《The Ultimate Puppeteer, Aristia's Brother || The Abandoned Empress》Chapter 2: Meeting the King


"Good evening Anastacius" my dad greeted

" Did you sleep well honey?" My mom asked

"Good evening dad and mom! And yeah I had a nice slumber" I greeted them back with a small smile.

So here I am sitting at the right of my Father and in front of my Mother. They kept glancing at each other sending messages, thinking I didn't notice. But seriously!? You already know that I'm smart, so why think that I don't notice all this!? As I kept screaming in my mind, my face remained passive just focusing on eating food.

A cough broke me out of my fake concentration. It was dad and he is finally going to tell me about mom's pregnancy.

" Anastacius we have some news.." he started holding Mom's hand.

" I'm pregnant honey, you're gonna be a big Brother!" My Mom finished with excitement, to see my reaction.

And like I practiced. My eyes widened and a huge real smile formed on my face. This is it! Just you wait Ari! I'll keep treating you nicely until you travel back in time!

" That's great news! Ma. Pa I'm so happy!" I'm truly happy since that means the plot will finally start in 6 or seven years. Wait... or was it 10? It doesn't matter!

" And they'll be born before your 5th birthday! What do you think?" Mom asked.

I placed my pointing finger under my chin to make it look like I was thinking about. After 4.59 seconds I looked at them and said.

"That's a great idea Ma"

For the rest of the dinner, mostly mom is doing the talking. While me and dad just listen to her talk, we reply sometimes.

After bidding good night to my family, I went to the library while holding a lamp. Going to the farthest corner where a painting of Jeremia la Monique, his Mother, is placed. Her portrait is adorned with golden carvings, bringing out her eyes.


I gazed at one of the corners, where the wall is uneven. Not everyone can notice this because of bookshelf standing in the way.

I wore my smirk, thinking of continuing my weapon forging that would be useful in the future.

I pressed my hand against the piece of block, where a symbol of House Monique, pushing it in. A passageway opened up, it was dark with an eerie feeling. And that's just the way I like it. Showing stairs leading underground, feeling the cold wind hitting my face

While walking in I hummed the lullaby of Isabella from the promised Neverland (A/N: This anime is so sad, frick I'm crying again). Walking down into the underground chamber, many doors can be found through out here. But one door stood out, a large door stood at the end.

Pushing the doors open, I looked around seeing everything clean and well placed.

"Mom has been visiting his highness Ruve lately, hasn't she?"

I mumbled to myself as a white butterfly flew into my open hand. The butterfly's wing served as a screen, where I can watch and listen to whoever I tell them to stalk.

Watching a young aqua haired boy talking with an older woman with magenta hair. It entertains me, thinking of the reason how simple minded this br-child is.

" This little boy is the one who turned Aristia's life into a living hell, just because of fate. She became a substitute for someone who was already happy with her life"

Haahh what a shame. Both of them are really so pitiful.

"Ne Kami-sama I won't let you have your way too kay? Pffft ahahaHAHAHAHA"

? Do your worst to try and stop me before you it.

A certain God:*shivers*

God B: Are you alright?

The god: Yeah, I just feel like someone very strong is plotting something against me...


Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina, Allendis de Verita and Carsein De Russ huh? They are already handsome as a child. Haahhh it's hard being a gay virgin for three lives.

In 10 years Aristia's will go back in time to change her fate. But until then it's time to form a party, filled with people who has the potential to massacre a whole house while remaining quiet.

Now time to become the Hawk again. Fufufu~


Right now I am in my room with Dave fixing my suit. Today is my birthday and the king requested my presence to the Palace. I am quite suspicious as to why the king wanted to meet me now. Why not in the past years? Is that damn 'god' finally trying to stop me?

"Young master which one would you like to wear? This Amethyst hair pin or your side earring?'

I never knew dressing up would take us three hours! I honestly didn't want to dress up, but since I'm carrying the name of Monique it's only natural that I dress up.

"Happy birthday An! Oh honey, you look so beautiful! You look just like your Father!" Ma fangirled at the sight of me wearing a suit that looked quite similar to Pa's uniform. Pa just nodded at me and I just smiled while nodding back at him. We may not talk to each other much, but we do enjoy our silence.

But why use the word beautiful? Ma my pride of being a man got a huge hit! With that hidden insult of yours.

Yes My eyes aren't that sharp yet. And yes my I may look feminine now but wait till I get older.

"Thanks Ma! I'm happy with complement" Wearing my calm and small smile. I see Dad standing behind Mom trying to hide his laughter, hearing Mom call me beautiful.

"Dad is really beautiful ne? I'm Glad I look like him!" Still wearing my small smile. While in my mind I was smirking. With that remark the butlers and maids either coughed or chocked, trying to hide their giggles and laughs. Though they obviously failed, Dad is now a strawberry while Mom is laughing her stomach out.

"Fufufu~ let's depart now, we wouldn't want to keep his highness waiting!"


We are now being escorted to the audience room, where we will be meeting with the King. The architecture of the palace isn't as good as I hoped. There are so many loopholes that enemies can use as a way in, if those enemies were smart enough, very disappointing.

"Now entering, Marquis Keiran La Monique with his Wife Lady Jeremia La Monique!" Mom and dad walked in first. Mom sent me a wink while Dad sent me a small smile. This feeling of having a better family than my past two lives felt refreshing and nice.

"Last but not the least Anastacius La Monique!"

Wearing the usual small smile, with my eyes looking nervous. I walked in with my head held up high with my back straight. My pace is not too slow or too fast, footsteps unheard.

I got on one knee while I lowered my head, with my right hand is on my chest. The other is behind me, I greeted the King.

"Blessings and glory upon the sole sun of the Castina Empire"



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