《Bleach: The Shadow Shinigami》Chapter 4: A new freind
Yato now was just in class as he was setting up and cleaning up as he had heard some noise outside and had saw a gang of boy's bullying another student which mad Yato sighed as he disliked many things and bullies were one.
As infront of the school many people watch as a group of bullies had began picking on a first year student.
"Now give me all your money" the bully said.
"N-No I-I refuse!" the student who was being picked on said refusing to give his money.
"Well I am not giving you a choice" the bully said as he had reached into his pocket and taken out a pocket knife and had placed it toward the student cheek.
"Now gove me your money our-?" the bully didn't finish his sentence as he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Yato.
"Oh my gentalmen what do we have here?" Yato questioned this caught everyone off guard as nobody had seen him come in he just appered out of no where.
"Just who are you?" the bully asked.
"Oh me I am just a teacher who is concered for the health and safety of one of his student's who is being threaten by another student so how about we all head to class?" Yato said.
"Or what old man?" the bully asked.
"Old man well that's offensive I'm only in my late twenties" Yato said as the bully looked over at the leader of the gang of bullies ad he nooded his head as the bully with the pocket knife had went to thrust the pocket knife.
When the pocket knife connected the bully hadn't seen now blood or sign of pain came from Yato.
"What is that a toy you are holding?" Yato asked as the bully looked down to see his pocket knife was missing the blade part and he was just the handle of the pocket knife.
"What the?" the bully questioned.
"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to play with sharpe items?" Yato questioned as the bully looked up to see Yato hold the blade part of the pocket knife and was spinning it in his hand's like nothing.
Everybody who was watching and who were passing by had been shocked at what happend as the truth was Yato just moved so fast that he had taken the blade off the pocket knife so fast that no one could see him move.
"W-What the h-hell?" the bully questioned as he had stepped back in shock which the leader had just scoffed and had stepped foward while pushing the other bully out of the way.
"Move out the way I wanna take a shot at him" the leader said as he then went to jab Yato but then he had immediately stopped as he had froze in place as Yato was just staring at the gang leader with just a calm and collective look.
"Well then everybody here you should head to class before the bell rings" Yato said which he helped up the student that was being picked on had helped him to class while the gang of the bullies had walked over their leader and all gasped.
As their leader was unconscious while still standing as Yato had moved so fast that he had chopped him on his neck so fast that nobody seen him move and left the leader of the gang still standing.
Yato now finished his lesson as the bell had rang which meant it was lunch time.
"Alright then class please enjoy your lunch for the day and see you when you get back" Yato said.
As Yato had noticed that Ichigo wasn't in class which made him sigh as he put his bento box down.
'God damn it Ichgio I am gonna miss lunch because of you' Yato thought as he had put alot into his lunch and know he might not really get to get a bite of his lunch.
Yato had gotten up from his chair and left the school as he had went to go and find where his little brother is which didn't take him that long as Yato had saw from afar Ichigo defending a certain coin from a gang of boys.
The coin was an old Mexican coin that Ichigo was defending as Yato had also saw a dark-skinned with pronounced cheek-bones and has wavy brown hair with bangs that generally hangs over his brown eyes. He is a muscular and extremely tall man and appears to be much older than he actually is.
This person was tied to a chair and just as Ichgio was about to be hit again the gang heard foot steps approaching as the gang looked to the side and saw as Yato stepped foward towards the group.
"Y-Yato?" Ichgio asked.
"The one and only but I gotta ask that you gentalmen leave my student alone I would rather not miss my lunch" Yato said which then two gang members had went to attack Yato but Yato easily with little effort beat the two.
Yato had just back handed each of them into the water under the bridge which caught everyone off guard as the rest of the gang member's had quickly ran off away while Yato had walked over and helped Ichigo up.
"Thanks Yato for helping me" Ichgio said.
"No problem little bro it's just my job as your big brother to always have your back" Yato said as Yato had walked over to the person Ichigo was protecting.
"Hey there the name is Yato it's a pleasure to meet you what's your name?" Yato asked as he untied the teenage boy.
"My name is Yasutora Sado" Sado said.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Sado but by any chance are you a student at Mashiba Junior High School?" Yato asked.
"Yes i am attending that school how do you know?" Sado asked.
"Just the uniform that you are wearing that's all" Yato said as he ha looked over at Ichigo and smacked him in back of his head.
"Hey what was that for?!" Ichigo asked Yato.
"That's for not being to school on time but you were defending some one so I will let this slide" Yato said as he looked at the two and sighed and looked down at his watch as saw there was still some time of lunch left.
"Alright you two there is still time before lunch end's so lunch is on me" Yato said.
"That sounds great!" Ichigo said.
"Yeah that sounds nice" Sado said.
"But tonight since you made me miss my bento box you are gonna help me cook dinner" Yato said still annoyed because he could have been eating his lunch he had prepared.
It was later the next and both Yato and Ichgio were arriving home at the Kurosaki clinic only to see both Yuzu and Karin running back and forth as it seemed like a mad house as Isshin was on the phone yelling.
"What?! I said I need four bed! What?! you can't accept that many?! We don't have the equipment to deal with all of these people!" Isshin yelled on the phone which to revealing his father of stress Yato had taken the phone and had spoken as he had passed the phone back to Isshin.
Which Isshin then had a shocked expression as just a second ago the people on the phone were refusing to give him the equipement he needed but just after Yato took the phone and spoke the place was now offer way more then Isshin was asking.
As the truth was Yato knew the owner of the company that supplies the Kurosaki clinic with their supplies.
At which there was a thud at the front door as then Isshin ran over with Yato and Ichigo following behind as they had seen it was Sado who was holding a bird cage.
Isshin had quickly helped Sado over to a bed and had Sado show his wound's which he had showed to have a huge hand like slash mack on his back which Yato and immediately tell that this was the cause of a hollow.
Just as Ichigo was gonna say somthing Yato quickly pulled him to the side and to his room where Rukia was but just before they could talk Yato had spoken up.
"Homework first Sado talk later" Yato said.
"What are you talking about this is way more serious then homework!" Ichgio yelled which Yato had just gave Ichgio a cold glare.
"What is that again?" Yato questioned.
Which then both Ichgio and Rukia had then went quickly to doing there homework.
It was now night time and Rukia and Ichigo had now finally finished there homework and had began talk.
"Ok now we can talk about Sado" Yato said.
"Yeah because that mark on Chad" Ichgio had just looked down as Yato spoke up.
"Yeah it was most certaint that those wounds were caused by that of a hollow" Yato said.
"Yato is right I can feel it from up here. While I wasn't able to feel is from the parakeet those wounds are defintely that of a hollow" Rukia said.
Which Yato had sighed and looked at both Rukia and Ichgio "We are gonna need to look for Sado tommorow because I sense he has already left so tommorow we look" Yato said as he would rather look tommorow.
"But what if Chad is in danger?!" Ichigo asked.
"It's best to look in the morning then night you need to gather your strength for now" Yato said.
"He's right Ichigo there's is no point we should rest for now and look later" Rukia said which Ichgio had sighed in deafeat as they had decided to get rest and sleep for the night.
After school the next day Yato was now watching from a far as both Sado and Rukia were now being cornered by many hollows and just as they were about to be attacked again.
Ichigo jumped infront of the hollow bat and quickly began handling the hollow but he was getting overwhelmed and just as he was about to be attacked from behind Yato had jumped in and blocked the attack from the hollow.
"What took you?" Ichgio asked.
"I was thinking that you could handle this yourself but I geuss I can give you a little hand" Yato said as he had then just with one simple kick had sent the hollow and the other hollows behind of it flying.
Which then on contact the hollows had just been sent through multiple tree's and Yato had moved so fast that he had also managed knock away three more hollows with zero effoert.
Rukia was beyond impressed by Yato who didn't even need his Zanpakuto was eaily handiling each hollow with little effort put in as Yato had dodged an attack by jumping onto one of the hollows head and just as another hollow went to attack.
Yato had jumped up qith the Hollow hitting the other hollow that was ontop of as Yato had began having the hollows hit each other by maneuvering around them causing to hit each other which then Yato sighed as he had then just landed back down onto the ground.
"Are you done yet Ichigo?" Yato questioned as he looked over at Ichgio who had slashed the hollow deafeating it as the gates to hell had opened up.
"What's going on?" Ichigo questioned.
"It's simple Ichgio. Yes Zanpakuto cleanses the soul with a slash, and thats how hollows go to the soul society" Rukia said.
"But that only applies to hollows that had commited these sins after they become hollows but those who committed sins before they become hollows will be doomed to be sent to hell" Yato said.
At which then the hollow was grabbed and pulled into hell as the group now gathered and Yato looked at the bird in the cage which was that of a child soul.
Yato had sighed "sorry kid but your chain of fate is already gone zero trace left it's no longer possible to return to your body" Yato said which saddened the child.
Rukia had decided to cheer up the kid by explaining how great the soul society is and how better it is then the human world.
As the child had looked over at Sado.
"Mister thank you for everything because of you carrying me around I did get hurt" the young child said.
"Hey yuuichi when I die and go over on the other side is it alright if I carry you once again?" Sado asked.
"Sure" Yuuichi said as he smiled while is soul had finally went away to rest and go to the soul society.
Yato had just looked up at the group and spoke up.
"How about we go and get a meal to celebrate Yuuichi seeing his mother again" Yato said.
"That sounds great" Ichgio said.
"Same here" Rukia said.
"I also agree" Sado said.
As the group had decided to go out and eat to celebrate the happiness for Yuuichi being able to reunite with his mother in the soul society.
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