《The Ultimate Puppeteer, Aristia's Brother || The Abandoned Empress》Chapter 22: One day


» [Boyfriend] «

0:44 ─〇───── 2:42

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・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・

Anastacius wins most of the time, and his requests are always simple like buying him a few treats or nothing embarrassing. Same goes to Allendis, he doesn't make bizarre requests just asking for some compliments here and there.

“Alright then”

As the night fell, most of the people inside the manor was fast asleep on their beds to escape the unnerving silence of the darkness. Only the night guards and attendants were wide awake, relaxed yet vigilant for any intruders that might enter.

The young man with bright hair that resembles snow, was inside his secret room, standing in front of two adults, who had their head down while kneeling. He holds an intimidating gaze as he studies the people at his feet, looking for any signs of disloyalty to eliminate future problems.

“We are at your commands, my liege”

The woman affirmed her master, that their full loyalty and purpose is dedicated towards him. She lowered her head to their savior, the man beside her followed. Albeit being older than the man in front of them, they know that their level is nowhere near his. His actions says it all.

“Stand, those who chooses to follow me must not soil their knees” He spoke, turning away from the two as he walks to his desk “... unless I say so”

The man and woman, obeyed as they stood up before bravely looking straight towards their savior's jeweled eyes. They felt small in front of him but their adoration overpowers their negative emotions by another world.

“Tomorrow, the second squadron will depart with the first, I believe you're already aware of what you need to do?”

“Of course, my liege”

They knew their tasks, they have to protect their leader's acquaintances and family. They were personally trained by him for 4 years, it was a very unique learning experience. It was unimaginable, they didn't think they could do it but alas... They were even more aware of how powerful he is, just by his insane knowledge.

“We vow to vigilantly guard them”

“Are there any additional orders, my liege?”

The man was determined to do his utmost best, wishing to precede the expectations of their master. His honey blonde hair, flutters as he turns his head towards his twin sister. He saw her nod approvingly at his words.

Anastacius felt a little bit better, seeing the attitude of his students. He knew that he wasn't wrong with picking them, he rarely slips. He put his two hands together, his fingers curling around each other as he props himself on his chair.

“There is this thing, you can do”


“There's this big pest that will make some trouble in the future, I want to let him think that he's on a high pedastle or even better... I want him to stand on top of the world”


“Duke, I want him to believe that he has the country in his control”

They were surprised to hear this, they were never aware of how the Duke is related to any of his plans. But since the master himself said it, then it's true.

“I want him to feel like he's on top of the world... Because falling from there, will be quite a show to watch”

A rare provocative smile appeared on the face of Anastacius. Which made the two feel excited to have front row seats of bringing down a narcissistic powerhouse.


“You are now dismissed, you both have a long journey ahead”

The two thanked him and bowed before disappearing into thin air, Anastacius didn't move from his spot as his eyes scan through the different items around the room.

His gaze landed on a flower crown that's being surrounded by a suspicious purple light. Its handiwork looked very rough, there's a lot of knots visible. It's the work of his sister, before he was forced to leave because of the Duke

Just the thought of how he magnified problems to counter his sister, ignites anger inside of him but he quickly lets it out. This isn't the time yet, he still has a lot of plans to prepare...

He turns his head to a small glass window, which let's him enjoy the sight of the silver moon...

“Silver moon huh? Must be a sibling thing...”

[Flashback to their chess match earlier]

“You're improving, I almost lost there” Anastacius commented, looking at the remaining pieces on the board. He is completely unaware of how the child in front of him, is deeply staring at his expression.

“You've already told me that, more than three matches before, your words wound me” Allendis placed his hand on his chest while wearing an aggrieved expression, looking down as soon as Anastacius lifted his head to watch him.

“I only speak my honest thoughts” Anastacius kept his usual blank expression but his eyes showed a little glimmer, indicating that he's in a positive mood.

The weed haired boy, was fascinated by Anastacius' little expressions. He was confident yet humble, bright as the sun yet appears like the moon...

“Like the silver moon...”

He didn't mean to say it out loud, but when he did. Anastacius looked at him curiously, yet he didn't bother to ask what he meant unless the other party wanted to mention it. His eyes which resembles the sun's blazing fire, hiding the thoughts and knowledge, of someone he deems as an equal. He doesn't know why, Anastacius hides his other eye behind his hair. But those eyes seem to look at him, in a way that makes him feel complete. He sees him as himself, and he's the only one he's looking at right now...

“Well since I won, what should I ask of you...”

Anastacius decided to speak up, the young man in front of seems to be in deep thought for some reason. It's none of his business to know, of course.

“Why don't you just save the favor, for later?”

His words brought Allendis out of his world, as he managed to give a reply to Anastacius. He wore a small smile, but if you took a closer look, it had a hint of mischievousness. The boy watched our protagonist, as he starts to clean up their game.


The snow haired boy, hummed in agreement, not bothering to make eye contact while arranging the pieces inside his foldable chess board.

“Your hair reminds me of the moon”

The gloved hands, that were placing the pieces inside, stopped. Anastacius kept his eyes on him again with the same blank expression but this time, his eyes had a hint of surprise.


“Well it's not really your hair, but your demeanor reminds me of the silver moon”

There are times where Allendisʼ brain, was not as calculative as usual, is unusual. It only happens whenever he's with Anastacius. He didn't like that he stopped paying full attention on him so he just blurted out his thoughts.


“It's just similar to your dear lady, though? It's not that special”

The white haired boy, mused as he fiddles with his black queen piece.

“It is a similar shade, I agree, but the tint of your hair is very close to the moon. Especially if the sun light reflects it”

Allendis chose to ignore his remark about his sister, as he himself is still confused with what his brain wants.

“Hmm is that so?”

“Why is that, you seem to dislike it?”

Anastacius trailed his eyes away from his friend, sliding his chess board inside his coat.

The friend was intrigued yet a little nervous as to what he'll reply.

“There's nothing wrong with that... I was just surprised,” He looks up once again, with a smile that doesn't look like a smile. “I just remembered a certain phrase...”

“Brother, Allendis!”

The two looked at where the voice was coming from beside the manor. Anastacius stood up from the chair and started to walk to his sister. He took one last look at Allendis as he uttered these words before Aristia gets beat enough to hear them.

“The moon looks lovely tonight... I read that it's a silent confession, the moon is really fascinating”

He was not able to listen to what he replied because the wind mysteriously howled, that his keen sense of hearing was futile.

“You are indeed fascinating... ”

[Flashback END]

Anastacius took a look at his wrist, where his watch is located. It was nearing midnight, he must check on Ari to see if she's still awake. He is aware that she's currently working on a gift, she prioritizes others more than her own well being.

Tapping sounds echoed through the halls, it wasn't loud but the darkness and silence just amplified the sound.

He sees light seeping from the bottom of Aristia's bedroom, which shows that she's either awake or she fell asleep without taking out the lamps.

His hand which was just about to knock, hesitated. But the sound of scissors snipping inside the room, allowed him to gently knock on the door four times.

Aristia perked up when she heard the familiar knocking on the door, she hastily pushed aside the chair which made a squeaking sound and skip to the door. Her hand quickly turned the door knob, then swung the piece of wood open.

“Brother, what brings you here?”

She asked her brother, who entered her room with a box in his arms.

“I couldn't sleep and I noticed that you were still awake, making a gift for Dad, I presume?”

He would never tell her that night time is when his day begins, so he just worded his sentence with sincere honesty.

“Brother knows me well”

She was surprised but she was more touched that even though Anastacius will become busier as the appointed head of their family while their dad is gone, he still made time for her.

“Then the box must be full of craft material?”

On reply, Anastacius just smiled and nodded. Placing the box on her desk, he let her open the lid.

The two collaborated until they finished an elegant accessory for their dad's sword. Aristia did the embroidery while Anastacius drew a small semi-realistic picture of them. He placed the drawing inside a small glass case and they put the two together.

“There all done”

It took them half an hour, which was five minutes before midnight. Anastacius tucked Aristia to bed, singing her a lullaby until she fell asleep before he went to his own room.

“I have to give a parting gift to Sian and Len too, right?”

That's the fair thing to do, he consists them as close friends and he'll be working as the temporary head for a while.


Crickets were making their usual noises as the sky turns into a nice dark blue shade. The sun will begin to peak through the Empire's lands in a few hours, a series of thumps can be heard in the silent streets as a cloaked figure sprints through the darkness with a horse he borrowed from the stables.

Once he arrived at his destination, a servant quickly assisted him with his horse.

“No need to inform the Duke at this time, please pass this to sir Kaysian before his departure”

He waved his hand to ease the servant, and flipped the lid of the saddle's bag to take out a small box which looked like a gift.

“Of course, my lord”

The servant carefully held the box which was handed by Anastacius and bowed.

“Very well, I'll be off now. Once the family is awake, please tell them that I'll visit again soon”

Anastacius felt someone looking at him, which made him face the direction to see a a few stands of blood red hair. The height of the person doesn't look as tall as his dear friend and the Duke, so that must've been the little boy Carsein.

He was amused to see the boy awake before dusk, Carsein will be dejected if he didn't recieve a present especially since he saw him.

Another box was taken from the satchel and given to the servant, with the order of the present being for the youngest child.

Anastacius tugged the rope and redirected his horse towards the direction of his next destination. He took one last look at the window with a smile, his eyes being hidden by his hood, before disappearing.

The boy who was caught by Anastacius, took another peek outside at the exact moment where he was already near the gates. He can feel his face heat up while his heart is beating erratically, he didn't know if Anastacius saw him. He didn't even know, why he hid!

“Why did he leave so soon?”

He is aware that he misses his brother's best friend, he loves spending time with the snow haired teen before he was sent off to another country. Before Anastacius left, he gave him a small charm to keep him in company...

He always keeps it close to him.

One day, he'll be able to stand next to Anastacius proudly just like his brother. Then they'll be able to hang out like before!

He puffed his chest out in determination, as he stared at the direction where Anastacius disappeared to.

Only if he knew, that his feelings weren't as simple as he thought.

But he will also be the first to start stealing our Anastacius' heart

・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・


Ruveliss: Switch

Kaysian: Top

Carsein: Top

Allendis: Bottom (his weak body can't make Anastacius bottom, periodt)

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