《Daman's Quest》Epilogue


"I'm getting too old for this," said Ikbal completely breathless to no one in particular as he took a seat on the bench that was set on the beautiful beach of Bahrain. The sun shone exquisitely and Ikbal gulped down some of the ice cold water that he had brought with him before setting the bottle back down on the bench.

The duke's lifelong assistant grabbed the sun screen from his backpack and stared at the bottle with resign thinking about the impossible task to come. Mustering up the encourage to get on with the sunscreen task, Ikbal was about to stand up however he was met with the bottle of water being poured down on his head and effectively ruining his linen shirt.

"Prince Malik!" shrieked out Ikbal for the umpteenth time that day completely worn out with 4 year old's tactics lately. "That's it! I'm telling your mother about you," Ikbal cried out as if he was he was a little boy himself. "And let me rub on your sunscreen before I get in trouble! You're father needs to give me a huge bonus because you're a walking hazard!"

All Ikbal got in return was the little prince sticking out his tongue and running along the sand dunes daring Ikbal to try and keep up with him which wouldn't be that difficult considering that Malik was a very fat four year old who waddled when he ran.

"Malik!" Ikbal yelled again as he stared at the chubby boy whom he loved to bits. A smile broke out on Ikbal's face thinking about what a handsome boy he'd be in his twenties and that he'd be trouble on legs.

Drying of as quick as he could, Ikbal went after the little prince who happily galloped along the sand and chased the water every minute or two.

* * *

Hera pulled up her panties and pulled down her dress while Daman fixed his zipper and neatened his hair as they both made their way to the hotel restaurant. It was their 5th wedding anniversary tomorrow and a holiday in Bahrain where it all started sounded perfect. Daman was contemplating buying a holiday home there because it was a special place for them.

"That was so good," breathed out Hera satisfied after their quickie in the elevator. Daman found it fascinating that she was screaming his name in the lift and pulling on his hair with her legs quivering merely 2 minutes ago and now she walked as poised as ever through the hotel lobby looking so radiant and beautiful.

"What? My lipstick smeared?" Hera asked curious and looked at the mirror on the wall when she saw Daman stare at her intently.

"No, my qiTa. You're just too beautiful," Daman said honestly and admired his wife some more. He loved the way her legs showed off in the red cocktail and dress and thoroughly enjoyed her wearing those heels that matched. Especially when it was wrapped around him a few minutes ago. Hera always felt beautiful with Daman and loved him even more when he didn't mind that she had gained a couple more kilos after pregnancy or a pooch belly, rather Daman just said he had more to enjoy.

"I'm ravenous!" Hera said excitedly and opted to order everything on the menu.

After the events that fateful night with the Princess of Ajmal, Daman and Hera had only gotten stronger together. Out of the 5 shots that rang out, 2 pierced Amaani in the head causing her life to end within 2 minutes. As gnarly as it was, the sass in Hera couldn't help but say good riddance.


Meanwhile, Daman still had flashbacks every once in a while about Hera laying there so still. Her fall caused her to get a nasty concussion that caused some internal bleeding hence she had blacked out. The stab wound that the duke had was merely a deep flesh wound for which he was grateful.

7 months later and they were blessed with a very fat and healthy Malik. Daman truly felt blessed then and when Malik was 6 months old and settling into a routine, Hera had finally agreed to take on her duchess duties fulltime.

The nation loved her and welcomed her. Hera had become a new role model for the public, taking stances for women in the country and ensuring that women's rights were prioritized. It was her forte for which she was happy. She finally had the opportunity to truly practice her trade of being a lawyer in a way that fulfilled her.

The duke thanked god ever day for giving him Hera. Not only was she an amazing wife and mother, but as a partner in maintaining the country she was the support he needed. Things didn't come easily to him taking on his grandmother's duties after her passing but with Hera by his side it was a hell lot more bearable. She'd never complained about the way he acted when he was stressed or anxious, or when he was hardly home during the busy months. Instead, she's task herself to make life easier for him.

Hera and Daman made small talk while they waited for their food when her phoned rang out a notification.

Happy Anniversary my darling! Coming to the islands to see my grandson soon for his birthday.


Hera had maintained the relationship with Youssef and still called him dad. She'd realised that a blood relation was not needed and despite him being her step father, he was the man that stepped up and took care of her for all of her childhood. She couldn't say the same for her step-siblings though. After word got out that Hera wasn't their real sister, nobody actively sought her out except fort the younger ones. In all honestly, she couldn't care less about her older siblings. Besides, who needed them when she now had a whole nation as her family.

Youssef only had good intentions for Hera and after a lot of reflection, she called him to meet his grandson after she'd given birth. Malik was by far Youssef's favorite grandchild constantly being spoilt rotten by him. Youssef just couldn't get over the fact that Malik was a mini him. A troublemaker in the cutest of ways. Soon it would be Malik's birthday and Hera only shook her head at the extravagant party his godmother- Tina- was planning. Invites were sent out to save the date and Adam had completely disappeared of the grid not even telling Daman where he had gone.

Evangeline was another chapter closed after 2 years and again, Youssef was single, divorced and on the market smiling all ready to mingle.

As for Ruwayda, Hera let it be. Their relationship was always strained and it continued to be so. It was nothing more or nothing less.

* * *

"Not now Daman, I'm tired!" Hera said as she swatted his hand away when it made it's way to her ass. It was literally midnight when the duke started peppering kisses all on her face but Hera was way too tired and sore for good reason though. She giggled softly as he started blowing against her skin and playfully bit her cheek causing her to laugh.


"Happy anniversary, my qiTa. 5 years done, a lifetime to go." Hera grabbed Daman's face and placed her lips on his, kissing him ferociously yet tenderly giving him all her love.

"Happy anniversary, Daman. I love you and I can't believe time has flown so fast." Daman kissed her once again and hopped out of bed when he switched on the light to the room in the chalet.

He walked over to the safe and pulled out a medium sized box. "What's that?" Hera perked up and asked as he walked towards her. Daman gestured for her hand which she gladly held out and he pulled me her up out of bed.

"Come, let's go outside under the stars," he smiled at his pretty wife. Hera went along with him and they sat close to each other outside on the patio deck. Hera gave Daman a cheeky smile and tried to grab the box from him but he was too quick for her as he chuckled and held it up high.

"Eager much?" he laughed out softly.

"Yes! Show me," again Hera tried to reach up for it. Instead, Daman grabbed face and kissed her so deeply, pouring his love out for her in that one simple action.

"I love you and our son more than anything in this world," he whispered as he ushered Hera to sit on his lap.

He opened the box and inside was the most gorgeous tennis bracelet Hera had ever seen. Even in the midst of the dark, it gleamed so bright. The diamonds sparkled and twinkled thanks to the moonlight. "Wow," Hera muttered in awe and Daman gently put it on her left wrist carefully. It matched Hera's wedding band perfectly.

"It's nothing extravagant, but I was drawn to it when I saw it and I knew that it was meant for you." Hera kissed him once again thanking the universe for blessing her with such a wonderful man. Despite the rough parts of their relationship, she didn't regret having him with her one bit. The most perfectly imperfect, generous and kind husband and father. "Thank you and I love you more than you could ever even fathom. It's so perfect," Hera whispered and admired it even more all choked up on her emotions.

"But from now on, whatever you buy me, you have to get mini versions made of everything," Hera used the opportunity to insert that little bit in there. She glanced up at her husband and waited for him to put the pieces together.

Daman being the attentive husband that he is finally settled on a conclusion. "That's why you're so damn hungry all the time and vomit when you smell my aftershave."

"You noticed?" Hera asked surprised.

"You wouldn't even kiss me in the morning anymore, Hera," Daman said flatly but relieved knowing that it wasn't his fault that she couldn't stand him in the morning.

"Thank you," he said again softly caressing her little round belly lovingly. A family with Hera was a dream come true for him. They had been actively trying again for another baby hoping to be blessed again. This time around, it was slightly more difficult with Hera's pcos but not impossible.

"Mehr," Daman said out loud with his hand still on Hera's belly. "Princess Mehr," he voiced out again saying the name they had picked out for a girl if they ever had one and right now Daman's intuition as well as Hera's was telling them that it was definitely going to be a girl. "Mehr, Princess of Doulah," Hera completed for him.

Both the duke and duchess started to act like teenage lovers for a few minutes as they sat on the deck. Touching everything everywhere, giggling, nipping, biting and kissing until they heard soft pitter-patters coming towards them. It stopped suddenly and Hera and Daman turned around knowing that Malik was somewhere close by. He was a charming child who was super playful. Daman knew that he'd have his work cut out for him when Malik got older.

Malik tried to hide for some reason but Hera giggled when his belly stuck out from behind the pole which wasn't enough to hide him. He was a very chubby boy. "Malik?" Hera called out softly and lovingly.

"Mummy..." came out a soft cry. Hera removed herself from Daman's lap and sat next to him turning to face their son who was walking towards them. She held out my arms gesturing for her son to come to her.

"What's wrong my little prince?" Hera gently cooed as she brushed his hair away from his forehead. The prince snuggled into his mother and mumbled a few inaudible words. Malik was a splitting image of his Daman. He did not resemble Hera at all except for the curly hair. He had everything of his fathers – Daman's dark brown hair and mesmerising hazel eyes. They were practically twins.

"What's up, champ? A bit late for you to be up yes?" asked Daman as he tenderly placed the hood of Malik's onesie on his head since it was a little chilly. Much to Hera's surprise, Daman was a really overprotective father. She could only imagine how much worse he is going to be when Mehr came into the world. Hera could tell that her son had been crying since his cheeks were rosy and his eyes red with the dried up tears.

Malikl looked up at his dad with the admiration he always had for Daman. The father and son were honestly best friends. "I can't sleep, Dad," he said as he wiggled out of Hera's arms after having enough of a snuggle and made his way into Daman's arms who held him with ease as he blew raspberries into his neck. Malik let out a hearty laugh before settling himself.

"Why can't you sleep?" Hera asked with her motherly affection and caressed his head when he looked at ground. " I just can't. I promise I'm really trying but I can't. I know it's past bed time." Hera guessed that Malik was simply having a bad night. Daman looked at Hera with a smile indicating that he understood. Everyone had these days once in a while.

"Tell you what, how about we get some warm milk with honey and just for tonight we can watch an episode of Ben 10 until you feel tired again? Or would you prefer to cuddle with your Mummy instead?" Daman lovingly asked and kissed his cheeks. Malik looked at the ground intently contemplating which would be the better option.

"Can I have both please, Daddy?" he asked innocently with a tiny grin as his double chin gathered up. Malik held out his hands towards Hera indicating that she should carry him inside which she gladly did.

Hera kissed his cheeks before standing up with him in her arms. "Got your Daddy wrapped around your finger, don't you little man?" Malik rested his head on her shoulder letting out a light giggle. "You too, Mummy!"

* * *

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