《Switch Up》Chapter 21


Blair and Ryder left the closet and I stared at them, watching as they smiled at each other before going their separate ways. At that, I found my heart sinking. I had no idea why, but the sight of them together left me with an unpleasant feeling. Wishing that feeling would disappear, I decided to go next for the game.

"Okay, so the two lovebirds are back," Todd said, winking at Blair who began to blush. "Who wants to go next?"

I raised my hand, hoping to look shy. Todd smiled at me and walked over.

"Wow, the twins are bold," Todd said, holding the hat out.

I shoved my hand in the hat, growing excited at the thought of going into the closet with Carter. Searching for his watch, I soon found it and pulled it out of the hat. Forcing myself not to smile, I pretended to wonder who it belonged to.

"Who's watch is that?" Todd asked.

"It's mine," Carter said immediately, smiling.

He looked over at me and grinned. I couldn't help but smile back because his smile was contagious. He had one of those smiles that could brighten up anyone's day.

Eager to be able to finally touch him, I shot up from my spot. Walking over to him, I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the closet. I knew I wasn't acting like Blair, but I was too excited to care.

"Damn Blair, you're an eager one," Todd joked, causing others to laugh.

I knew Blair would hate me after that, but I chose to forget about it as I shut the closet door. The room was dark and I could barely see Carter. Neither of us spoke for a moment, which left my heart racing. I was beginning to feel nervous because I had no idea what I would do to initiate anything.


"Who would've thought that the two of us would end up in the closet," Carter said, smiling. "It's fate."

I couldn't resist after those words. Putting my hands on his cheeks, I pulled him to me and kissed him. As passionately as I had always imagined I would, I kissed him and smiled when he kissed me back. Three year of waiting to kiss him was worth it. Carter was an incredible kisser.

We kept kissing for a moment and I told myelf to thank Blair for the rest of my life. She was a genius. Her plan was perfect. Carter was perfect and I was incredibly happy.

Carter pulled away and suddenly, his lips were on my neck. I gasped from that, caught off guard as he planted kisses around my neck. He did it so delicately that I found myself sighing lightly, but then he suddenly pulled away after leaving a kiss at the back of my neck. When I looked at his face, my heart dropped when I saw that he was frowning.

"You're not Blair," Carter suddenly said, leaving my heart stopping.

I stared at him, wide-eyed, stunned. Speechless, I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe he had caught on. I didn't know how he did, but I was too scared to deny it.

"What's going on?" Carter asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why are you pretending to be Blair?"

I didn't know what to say. I should be denying everything, but Carter seemed so sure of himself. There was no way I could convince him I was Blair, so I decided to ask what I was wondering.

"How did you figure it out?" I asked.

"Answer me first," he said. "Why are you pretending to be Blair?"


I didn't know what compelled me, but I decided to be honest. With Carter finding out that I was pretending to be Blair, I had nothing to lose. I just had to confess how I felt and hope for the best.

"I'm pretending to be Blair because I like you," I said, leaving Carter shocked. "I wanted to get close to you, so I started pretending to be Blair because you only pay attention to her."

Carter blinked, seeming stunned. I found myself blushing because Carter didn't seem happy by my words. There was no hint that he requited my feelings, which left my heart breaking immediately.

"Whoa, really?" Carter asked, his eyes softening. "I'm flattered Claire, but... I already like Blair. I'm sorry."

Even though I knew that, I felt my heart shatter. I looked down, hoping he wouldn't notice that I was tearing up. I felt pathetic and wishing to get out of the closet, I decided to change the subject.

"So, how did you know I was Blair?" I asked.

"You don't have Blair's scar at the back of your neck," Carter said. "That's what gave it away. All this time I thought you were Blair."

Frowning at that, I looked back up at Carter. No one knew about Blair's scar. It was at the back of her neck, usually covered by her hair, so no one knew about it except for my family. Maybe it had shown accidentally, but I still wondered how Carter knew about it. Especially with by his lips.

"You know what's weird," Carter suddenly said. "You would think identical twins would kiss alike since they have the same lips, but your kiss felt different than the kisses Blair and I have shared."

His words left me stricken. Once again my eyes grew wide and this time, my mouth felt dry. From his words that were so nonchalant but honest, I found my heart dropping. A part of me felt like I was hearing things, but he had said what he said clearly.

"What?" I asked, stunned.

Carter frowned when he noticed how stunned I looked. But, he didn't deny anything. He never said anything to make me realize I had been dreaming, which left me wanting to drop to my knees and scream. I couldn't believe it. Behind my back, my sister was kissing the guy I had a crush on. She was the reason why Carter didn't like me.

Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door and I realized it was time for us to leave the closet. Still stunned, I walked out of it with Carter and we made our seperate ways. But instead of going back to my spot, I found myself running to the washroom.

I felt sick and hurt and everything in between. I couldn't believe Blair would do that to me. A part of me still hoped that I was either dreaming or Carter was lying, which was why I decided not to hate Blair yet. But even then, deep down, I knew that I knew nothing about Blair. There was a huge possibility that she hated me enough to do that to me.

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