

Today, this story is really personal and really sensitive. This happened a few years ago but it was pretty rough.

I was planning on going to a camp with my two at the time best friends, Kate and Madeline. Yet, lately I had friend issues with them. I was feeling left out and it was a really emotional time. Yet God had other plans.

That week that was supposed to be my last week of ballet for the summer was the best I had. I was doing well on pointe and my old teacher is was giving me good corrections and I was just having so much fun. One class in particular, we were doing pirouettes on pointe away from the barre. I turned them beautifully.

My mom and I talked on the car ride home and decided I wouldn't go to the camp with Kate and Madeline. I went to the camp on another week and it was an amazing camp. God really open my eyes there. I guess I'll end with a bittersweet comment. I branched off from those girls shortly afterwards. Kate and I have gotten reacquainted and it's really great to have one of my closest friends back. However, Madeline and I are as distant as ever and watching who she had become from afar, I'm kind of glad we're distant. Anyway, on that cheery note, have a great day and just keep dancing!!

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