《The Ultimate Puppeteer, Aristia's Brother || The Abandoned Empress》Chapter 8: I do it for her


Inside a big mansion located at the border of the Castina Empire, a man with charcoal hair and amethyst eyes wearing a bird beak mask made out of real gold and obsidian is standing in front of a family from the aristocratic faction. The window behind him shows that it is nearly sunset so even with blood all over his top, he gave off an other worldly aura. Making him look like the embodiment of a War God.

"You know it can take years to mold a dream. It takes only a fraction of a second for it to be shattered."

"P-please s-spare me! You can take my daughters and wife! J-just spare me!"

The Wife and daughters of the man that just spoke, stared at him with wide eyes and trembling lips. They were shocked speechless, not expecting to be sold out by who they knew is a good man.

"Master Hawk I think that sssounds like a good deal ya know! They can be eaten by my buddy here!" Another man walked in with a huge python around his shoulders. He is wearing a mask that covered his top face.

"Cobra what happened to "

The man with the snake known as Cobra flinched and felt sweat drip down his neck, when he met his hidden eyes with the obsidian eyes of his master. He can feel himself being choked so he immediately said.

"Ahaha I'm just kidding, have fun Master!"

Immediately after that Cobra left feeling honoured that his leader is the most powerful man in the whole world. His sure that his brothers and sisters will agree too. Usually his leader Hawk wouldn't even bother to dirty his hands with this, even he himself and everyone in the group wouldn't want him to dirty his hands like this, but since it involved his sister then that is going to be one of the goriest stories you'll ever hear.


Soon a series of screams and cries echoed throughout the mansion. They will be having the most painful and slow death. Cobra met with six other people with masks hiding the upper half of their face.

"Planning against the queen is the worst and last decision they will be making in their life"

Flicking the blood off my rapier, I stared down at the man kneeling on the floor all tied up. His eyes dull showing all the emotions he's been feeling anger, sadness, regret and resentment.

"When I said I'd kill you first...I lied"

The mangled bodies in front of me are his whole family. Almost unrecognisable with the fact that some of their body part are missing. The others are burnt charcoal and the rest untouched like their faces, but without one of their eyeballs.

Watching his family as they view their decapitated parts being cooked and eaten by my butterflies is the first step to breaking his sanity. Then the next was to slowly burn their insides one by one, longer and longer.

"Well my job here is done, I hope I never see you again Son of a bitch"

I walked out of the room without waiting for a reply. The moon was already at its peak, meaning it was already past midnight. I'll be able to get to the palace with plenty of time to spare before Aristia wakes up. I reached the entrance of the mansion, where my platoon is waiting for me. Once they saw me, they stood up and greeted me along with people I put under them.

"Greeting Master Hawk! We hope that our work is satisfactory!"

I just nodded at them, as William aka Wolf hands me a new set of clothes to wear. Then Diana aka Vixen directed me to the closest room I can change in.


"Master Hawk according to my subordinates, the queen has been deflowered by his majesty this afternoon and he immediately left after that"

After I finished changing, I went out and signaled Xavier aka Snake to get closer. Then I went close to his ear and whispered to him.

"Get rid of X35 once I leave"

As soon as I finished saying that I got on Chase, my black horse with yellow eyes. Then we started on our 3 hour run to the castle. There was still the bloody scent on me so I ought to take a quick wash once I arrive to my room, the late emperor gifted me a room here because while Aristia is being taught on how to be an empress I stay here with her. The moon is really breathtaking taking tonight, now that the clouds aren't covering it. Just enjoying the cold wind hitting my face as we go 145 km/h. My alter ego then started to fade as my white hair and golden eyes return.


The entrance is at sight, the Guards immediately let me in once seeing who I am.

"Open the gates Marquis Anastacius has arrived!"

Once I was inside my room, I took a quick bath and ate some mint to calm my nerves. But now I feel too calm to just fall asleep so I went out of my room to the training grounds. I was known as the weak young Marquis. But that's just a facade for second timeline me. Picking up my bow and arrows, I started shooting targets until the sun started rising. I didn't count how many arrows I used but all of them hit the center. Now when will his majesty arrive to see me in this state.

"You really think that being great at one thing will be enough to be acknowledged?"

Ah speak of the devil and he will appear.

"Blessings and glory upon the sole sun of the Castina Empire" I spoke with the same face as my dear Sister. Knowing that will trigger something in him.

"You really are like your damn sister!"

And here comes the darn makeout session that makes me pity and angry at myself cause I can't always restrain myself like this. Also with the fact he just raped my sister while I was gone. With that I am now being pulled by him to a random room closest to the training grounds. Being kabedoned by a handsome man...I'm still virgin though.

"Take your top off"

This has been happening ever since the late emperor died. Always being told to strip and then be molested, I'm always disgusted with myself. And I call myself a siscon, while making out with who your sister lived for. I feel so terrible, that's why I always wear gloves when I hold Aristia. I don't want her to be tainted but now she has been deflowered...

After an hour of making out, I am now cursing in my head. I almost passed out, but I gotta admit that his a good kisser. I wonder how the drugs are effecting him, did something changed?

"Get out you slut!"

Yup nothing changed...But why is my heart aching more painfully than usual?


Just 1 more chapter and the manhwa will start!

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