《The Villainess will rule the world》Birthday party part 3


After receiving gifts from my family I went to prepare myself to see the guests and give a speech.

Father gave a short speech about my social debut and birthday.One can easily know..father dotes on me a lot!!! from his speech.

Then father called for me and I entered the stage...I bowed towards the guests and welcomed them through the speech.I was nervous but still managed to give a decent speech.

Everyone is looking at me in awe and admiration.

I saw the king and queen from the stage and Prince Philips.I bowed towards them elegantly and they nodded with a smile on their face.

The party is going pretty smoothly.The prince is really handsome I must admit.Blonde hair that shines brightly under the sun with gold strands...Eyes that sparkle like jewels in the sea and a warm smile on his face.No wonder girls fall for him.

While I was staring at him...He looked back at me.OMG....we made an eye contact!! He smiled looking at me but I know its not a genuine one.Its his signature smile that he shows to literally everyone.Must be hard being a prince.

Then I was getting bored so I went to the garden for a while.Its my own garden,each and every flowers have been planted by me.It makes me feel at ease.I breathe deeply closing my eyes...such a nice fragrance.I've calmed down.I was in a lot of stress since I'm going to meet almost all of the capture targets but how long should I stay cautious each and every second fearing death.Death is inevitable.I've died once already...Should I live another life constantly living in fear??

As I was deeply in thought....



I hear some noises....Is someone there......?

I went forward and passed the bushes to see a handsome boy around my age or it seemed so at that time.....

Black hair like the night sky that looks so shiny amd fluffy.Since he was lying down it has become a little messy...makes me want to fix it..nevermind.

His eyes are red like blood.He has a sharp gaze that can charm and intimidate anyone at the same time.He looks smart and yet caring.

Who is he? I don't think I've seen him in the game...Is he a capture target as well??I don't remember anything about him....

He has such a strong aura.

The boy is staring so hard at me..I flinch.After calming down,I introduce myself...

"Hello,I'm Belle Windsor.The host of today's party.May I know your name?"


Okay so is he ignoring me on purpose??? I'm losing my patience here...

"You're not normal."

And thats the first thing that comes out of his mouth.Seriously this boy....!!!

Before I try to say something..he gets up.He is leaving....HE IS LEAVING??!?! How rude!!!This guy is going to get some today...I-

"I'm Edward Cullen.You can call me Edward." He said with a smirk on his face.

"We'll meet again soon.Ohh and Happy birthday, Belle!!." he said before vanishing into thin air.

Seriously what is he...Weirdo.But why am I blushing?!?


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