
''You know how that shit goes.''

- Woes

This is just a short note from me.

I just want to explain what homologeo means and some notes that you might encounter here.

So here it goes.

Homologeo is a main Greek work. Its composed of two words "homo" means the same and "logeo" meaning to say.

As a further research this is like a biblical word— meaning is to confess. It's like confessing your sins or what are you goin' through right now, something like that.

This will be my personal book, and this will be like a poetically confession diary.

Expect some grammatical errors, punctuation errors, typos, and misspelled words. English is not my first language so please guys bear with me.

And also a warning. This book might contain sensitive topics / words that may bring discomfort to some readers or might trigger 'em since this is a confessional diary, so read at your own discretion.

Okay! That's all!

Thank you for reading!

Take all my love!

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