《Westwood School》Truth or dare?


Honestly, the rest of the week was fairly uneventful. I got used to the actual schedule of a boarding school, But I don't think I'll ever get used to the absolute bullshit that goes down here.

First of all: Just how fucking wealthy these people are. I shit you not, I overheard people arguing over what private planes to buy. AND I overheard people planning their dates with literal European aristocracy. What the actual hell?

Second of all: My boys are hella popular. Like, do you know how many times I've been approached and asked intimate details about the boys? Here are some of my favorites: "Like, how do you take them all at once?" "Is it true that Rowen has a suitcase of money under his bed?" "Are you their plug?" "Are Laurent's pajamas truly leather?" among others. The amount of times someone has asked or insinuated I was a sex worker is innumerable, but, I am not offended, sex work is real work. Let's destigmatize that shit.

Anyway, Thursday rolled around and I had almost forgotten about the plans to sneak up to the boy's room. But honestly, I was mostly excited to mission impossible this shit.

I finished up my last piece of homework when India burst in, Givenchy hoodie pulled up and holding a heavy-looking backpack in her arms.

"Uhhh... India?"

"Shhhhh I come bearing gifts!" She said as she held up the bags. I laughed and rolled my eyes, but scrambled out of bed to look at what was in it. It was like 30 red bulls and multiple bottles of vodka. Well... that's one way to start the weekend.

"Feel free to take a bottle up with you tonight, and you'll need some Redbull," She winked at me, "and before you say it, you're welcome love."

India agreed to stay up with me and help me sneak out to the boy's floor. Apparently the RA on that floor was Matteo's wild older brother, and if he caught me he'd only high five me. But, she told me I should be aware that he'd try to get me to his dorm. There were motion censored lights, but if you got caught in the girl's hallway, say you're going/coming back from the bathroom. The only place you have to be super careful is the stairwell.


She explained all this, while we decided on an outfit for the evening. I just wanted to wear my clothes that day, but she said I had to wear pajamas resembling clothing if I got caught. She really had this all thought out, and I didn't know If I should be proud or pray to God my parents don't find out.

I ended up putting on a pair of leggings and sweatshirt, (keeping a bra on, no way in hell I'm doing into a din of devils braless). I drank a Redbull and stuffed another and a bottle of vodka under my hoodie. Lord, if my parents could see me now.

Right before midnight, I nervously stuck my head out the doorway, took a deep breath, and quickly talked up the stairs, making my footsteps as light as possible. Once I was on the boy's floor, I relaxed. I passed a girl with lipstick all over her face carrying her bra in one hand. We high fived as we passed. Honestly, this school is on some shit.

I found my way to Matteo's room and knocked quietly on it. Rowen opened the door and looked up and down at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, pushed past him and walked into the room. He closed the door behind me.

"The boys are already upstairs, I'll help you up," He whispered. I simply nodded back to him. He grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me through the little hole in the wall.

"Hey y'all," I said as I looked around the room. Rowen climbed in behind me and closed the trap door. "I brought a present," I pulled out the vodka and rolled it to Caspian, who didn't hesitate to crack open and take a swig out of it, despite the fact they were all visibly drunk when I arrived. Except for Rowen, he seemed almost completely sober.

"I like this girl," Matteo said, eyeing me up and down.

I rolled my eyes, "ok what did y'all bring me here for," I said, sitting down on a pillow on the floor.

"We gotta know if you can be part of the band, so... truth or dare?" Caspian said with an evil smile.

"Are you serious?" I asked, rolling my eyes at him. How old are we, 12?


"Just answer," Rowen said, seeming annoyed as he is.

"Dare, obviously." I crossed my arms and met Caspian's gaze, challenging him.

"Take a big sip of this," Laurent said, rolling the Vodka to me. I did as he said, without hesitating.

"Truth or dare," Caspian said again.

"Huh? The wait isn't it my turn to ask that?" I said, confused once more.

"Nope, you're the one who has to do all the dares and truths," He said deviously. Great, this is gonna be horrible, why do we always play party games.

"But if you're ever super uncomfortable, just tell us," Rowen added, throwing a glare at Caspian.

"Ok, dare again," I stated.

"I dare you to... take off your sweatshirt?" Laurent said semi innocently. I hesitated but did it anyway. I wasn't wearing a shirt under it, which I had a feeling Laurent expected me to. I was sitting there In a mauve colored lace bralette and my leggings.

Caspian wolf-whistled, Rowen kicked him and I rolled my eyes.

"Truth or dare?" Caspian asked again, evil in his eyes.

"Dare, obviously."

"I dare you to kiss Rowen."

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I pushed down any hesitation I had and I stood up and walked up to Rowen, who seemed even more caught off guard than I was.

"Nola, you don't have to-" he started but I cut him off.

"Oh shut up." And then I kissed him, deeply. And OH MY GOD HE KISSED ME BACK. It was a passionate, heart dropping, world stopping kiss like none I'd ever had before, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me, deepening the kiss. Then, I pulled away, obviously blushing. The boys clapped, proudly but Rowen just told them to shut up. I laughed and sat back down.

"Don't make it boring, have some truths in there too," He said deviously.

"Ok, truth," I said, trying to appease Caspian.

"Body count?" Matteo asked, leaning in.

I felt my face start to flush, "Well... none." I said quietly, looking around the room, "I mean I get it, how? It's not like I never wanted to but... all my relationships I had never really gone that far. I mean, freshman year I had my first kiss, and sophomore year I hooked up with like 5 people but never that far. I mean articles of clothing came off, but never... ya know?" I explained looking down in my lap.

It was silent for a minute.

"Aight, moving on, truth or dare?" Rowen asked, his green eyes boring into mine.

"Ummm... truth." I said firmly.

"Who is the sexiest person in the room?" Caspian asked before anyone could say anything else.

I rolled my eyes at the obviously baited question, "I mean, it's obvious isn't it?" I said, watching the boy's eyes all light up eagerly, "Me."

The boys all laughed and the game sort of ended there. We chatted a bit and I opened up another red bull, knowing it was only 1:00 and the night was not over yet.

"Red bull?" Rowen said, looking at me oddly and sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, I used to never drink it but, I am-or was, a cheerleader at my school, and we run on this shit." I said laughing, "last year, right before the homecoming pep rally, I chugged 3 red bulls and puked. I learned my lesson, it will never happen again."

Rowen laughed at this, and his laughs filled my ears, it was one of the most beautiful sounds I had ever heard.

"Nola, about earlier I-" He started.

"It was a dare, trust me, I know you're not interested in me like that," I mean... I can only wish.

He solemnly nodded at that.

"OK bedtime!" Laurent announced as he and Matteo climbed down the hole.

"I'll stay up here tonight, you guys go ahead," I offered.

"If you're staying, I'm staying," Caspian announced.

"Ok well if you're staying, then I'm staying," Rowen said, glaring at Caspain. I laughed and made myself a place to sleep on the floor. Caspian took the coach and Rowen slept on the floor as well, a safe distance from me.

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