《Spoilers : The Abandonned Empress》Spoilers : Tia's dilemma


As Tia carries on refusing their marriage, Ruve says he doesn't need any heir if he can have her. He vows he will only have her for his lover and his wife. Of course, this is outrageous and Tia cannot accepts such a sacrifice that endangers Ruve and the empire.

OK, next sweet scene between Tia and Ruve is when she sees him smiling while holding someone's child (princess of Lua's? --> the princess and Sein's brother got married and even have a son). She remembers their lost child and her heart breaks and she cries. She imagines herself happy with Ruve and their child.

When Ruve finds her he quickly goes to her and when he sees her crying, he takes her in his arms and tells her to cry without minding the etiquette. She does for a long time. When she calms down, she realises Ruve holds get tightly and she withdraws quickly. Then Ruve asks "Do you want a child?" No answer. He carries on "I don't like children very much, but I want to have children with you. Beautiful and intelligent children like you. But Aristia... It doesn't matter if you can't have children. I don't need a child if I can be with you so... " Then Aristia cuts him by bowing down and quickly excuses herself before escaping. And among Tia's thoughts there is this one : Which woman wouldn't shake when the man she loves wants her so much? Can I really grab your hand?

Tia receives a letter from Ruve but doesn't have the time to read it, he's already at her door! He asks her out so she rushes to dress and he takes her outside to a beautiful scenery where no one recognise them. He says he wanted them to be out of the constraints of the palace and for her to really see his true self. He asks her if she thought about what he wrote to her. She tried to answer that she couldn't read it yet. But he says in a hurry "Don't answer now, just think about it." Then he lightly kisses her on the lips. So quickly that Tia couldn't react. But he comes again slowly to kiss her again, seeking acceptance. And she hugs his neck and closes her eyes, kissing him back.

Then he won't let go of her hand, even in the carriage. And when it's time to send her off, Ruve kisses her hand and wishes her sweet dreams as she runs away. Tia can't sleep, she's like in a dream state, she remembers every wonderful sensations and her heart is pounding. Then she remembers the letter and opens it.


Ruve tells her that he really doesn't want to see her cry by herself like that ever again, and if by any chance she's holding back because she fears she can't give him a child, he begs her to forget about the succession and reconsider his hand. Because he doesn't need an heir. It's not a fleeting thought, he's serious about this. He took his decision and will not have a heir of his blood if she can't give him one.

This shouldn't be said, and shouldn't be accepted. But Tia is extremely happy that Ruve, so rational, would say and make something so dangerous just for her. She blushes. This is the moment when she realises that Ruve truly loves her. She promises herself she will reject his offer, but just for tonight she will rejoice and cry of pure happiness. End of chapter.

The day after, Ruve asks Tia to have a walk under the rain (Tia loves the rain) and they go to see the tree under the same umbrella. Ruve grabs Tia by her shoulder so that she stays close to him. Then as they watch the tree that hasn't bloomed yet, Ruve says "The flower are like you. They've nearly been crushed, yet they've hold on and are near to blossom. Will you open your heart to me by the time the buds bloom? I wonder." Tia realises she has fallen in love with him again.

As Tia organises the next celebration with Jieun and Grace, she discovers that Ruve never formalised the breaking of their engagement. So she has still been his fiancee for months. First she's angry because he deceived her and lied to her, but soon another emotion creeps in : joy.

She's happy to be loved so much, she can't help it. Jieun is enraged though and tells her "You think you won? Don't be ridiculous. I'm not done yet, I've only begun. Give up. I'll be the one smiling in the end." Then Ruve calls on Tia to apologise for not breaking their engagement. Tia is very cold to him and he says it's the second time he's seen her so cold with the day she asked for the breaking of their engagement.

He explains he didn't mean to deceive her. He tried to sign the documents many times but each time he just couldn't bring his hand to severe the only tie he has with her. It was so heartbreaking that he always postponed it to the day after, then the day after and it turned into months. Tia rejoices. But she knows there is no HEA for them. So she says she is unfit to stand by his side (because she's barren).


Ruve begins to panic and asks "Do you still not like me? Is there really no room for me? Answer me Aristia... Do you avoid me because you don't like me or because of other reasons?" Tia answers "Why does it matter for what reason? It is already irreversible." Ruve says "It matters! I want to be a man for you, before being an emperor. Please answer me Aristia. Forget political reasons, status, and everything else, just think as a woman. What do you think of me as a man?" But Tia cannot answer, otherwise he will never agree to break their engagement. Ruve just says "Let's talk again next time." and leaves. Then Tia burst into tears silently.

Few days later, Ruve and Tia meet in the fog in the garden. Tia turns her back on Ruve and Ruve suddenly backhugs her saying "What more shall I do? What more should I do? It is cruel. You are truly... A cruel woman. You said you don't love me, but your eyes say otherwise. They say there is something else, things I don't know. When I get curious about the meaning of these eyes, you say nothing. Why on earth do you distrust me so much? I love only you, so I'm begging you to be by my side. Why are you rejecting me? Why are you so cruel to me? Should I risk my life? Surely then you would believe my heart?"

Tia is reminded of everything in the past, and is ready to confide in him. To tell him all about their shared past. But suddenly she's afraid again he will be angry or not believe her like Allen (damn, Allen!! ) and says "I have nothing to say". Ruve stays silent and then sighs and begs "Please Aristia, you surely hide something in your heart. Will you not tell me anything? The factions, the nobles, forget about them all, I will shield you forever. I will protect you from everything."

Tia answers "I'm sorry your majesty." Ruve crumbles "What you've shown me so far, the feelings I thought you had for me... Was I mistaken? Or is it that you're hiding too much? And even though I've beg you repeatedly to open up to me about it, you have so little faith in me that you refuse to do so?" Ruve drops his arms and releases Tia.

They stay silent a moment then Ruve says "Aristia, I will ask you one last thing. Can you see me with someone else? Are you sure you don't mind? Me calling another woman my empress and watch me live with her?" Tia answers "There is nothing that will not dull with time. It is your wish after all." Ruve answers "Okay Aristia. I will do as you please. I'm sorry to have hold you to someone unwanted. You can rest assured. I will never bother you with this again." Then he leaves and Tia cries.

So... the day of the celebration finally arrives and both Tia and Jieun stand by Ruve. They watch a play and Jieun is included in it as the child of the prophecy. Tia can see that Ruve is displeased with the play. Jieun talks non stop with him. Jieun then makes a big move by showing her powers : she makes all the flowers bloom at once and everyone is convinced she is meant to be the next empress. During the reception, Princess Beatrice nearly miscarries her baby and Tia assists her. Ruve and Jieun join them. Long story short, Beatrice and the baby are safe, and the midwife called has a look at Tia and examines her. Ruve orders Jieun to go outside (she's not happy about that) and the midwife happily reveals that Tia's periods will come back and that she is not infertile.

Tia is ecstatic but when she turns to Ruve, she only sees his back and is frozen on the spot. He doesn't speak to her so she asks to retire and he allows it. Then at night in her bed Tia takes the music box and remembers all the romantic moments she had with Ruve and feels really sad. End of chapter.

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