《Ballet Shoes》Chapter 2


Chaos soon ensued their large group as everyone began trying to get ready to leave; they were heaving all their trunks down the Leaky Cauldron's narrow staircase and piling them up near the door, with Hedwig and Hermes, Percy's screech owl, perched on top of their cages. A small wickerwork basket stood beside the heap of trunks, spitting loudly.

Lilleth glared at the basket as Hermione tried to soothe her enormous ginger cat, and clutched Mourka tighter to her chest and stroked his fur to keep him calm. The two cats did not get on in the slightest, although Crookshanks hated Ron's rat even more.

Mr Weasley, who had been outside waiting for the ministry cars that were coming to pick them up, stuck his head inside.

"They're here." he said. "Harry, come on."

Mr Weasley marched Harry out of the door, followed by everyone else, outside towards two old-fashioned dark green cars, each of which was driven by a furtive-looking wizard, wearing a suit of emerald velvet.

While Harry, Ron, Hermione, Percy and Katrina climbed into the first car with Mr Weasley, Lilleth joined Ginny, Mrs Weasley, Fred and George in the other one. To Lilleth's surprise, they all fitted in comfortably, and there was even room to spare, despite all being crammed in the back seat.

The journey to King's Cross station was rather uneventful, compared to the trip on the Knight Bus that Lilleth and Harry had taken to get from the Dursleys to the Leaky Cauldron. The Ministry of Magic cards seemed almost ordinary, though Lilleth noticed that they could slide through gaps that Uncle Vernon's new company car certainly couldn't have managed. She sighed and leaned her head on the glass window, stroking Mourka's fur distractedly, while Fred and George played around with their pranks and got told off by their mother.


They all arrived at King's Cross with twenty minutes to spare; the Ministry drivers found them trolleys, unloaded their trunks, touched their hats to Mr Weasley and drove away, somehow managing to jump to the head of an unmoving queue for the traffic lights.

"Come on then, come on." Mrs Weasley ushered, pushing them all forward.

Lilleth pushed her heavy trolley next to Ginny, Mourka perched on top in his little basket, through the station, having to move quickly so they didn't miss the train.

At the barrier between platforms nine and ten, they stopped, and at first Lilleth was confused, but as she watched Mr Weasley and Harry casually leaning against the barrier and falling through it, she remembered that she would be expected to do the same.

"I'll go with you." said Ginny kindly, noticing the slight fear in Lilleth's eyes. "Dad says we're going two at a time anyway."

"Thanks." muttered Lilleth, gripping her trolley tighter.

"Ginny, Lilly, off you go." said Mrs Weasley, urging them forwards. "Come on, quickly now."

Ginny smiled encouragingly at Lilleth and began to push her trolley forwards. Lilleth began to follow her, walking towards the barrier, closing her eyes, waiting anxiously for the crash, but –

It didn't come.

She opened her eyes and found herself standing on a crowded platform where a bright red engine as billowing steam all over the people standing around. Ginny was stood next to her, grinning, and behind her, Fred and George had just appeared through the stone wall.

"Lilly, dear, might I have a quick word?" asked Mrs Weasley kindly. "Very quickly, otherwise you'll miss the train."

"Oh – uh, sure." said Lilleth, going bright red. Ginny followed Fred, George, Katrina and Percy, who had followed them all through the barrier, across the platform and towards the train.


"I just wanted to warn you that this year, you're going to learn a lot which may surprise you." said Mrs Weasley. "Please be careful. And don't let Harry get into too much trouble either."

"I don't think that's possible." said Lilleth, smiling slightly. "Thanks Mrs Weasley. I'll be fine."

"Off you go then." said Mrs Weasley, returning her smile. "You don't want to miss the train on your first year."

Lilleth nodded and pushed her trolley forward towards the train. Mourka was still draped around her neck, so she pulled her trunk off the trolley and hauled it up onto the carriage just as the whistle blew and the train began to pull away.

She had no idea where the Weasleys or Harry had gone, but she didn't particularly want to find them, so she instead walked into the first empty compartment she found, put her trunk up on the rack and laid down on the seat, crossing her legs and sighing contentedly. Mourka jumped up and curled up on her chest, happily dozing off to sleep. She rolled her eyes at him.

There was suddenly a knock at the door and she raised her head to see two people, a boy and a girl, about her age, standing behind the glass door, and the boy opened it and popped his head in.

"Mind if we sit in here? Can't find another empty one." said the boy.

"That's fine." said Lilleth, smiling politely at them. She hastily sat up, dislodging Mourka, who swiped at her with his paw irritably and then stalked off to the other end of the seat and curled up, batting his tail in the air.

"Are you a first year?" asked the girl.

Lilleth nodded.

"So what's your name?" asked the boy.

"Lilleth." said Lilleth, smiling. She decided not to say her last names. "You can call me Lilly, though. With two 'l's. What about you two?"

"I'm Piper." said the girl. "This is my brother, Blake."

"We don't really have nicknames." Blake grinned. "What house are you hoping to get into?"

"Well, I've only really heard about Gryffindor, because that's where my friend Harry is." Lilleth admitted. "What are the other houses?"

"Ravenclaw is for smart people." said Piper. "People who value wisdom."

"So not me then." said Lilleth jokingly.

"Neither." Blake agreed.

"Hufflepuff is for people who are loyal and kind and hard-workers. And people say that they're also particularly good finders." Piper continued.

"And then there's Slytherin." said Blake, and he pulled a face at the name. "Most of them become dark wizards and witches. They're supposed to be ambitious and prideful, but I just think they're all evil."

"Not all of them." said Piper defensively. "There must be some good within them."

"This is what makes me think that she's going to be a Slytherin." Blake stage-whispered to Lilleth. Piper shoved him playfully.

"What house do you two want to be in?" asked Lilleth. "Any advice?"

"I reckon any of them might be fun." said Piper, shrugging.

"I want to be in Gryffindor." said Blake, striking a dramatic pose. "That's where our Dad was. Brave and courageous and daring!"

Lilleth laughed, and as Piper laughed with her and Blake just rolled his eyes at the two of them, she realised that she had just made her first friends at Hogwarts.

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