《Ballet Shoes》Prologue


"You know, I don't think I've ever seen them this happy together." said Lily, smiling sadly. "Even after all their fighting."

"They only really needed one thing to bring them together again." said James.

They were sat in the kitchen of their little cottage in Godric's Hollow, in the warmth of the firelight from the gas stove. Lily's bright red hair fell over her younger son's face, and she tucked it out of the way and stroked his cheek fondly. His mouth opened slightly, but he didn't wake, and instead rolling over in her arms and buried his face in her chest.

"It's strange that the one thing that could bring them together was a daughter." Lily agreed. "You know, I never imaged Remus and Sirius as parents. Especially Sirius."

"Me neither." James chuckled, looking down at the tiny baby girl in his arms. "But I think they can really do it. I can just imagine them teaching her all the things they know."

"Remus would teach her how to read." said Lily.

"Yeah, he'll show her all his favourite books." said James. "And teach her how to write with the most beautiful handwriting ever."

"And they'll send her to a muggle primary school too." said Lily dreamily. "She'll go every day with stacks of chocolate in her bag and be the most popular kid there."

"If she doesn't have magic, she'll go to a muggle secondary school." added James. "And she'll be the most badass teenager because of Sirius and wear leather jackets -"

"But also the kindest person in the world." said Lily, laughing. "And Sirius will definitely teach her to ride a motorbike, even if it doesn't fly."

Suddenly, the baby girl sleeping in James' arms let out a tiny little sneeze, and a candle on the table lit itself. James couldn't help a smile at how adorable she really was.


"Okay, so she'll go to Hogwarts." said Lily, rolling her eyes. "And when she does, she'll be a prefect, and then head girl, and she and Harry will be best friends."

"And they'll pull pranks together." said James proudly. "Wreak complete havoc all over Hogwarts."

"No, James." said Lily sternly, although she was still smiling. "They'll be perfect angels. And Edward will take care of them both."

"I honestly thought you were the smartest person in the world." said James teasingly. "But then you said that my sons and my goddaughter will be 'perfect angels' and I realised that maybe you aren't."

"Shut up Potter." said Lily, laughing, and she chucked a dishcloth at him.

"Says you Potter." he retorted. "Ooh, I bet they become animagi!"

"As long as they register." said Lily. "I wonder what animals they'll be."

"Well my boys will obviously be stags like me." James boasted, puffing his chest out proudly. "And I think Lilleth is going to take after Remus and be a wolf."

"You realise she isn't biologically related to either of them, right?" said Lily, chuckling.

"Well yeah, I know." said James. "But she's so quiet and shy, she's exactly like them."

"I don't think she's shy." said Lily thoughtfully. "I think she's just observing. She's going to be so clever, just like Remus. He'll teach her everything he knows."

"He'll teach her everything about book learning, but Sirius will teach her all about pranks, which if you think about it, is the only thing worth learning." said James cheekily.

"James." said Lily, glaring at him playfully. "You're her godfather. You're supposed to be responsible."

"That is not true!" he exclaimed, offended at the very notion of being responsible. "The parents are the ones who are supposed to be responsible, not the godparents."


"And not forgetting you have two sons of your own." Lily reminded him, looking down at her sleeping son in her arms.

"Lily, I think we both know that you're the responsible one in this relationship." he said, winking at her.

"Says the person who refuses to take his eyes away from either of his sons if they're flying on their brooms." said Lily. "The man who doesn't let his sons do anything dangerous in case they get hurt. You're just as responsible as I am, and you know it." she teased. "And you're going to be just as good with your lovely goddaughter."

"Do you think this next one will be a girl?" asked James, nodding his head at Lily's stomach.

"I do hope so." said Lily, sighing happily. "I mean, I'm only two months so there's no way to know, and I love the boys more than anything, but it would be amazing to have our own daughter."

"We could name her Ivy." said James. "Or Dahlia."

"Ooh, or Poppy or Aster." Lily added excitedly.

"How about Zinnia?" James suggested. "Or Jasmine?"

"Well if she has red hair like me, we might have to go with Poppy." Lily laughed.

James was about to reply when the baby in his arms wriggled around and opened her bright blue eyes, staring up at him blankly. He smiled and stroked her soft tufts of hair with his fingers, and she raised her tiny little hand up and put her thumb in her mouth, slowly closing her eyes again and going back to sleep.

"I'm so glad that they found her." he murmured. "They were fighting so much before."

"I can't believe Sirius would think Remus was the spy." said Lily sadly. "You've all known each other for so long, I just can't think that any of you boys would betray us."

"Well we have little Lilleth to thank for them coming together again." said James, sighing.

"Are we looking after her tomorrow as well?" asked Lily.

"Yeah." said James. "They're taking the day to sleep after tonight. I can't believe they have to miss Halloween, it's one of the best days of the year."

"They'll give Harry and Edward their sweets afterwards." said Lily, chuckling. "And there's always next year, and the year after that, and they many, many years after that."

"True." said James. "We've got our whole lives ahead of us."

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