being from a world like ours, with the knowledge of these things, gives him a decided edge and better potential than normal. --------------------------------------- New story - New Life, Old Soul is the story of a man who used desperate experimental magic to grant himself a new life in a new world. This is an Iseki story with a single twist as no outside force dropped or summoned this soul to its new life. Come and see what sort of world and life this willing traveler of Realities unknown experiences. I will try and post once a day, though times may vary depending on my the wierdness that is my life. ^-^ ------------------------------ Cosmic Chaos A Void Maker tried to destroy several realities, by forcing their crystal shells in to each other. The AOs of those realms fought back the best they could, including a desperate play of opening random portals between the divergent universes and the void. Several things, peoples, and animals fell through these portals. In the grand scheme of things very little of this had long reaching consequences. However, Some of these universes gained new time lines from these events.This is a story of one such event, of one very lost traveler dropped in to a very different world than the one he came from. Tags: Isekai, Gender Change (Male to Female), Magic, Drama (lets face it most of my stories have a bit of this in them even when I don't tag them thus, though I don't know how 'Realistic' the characters are.) -------------------------------
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The Kings play a Game?
The Campiones are individuals whose actions cannot be predicted with common logic. Also known as Kings and Godslayers they are people who hold unimaginable power and influence. What happens when they decide to play in the Virtual World of Royal Road? A crossover of LMS and Campione. Warning: spoilers read at your own risk.
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risky ; the goonies
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Kaiba x Ashara Origins Of Olympus Oneshots
Hello everyone! I hope your having a great day/night! This book will include different stories that include Kaiba x Ashara. So if you do not like the ship then you don't have to read it. For the peeps that are staying and reading I do hope you enjoy. (Btw the cover isn't mine)
8 65