《For-Getting You》Chapter 24. Back to You


I just can't stop pacing back and forth in my office, I spend my whole night thinking how I'm gonna apologize to her, if It would have been old me then there was no problem in saying sorry but now when my arrogance and ego are awefully stubborn in me then it's very hard for me to just say sorry,

I sigh,

"Can I come in Sir" Jack asks,


"The files you asked for sir" he said putting them on my table,

I gesture him to leave,

"So still you are thinking" Erik makes his way in my office, "Oh come on Adams when you didn't think twice in insulting her then why are you thinking for thousands times in saying sorry"

"Will you just shut up Erik, it's not that I don't want to its just what if she don't wanna see my face and if she hates me" I huff, I'm really scared for her reaction, I guess she'll not give me another chance,

"Isn't that you wanted?"

"You know Erik why I'm doing this and I still want her to hate me and to be as far as possible from me but as I have accused her for nothing so I just want to apologize" my voice is dripping with annoyance,

"Troy try your best to make her hate you, try your best to push her away" he stands in front of me pointing his finger at my heart "Deep down you also don't want it, you want her to be with you, you want her to love you and I know what's hurting you, you hurt her that's why you are acting like this but don't feel bad brother, doesn't matter how much you'll try to push her away and hate you but she would never hate you she just can't because she loves you more than anyone, I have seen it in her eyes the way she looks at you" I turn around to avoid him but he just don't stop "and I know you also love her"

"Erik" I said in threatening tone my eyes glaring at him, why he is saying it he know to well that I loved her but she is gone now that's why I hate love,

"I did see that night how desperate and worried you were just to find her you were lost to find her right all these things prove that you how much care for her, how much you love her, don't worry friend you both have true love in your hearts she'll herself come here back again to you" saying he leaves my room,

I don't want to accept it but I also want this I want her to just come here back in my life, "Troy why are you so fucking messed up" I murmured running my hand in my hairs.

I looked in mirror once again to check if every thing is good, I'm going back to his office, to say sorry for my behavior, and I would love it if he'll give me an complement or something so I choose an white floral crop top with light blue straight pants and an light blue blazer jacket on it, my hairs are down as he like them down.


I look at the watch "I'll be late" I grab my purse and an cup of coffee that I made for him,

Today the way to office seems longer than usual maybe because I'm too excited to meet him, I hope my excitement won't go in vain, what if he'll say he don't want to meet me, if he'll do it I'll be asking Erik to help he'll help me for sure,

"We have arrived miss" driver speaks,

"Thank you" I replied giving him the money,

"I can do this, I have to do this for him, for our love" I said to myself, I entered his building, keeping my head straight, many people looked at me must be thinking what I'm doing here again, well love bought me here,

Without speaking to anyone I made my way to elevator, no one asked me anything and they know I was is personal assistant so I must have came here to get my stuff,

I entered the elevator pressing his floor, the door opens with a ding and I come out of it.

"Keira! You are back" I turn around and Jack is standing in front of me,

"No I just came to talk to Mr. Adams" I smiled at him,

"I thought my beautiful senior is back, anyways how are you" He said leaning against the wall, "I'm missing you"

"Same here" I replied, "Is Mr. Adams here?"

"Yeah he is you can go and meet him" he replied,

"Thank you" saying I made my way towards his room,

Standing here reminds me of my very first day, the first time he saw me, I know that was not an perfect romantic first met but still it means so much to me, When I first came here I never thought that I'll be falling in love with my boss, I was so sure that I won't have any feelings for him ever in my life, I used to hate him.

But now I just can't imagine myself without him, I love him more than anything else, I have been in an relationship but I never felt anything in it, it always seemed like he was forcing his love and our relationship on me, but with Troy everything so different, though we have not reciprocate our feelings yet but still whenever he is around me all the things fades away, whenever he looks at me thousands of butterflies flies in my body starts flying, I want to spend my every moment with him, I want to bring him out from dark into bright light of love,

I knock at the door and he replied in tired voice "Come in"

I made my way in and he is looking out of the window as usual,

"Good Morning Sir" hearing my voice I saw his body tensed up and he quickly turns around, I smiled at him,


"Keira you came back" he approached me quickly, taking me into his arms,

I gasp in shock at his sudden hug, soon I relax in his arms, his smell is so intoxicating I just want this moment to never end I want to be spend my rest of the life with him here in his arms I close my eyes to feel it, I never thought that he'll take me in his arms, his arms holding me tight as if I'll disappear if he'll let go off me,

"You came back I thought you hate me and would never come to me" he speaks lightly his chin resting on my head.

I'm froze at his words there's so much pain in his voice, his heart beats sounds like an melancholy melody, his arms around me are holding me tightly, the way he comes to me and hugged me, I wasn't expecting that he'll be waiting for me to come,

Soon his arms let's go off me, I wish we could have stayed like that for more time, he steps back looking around sheepishly, he seems embarrassed by his act,

"I'm.. ahh.." he looks for words I have never seen him like this, nervous and out of words,

"Good Morning Mr. Adams" I think I should start with this,

"Actually I wanted to say something to you" we both said in unison, I giggle and his lips stretches in an smile for second,

"You say first" he speaks,

"No you first" I really want to know what he wanna talk about, maybe about his feelings, maybe about our kiss, thinking I bite on my lower lip,

"Alright I'll say first" he sighs "I.. am.. sorry" he speaks his eyes full of emotions,

What did I hear it right did he just apologized to me, did he just said sorry to me, and I was thinking that I'll apologize and say sorry for thinking so bad of him,

"I'm sorry for firing you like that I didn't give you an chance to explain, I didn't even listen anything what you said and you were saying truth and I thought that you are lying, not only I give you the punishment on someone else's crime but I also didn't believe you, please forgive me if you can" speaking every word he keeps on coming towards me, I keep going back until my back hits the door and he towers me, his eyes not leaving mine,

Because of his presence, because of his smell, because of the palpable sexual tension around us, because of him being close too close to me my mind is working slow, I don't understand what he is taking about,

"Won't you say anything" saying he leans closer, our faces inches apart, "I have found the real culprit who sold the designs I know you are innocent now please say something"

My eyes widen at his words he knows that who did it, he knows now that I'm innocent, "Who was he?"

"I don't right know but my team is working they'll find him real soon I know I said so many things to you but can you please forgive me" he asked with longing eyes,

"Yes" hearing my words his lips stretches in a smile, I have seen him smiling for the first time, it suits him he looks so beautiful while smiling, his face looks like an face of an angel, I hope that now this smile will never fade away from his lips, and I can do anything in your love Troy so forgiving you is a small thing.

"I thought you'll never forgive me" he asked slyly,

"It's alright I forgive you Mr. Adams and you are not the only one who should be saying sorry I also want to say sorry about thinking wrong about you that night" before I could complete my words he stops me by putting his finger on my lips, I stare into his eyes,

"You don't have to apologize but I need you to do one thing" I stare at him confused at his words "start working here again please"

He removes his finger from my lips, looking in my eyes waiting,

I gulp at his question, it's the best day I didn't expect that he'll say it,

"First I want to say sorry, I thought that you used me and took advantage of me but you are a true gentlemen you respects me, you cares about me, I can't imagine what would have happen if" he again interrupted me,

He cupped my face in his huge hands "I would never let anything happen to you I will always take care of you" he said his voice velvety and deep and his intense eyes not leaving mine.

"Yes" I said, I myself have no idea what my mind is saying yes to.. "I'll work here again and I forgive you"

Hearing my words he smiled and hugged me holding me tightly in his arms, I can't help it, it feels so good in his arms I close my eyes to savour this moment, I wish that now nothing will come between us, I just want to free him from all his pains and all the dark past that always pulls him in darkness, I will fill his life with light of my love..

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