《For-Getting You》Chapter 14. Suffered


I was shocked maybe he heard my hearts voice and he is really doing it he is apologising to me, he looks at me with an tender expression over his handsome face,

"I.. I.. " I have no idea what should I say

"Don't be embarrassed Ms. Peers it's not what you think" his expression back to usual the cold one, "You just sulk like a child,"

What he called me a child, well then he is my cruel uncle.

"Anybody can notice that you are upset, so Mrs. Rose gave this as she believes flowers can lighten up anybody's mood so take it, it's from her not from me"

Our eyes locked in each others, without protest I compile his words and take it from his hands, our fingers touch each other delicately, it feels like a current passes through my whole body,

"Thank You"

Without saying anything he hits the road again.

I'm waiting for Mary sitting in the restaurant nearby, she said that she is on her way, but I'm not feeling bored my mind is pretty occupied on who is Nancy?

And what bothers me is the fact that why does it bothers me, whoever she is I shouldn't care,

"I'm so sorry I'm a bit late" Mary comes and hugs me,

"It's alright"

"So what you'll eat, I'm famished" she states, after thinking for few minutes we ordered lasagna pasta, Mary told me they make delicious pastas.

"So how was your day?" She looks at me smiling,

"Ahh.. Great.." yeah apart from Mr. Arrogant's insulting me nothing went wrong,

"I heard that you came to office with Troy" she wiggles her eyebrows,

"Who told you this?"

"Well I have my sources" I stare at her "Kidding Lucy the receptionist told me she saw you both, well actually it's nice because this is for the first time Troy did this"

Oh really "I went to his house to deliver some files he asked for, then he told me he'll drop me so I agreed, Yeah at his house I saw an photograph" for some unknown reasons after listening the word photograph her face turned pale and worried, the waiter comes with our order,


"Which photo?" she asked in low voice,

"The photo of you three You, Erik and Mr. Arro.. I mean Adams, you three were looking very nice, you were looking pretty as always, Erik was also looking nice with his pimples" she giggles at my remark "And Mr. Adams looked so happy, he was looking like another person all smiles"

"He was just like that always happy and smiling" she have an hint of sadness in her voice.

"Was?" I asked,

"Yeah was and now" she let out an sigh.

"Why he is not like that anymore?"

"Sometimes we don't choose how we should live but others do and others can't choose good for you" she drinks water,

"That picture was taken somewhere else?" she look sad its better to change the subject.

"Yeah we used live in Anchorage, then we came here and after doing hard work Troy build his empire, he is very nice guy, I think that's why he suffered"

He suffered, "Do you know who is Nancy?"

"No" she shake her head,

"I do" I look up and Erik is standing in front of me,

"Hey love" Mary greets him with a peck on his cheek, Erik have his seat right next to her.

"How do you know about Nancy?" he ask, "Well firstly Thank You so much Keira for giving him those files you are really very helping"

"No need Erik it's my job" Erik is so sweet always easy to talk I have no idea how he is the best friend of the most rudest soul.

"I hope he didn't say something bad to you because of me" he took a bite from Mary's plate,

"He was pissed but I managed to calm him down" though it's not possible for him to calm down.

"How did you calm him down I hope you didn't give him a kiss for that" Mary teases me.


Her words reminds me of our awkward situation, where he was just about to kiss me and I was also ready for it.

"You are blushing" she exclaimed,

She is not lying my cheeks were pink, his effect on me is like increasing everyday.

"Stop teasing her love" Erik my saviour, I wonder if he is my brother who was lost long ago, just kidding I don't have any long lost brother and Erik is also not my brother, though he always acts like an protective brother,

"So how do you know about Nancy?" he continued,

"I.. I.. heard it on our way back Mr. Arr.. Adams was meeting an women they were talking about her" I took a sip in water,

"That must be her mother" he said under his breath.

"Who is she? Tell me" I'm curious,

Mary also looks at him with questioning eyes,

"I will but promise me you won't tell anyone" we nod like kids, "Nancy is an seven year old girl, five months ago Troy and I were coming back from airport and on our way back we found that girl lying on street with her mother right next to her crying, Troy looked into the matter and found out that an guy with speeding car hit her and ran away while she was playing, her mother didn't see the car's number, the leg of girl was critically injured, so Troy took her to hospital and from that day he is providing them help to cure her broken leg, Nancy loves him a lot"

"How's Nancy now?" I'm really worried for her and I feel bad for thinking wrong about him.

"She is fine doctors say soon she'll start walking on her feet again" they smiles,

"Did you find the guy behind that?" I wanna know who can be so heartless to first hit an innocent girl and then to flew away.

"Yes we did but I can't tell you his name" he raised his hands in surrender,

"If he do such good works then why don't he show media?" then at least people will stop saying nonsense about him.

"He believes that he don't have to proof anything to anyone" she wipes her lips that have a bit of sauce on them,

"And he don't care what others think of him" he clears "and helping is in doing it not showing it off"

I was listening to my favorite songs on repeat, staring at the ceiling of my room, I turn around but I was restless, Today I learnt so many things about him, like he is not that bad as I thought him to be maybe I misunderstood him, I thought that he is heartless and don't have feelings but he is not, the way he cares about others even the people he don't even know, isn't is quite enough that proof that he is an nice guy who is caring.

Erik was right people do good works like charities and stuff to show off how great they are and to clean their images but Troy he don't show off his greatness, he don't care that people throw dirt over his name, he love everyone I wonder why he hates me.

And the second thing which I found is that he was not like this before he was happy once, he used to smile, he used to talk, but now he seem all like a different person, I think someone have made him like this but who?

But I'm gonna find who did it? And I will make him smile again the person who makes everybody happy deserves to be happy.

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