《Daman's Quest》Chapter 6


Hera was seated at the hotel bar enjoying a cosmopolitan while watching the hotel guests. It was rather fascinating simply observing the people around her. Looking at everyone made her realise that everyone is exactly the same. Wafting through the up's and down's of life pretending to know what's going on when in reality people knew fuck all.

It was supposed to be Youssef and Evangeline's bachelor and bachelorette party respectively however the couple had decided against it. Youssef has had his fair share of stag weekends in his lifetime and for him, the notion of over-drinking and strippers were getting dull.

Hera was also pleasantly surprised to find that Evangeline was actually 40 years old and previously married. The lady didn't look a day over 30. Granted that Evangeline was merely 5 years older than Dina but perhaps this marriage would last for Youssef. Hera was beginning to see hope for her father.

He treated Evangeline well, more so than he had done the other wives and Hera was optimistic that they wouldn't let their 17 year age-gap hinder their relationship. Maybe Youssef has finally found the one.

The couple had therefore settled for a pre-wedding party. It was to be set on a custom cruise liner that was part of the resort. Hera had chosen a gorgeous royal blue dress that did wonders for her curvy figure and hid her belly fat that she was so insecure about. She opted to tie her hair in a low bun since the curls were frizzy due to the humidity.

Downing the last of her cosmo and getting ready to leave for the cruise liner, her phoned signaled a message.

Hera was once again going to block the unknown number and delete the message but as she read it, she smiled. Hera knew by the flirty tone it was none other than the duke. She quickly saved his number and waited for his reply.

-I just got out of the shower. Do you want to come up to help me dry off? 💦🔞🥰


-How did you get my number?

-Daniyal would give up anything for some Turkish delights.

-LOL, off course he would. It's our favorite 🤤 but you couldn't just ask me?

-I truly had no hope of asking and receiving when you took so long to tell me your name last night.

-After sharing my sob story, maybe you had more luck than you anticipated...

- Ah, my charm is working I see.

-You're still not ready? You're going to be late. The last coach leaves in 6 minutes.

-Wait for me. We'll drive together.

-Sorry, no can do. I'm already on the coach.

-I know you're at the bar in that gorgeous dress. I'll be down shortly.

With that, Daman went offline and left Hera wondering how he knew that. Was someone watching her on his behalf?

Nevertheless she waited for the duke to come down and when he did, she was momentarily shocked at how attractive he was. Daman was exactly Hera's type - big, buff, hairy, strong and dominant. Everything she loved in a man.

"I matched my tie to your dress. Goes well, yes?" Daman gestured to his royal blue tie that was the exact same shade as Hera's dress. His hair was gelled back neatly and he looked dashing in his black suit.

Hera smiled at him. "It's perfect."

Soon they both were off to the docks and Daman chose to drive them himself. Hera was having the ride of her life and she laughed away when she told Daman to step up on the gas of his rented Bugatti Chiron. Daman was pleased to know that Hera was one for thrills. She seemed to be ticking all of his boxes and creating even more that he didn't know he had.

They both entered the venue together to see that the party was in full swing and everybody already enjoying themselves.

Daman pulled two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter and handed a glass to Hera.

"You know, I never asked you but how come you are invited to this wedding?"


"You dad and I have been working closely for the past 3 years. Business associates if you will."

"What is it that you exactly do?"

Daman looked at Hera to see her waiting intently for his answer. He was glad that she was interested in him.

"I deal with air freight and shipping. There are 5 islands that make up the Doulah regions. Apart from the mainland and a few other inhabited islands, the rest serve to be excellent shipping ports and storage ports for the world. Imports and exports are my expertise apart from my Dukedom duties."

Hera was impressed with this man. She's had thought that he'd mostly dabble in the national work and charities of his country seeing that he held the tittle of the duke but instead he was a shipping magnate. Could he get any better?

Suddenly the music in the room turned up and the men had started to make their way to the dancefloor.

"Shall you join us in doing the Dabke?" asked Anwar to Daman with Aazad and Almas walking to the centre.

Daman let out a flashy grin and nodded at him.

"It's barely been 48 hours since we've met and you already get to see me dance," Daman winked at Hera and situated himself between Aijaz and Almas in the stage holding hands and strumming their feet to the beat waiting for the leader to signal.

"We learnt this dance last night with Anwar and I forgot how it starts," voiced out Aijaz to Daman in confusion. Daman chuckled at the young man and reminded him of the line dance following the circular motions.

The Dabke was a Levantine folk dance that had become very popular amongst the middle eastern countries. The men got together, interlocked their hands and then proceeded to stomp and tap their feet in a rhythm. It was performed on momentous occasions and parties.

The leader of tonight's Dabke and was heading the line was Hera's oldest brother Anwar. Even though Hera's family had no middle eastern roots, Anwar had lived for a good portion of his life in the middle east along with Farrah growing their business. He had attended many functions that he was basically a pro at the folk dances.

The men danced away thereafter branching of into dance duels one after another. The females in the room were practically intoxicated from the amount of testosterone these men exuded and Hera was no exception to that.

It was Daman's turn to go in the middle and he was against Anwar himself.

This ought to be good thought Hera and went closer to the circle to cheer on her brother and the Duke.

Anwar had started of strong in his moves but Daman being taught this dance since birth was obviously the one for the win.

Hera's smile reached ear to ear when the duke looked at her throughout his performance. He didn't bother to hide his smirk. Daman wanted Hera to see him, to notice him and to be in awe of him. He danced hard, showing off his capabilities. Women were infinite, all over the hall yet he desired to impress Hera only.

Youssef went up against Daniyal and the father son duo hardly knew how to coordinate their feet and hand movement. They had certainly made a mess of the choreography yet it was the most authentic interaction all night. Daniyal happily danced with his father while the crowd smiled adoringly at them.

Daman then reappeared at Hera's side and snaked his arm around her waist. The energy on the room was vibrant and Hera gushed out at him, "You were so good! That was amazing." She laughed as she complimented the duke who was very happy to hear her say those statements about him.

Dabke is a Levantine folk dance. Dabke combines circle dance and line dancing and is widely performed at weddings and other joyous occasions.

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