《Catharsis | AVOOCU Sequel》Chapter 5: Once More, Obligatory Shopping Trip Part 2
[Chapter 5: Once More, Obligatory Shopping Trip Part Two]
Staring into the fridge, I felt my insides churning with dread. These pigs... I huffed, closing the empty refrigerator shut. How'd they eaten all of them so fast? But then again, they were enough for a week for one. I thought to myself.
Walking over to my room, where Sakura lounged, I opened up my drawer, taking a look at my wallet. "Fuck..." I cursed, counting up my money. I only have enough for myself. I mean, I never really needed it anymore until now. My teeth gritted together, I shouldn't have taken a week off from my job. Turning my head at the pink-haired ninja. "Sakura, get Naruto and Sasuke and go change."
Sakura, who looked up from the book she was reading, glanced up at me. "Why? Is something the matter?"
"Nothing much," I opened another drawer to get my clothes. "We're just going grocery shopping."
"Woah...!" Naruto exclaimed, looking around with huge eyes. The blond moved everywhere, as everything interested him. He whipped his head at me. "This place is huge!!!"
"Naruto, settle down!" Sakura ordered, grabbing him back before he could wander off. "Cha," The pink-haired girl glanced around. "But this place is ventilated."
I tilted my head in thought. "Oh yeah, did you guys have air conditioners in your world?" The answer was no. Well— it did exist but damn was it hard to come by. I glanced back at the person next to me. "Thanks for coming along."
"Uh, sure," Tae-young replied, a hand scratching his nape. He wore a dark windbreaker with white jeans, a red shirt underneath. I fiddled with my phone, keeping a small eye on my list that I typed down. "But did you just get me here to supervise them?"
"No, though I would appreciate it if you did." Sasuke on the other side glared at us, in which I wasn't fazed. "Yes, you heard me: no causing trouble." I pointed at him, causing him to look away.
It wasn't actually too difficult to get the three to blend in to society— thanks to dyed hair and eccentric makeup becoming more of the norm. Heck, people might even dismiss whatever the fuck Naruto's whisker marks are!
I took my attention back at the Seong. "Anyways, there wasn't really a particular reason." I could joke about him being my sugar daddy but— one glance— I don't think he'd appreciate it.
My ears picked up a small chuckle, causing me to look back at him— only to blink. He looked... relieved to hear that. And that fond smile he gave...
I whipped my head away. "Yeah, yeah, let's just go." Stop trying to make my brain short-circuit! Mentally slapping my cheeks, I darted my eyes back on the trio, who seemed to be entirely huddled around a place. Huh. Gesturing the adult to come with me, we walked up to them, who have all been enamored by a single IPad.
"Oh, Ashley!" Naruto pointed at it with curious eyes. "This is a bigger version of that device you had, right?"
"Not really but yeah," I shrugged as they swiped through the many apps. "Make sure not to damage it—" I took one glance at the price tag. "It's hella expensive."
The other girl jumped, darting her head back at me. "Really?!" She looked back at the tablet and then the price tag that I was looking at. "It's only 200...?"
"I'm pretty sure 200 American money is like... 20,000 yen?" That's what got her to get taken back.
"There's no security for this thing," Sasuke commented with crossed arms, before pointing at the long cable connected to it. "Besides that."
I hummed, "Well, take that out without permission and I'm pretty sure a bunch of loud alarms will ring." Naruto and Sakura flinched, stepping away from it.
Besides me, my dear person sighed. "Come on, I'd rather just hurry this up." There was a sense of urgency in his tone, and while I was curious, I thought it was better to just not say anything about it. "We didn't even get a cart."
"Ah." I let out, eyes darting over to the place where the carts are. "Shit, I forgot." We didn't do this in the ninja world, after all.
Haaah... This is gonna take long.
"Why are they just giving out free food?" The pinkette asked me, pointing over to a food stand. I peered over from the toilet paper aisles, where an employee was serving small pieces of pumpkin bread.
"They're handing out samples," I answered, taking a stack of toilet paper into the cart. Naruto let out a sound of awe. "It's to make you interested in buying the product. You can only take one though."
Naruto flashed a grin, like a little kid gleefully taking in the world. "But it's so much better than in our world!" The blond exclaimed. "People would just glare at me if I were to come close, dattebayo." There goes my fucking heart. I frowned with a sharp groan. How the hell can he sound so positive after saying that?!
"You shouldn't smile at that, dobe." Thankfully, Sasuke read my mind.
Looking over to Tae-young, I rose a brow. Why does he seem... lost? "Something wrong?" I questioned, causing his head to whip towards me.
"No, not really." He was swift to reply, averting his eyes. "It's just... weird for me."
My head cocked to the side, moving the cart around to the next item on the list. "Why so? I'm pretty sure you bought stuff in the ninja world."
The adult blinked, probably not expecting the sudden change in language but then went along. "In the ninja world." He empathized, shoving his hands into his pockets. "In this, I would just order it online." The male narrowed his eyes before I could say anything. "Don't comment on my money."
"I wasn't— okay, I was." I glanced away sheepishly, tugging on my backpack straps. I stopped in front of where the paper towels were, picking one up. "But honestly, kinda the same. I would just eat at a fast-food place after I worked." I leaned against the cart, staring at him with a hand on my cheek. "I never really got to ask, what's your house like?"
The adult broke eye contact. "I have a small house— it's bigger than the campus dorms though."
I see. I didn't really find anything to say. I guess he didn't either. And so— um— uh...
I sighed. "This is getting awkward and nowhere," I admitted, slouching. But before he could say anything, I waved him off. "Not that it's your fault— it's just... hard to adjust to." I wonder why thou— no, I guess I know why.
With a small huff, Tae leaned against the items that were stacked together. "Yeah, this fucking sucks." I stifled a laugh, twirling my ankles around for a satisfying crack. "Can't believe that I'm this tall in this body."
"Oh yeah!" I smiled, narrowing my eyes. Looking both up and down on his form, he was actually taller than before. Well, it didn't feel that way??? I don't know, I think I'm taller than Megumi's body. "Weren't you like, 5 feet 7? Shorter than Shino."
"Beats being 160 centimeters."
What? I blinked, glancing up to the ceiling with gears turning in my head. "160 centimeters is..." I gasped. "I'm pretty sure that's average for girls my age!"
"Still short."
My cheeks puffed out, sawing my body to the side. "If it weren't for the fact that I don't have any and that they hurt, I would stomp on you with high heels." The boy chuckled, something I haven't really heard from him in a while. I exhaled through my nose, relaxing at just the sound. It's a bit different, cuz of the different voice but, I still like it.
"Oh yeah," I suddenly remembered, darting my eyes at the adult. "Weren't we supposed to be watching over the three?"
"Ah." He forgot as well.
I blinked once more, darting my head around. "Well, it's only been like, five minutes? I doubt they'd d— WHAT THE Naruto what the are you doing?! I almost screeched when I saw him fucking moonwalking onto the items on top of the huge shelves. Sparing no second in leaving our cart, I freaking booked it to where the other two stood.
"Naruto, get down there!" Sakura scolded with a glare, staring up at him. At least she knew what his actions told.
"What?" The blond had the audacity to say, standing sideways as he adjusted on the stacks. "Why? These look good to eat."
"Hah?!" I couldn't— I refused to understand, no matter if I was Megumi or not. "Duckling, Bubblegum, get him down— there's no chakra in this world!" I glanced around, thank god no one's in this aisle, conveniently.
"Duckling?" Aaaaahhh, this mother trucker!
Sakura huffed, pushing her hand with a vein popping out. "Cha, if you're not coming down then..." She trailed off, before turning to me. "What can I do? I don't think this tower can withstand my strength." Are... are you flexing on your strength. My eyes narrowed in exasperation. I mean, good for you but— wrong situation!
I sighed, combing a hand through my hair. "Ok— fine." Looking up at him, my lips creasing up for my best smile.
...It was not a nice smile.
"Naruto, I guess we could just leave you." I giggled half-heartedly as he flinched. Spinning my heel, I gave him a wave. "Good luck dealing with the authorities with little knowledge of the English language!"
"Aah— wait!" I heard a rustle, with a small jump, and narrowed my eyes in satisfaction. Well, at least that was solved.
Or not.
I already knew that I was in a different body from Megumi. I knew that. And yet, I already forgot that I wasn't used to reacting quickly.
So at first, I didn't pick up the loud sounds of the boxes above losing their balance. I just blinked when I processed the piercing screams coming from Sakura.
All I could do was look up and stare in horror as barrages of boxes came tumbling down on me.
I felt the collar of my shirt get pulled back and suddenly felt airborne. What the— falling with a harsh thud, I felt the air in my lungs escape me. Right before my eyes, boxes crashed down hazardous with a giant boom. I sharply inhaled in utter shock, the air feeling cold as I gulped down a lump in my throat.
A— ah... I owlishly blinked, hands curling against the floor as my legs felt weak. My back hurt from crashing to the ground— though I guess it was much better than getting crushed. I... I could've It dawned on me.
"Holy shit—" My head whipped behind me, where a frantic and wide-eyed Tae-young sat. Oh, he... he saved me? "Me— I mean, Ashley, are you okay?! Did I pull you so hard?!" Tae's words seemed to jumble together. He reached out for me, but then retracted at the last second, eyes glazed with conflicting emotions as his brows furrowed.
"Ashley, are you okay?!" I heard the main character exclaim, a rush of footsteps heading our way.
I then heard the only other girl groan. "Not because of you, idiot!"
"Ow! Sakura-chan, I'm sorry!"
"Cha— say that to her, not me!"
"Aah..." That noise fell out of my lips. My body trembled, with a strong— unfamiliar feeling bubbling in my stomach. "A... ahaha..." I felt so weak and yet—! "Ahahaha... ahahahahaha!!!" All the sounds fell short as I gasped for air, but— but in a bad way??? I didn't know what was going on with me. Am I— am I going insane? "Ahaha..."
The lump in my throat was back, but this time it hurt. Like it was being squeezed. My chest panged with heaviness. I pressed my hands onto my face. "Aah... I— I don't know why I'm—" I wheezed out, breathing deeply. Everything felt... better, somehow. I— I just— "God, why do I... I feel so relieved?" My lips mumbled.
I felt a small hand pushing away a strand of hair behind my ear, forcing me to look up. In front of me was Tae, who was once again giving me a worried face. He looked like he wanted to say something, probably to console me, but clamped his mouth shut. Warmth flooded my body, my eyes darting away.
"Hey, what happened here?!" I watched as an employee rushed in, heading away way.
Using my reincarnated friend as a cane, my body pushed forward, my feet balancing back on the ground. Get it together, alright? "Aha, oh, we were just walking and then this stack of boxes almost crushed me." I lied through my teeth, giving one side glance at Naruto. He looked away, that bitch.
"Wha— what?!" The employee raised their hands with shock. "Holy— I'm so sorry!" They quickly corrected themselves, their customer service facade slipping away for a second. "I'll be getting the manager, they'll speak to you for a moment!"
I smiled, waving them off. The manager? Does this officially make me a Karen? Now that they were out of sight, I spun my heels, suddenly grabbing the main character's cheeks. "Ow!" He whined, back slouching due to the pain. "I— I'm sowwy!"
I huffed, gritting my teeth with narrowed eyes. "Sasuke, Sakura?" My lips quirked up as the two looked at me. "Do you know any good punishments? I'm afraid I'll need a little help."
I swore that I saw his soul come out a little.
"Oh, I almost forgot." With the bags of groceries in my hands, I turned around to meet blinking brown eyes. Now that we, cough, I paid for our stuff, we were walking to the dorms. "Thanks for pulling me out of the way." I glanced up at the sky, remembering something. "And for also coming along anyways. My lips pushed together now that I said those out loud. "Damn, I owe you, big time."
The adult before me halted in his tracks, lips slightly parted. It was as if— no, he was shocked. Which was weird but hey, I won't judge. However, then he smiled, letting out a small laugh. "Nah, it's fine, you don't have to."
I furrowed my brows, pointing at the man. "No!" I outright refused with a pout, a frown tugging my facial features. "You've already done so much, you deserve it."
He looked away, eyes creasing as if something was hurting him. "But... I don't think so." He gestured to my disheveled clothes. Hah? "I mean, you got hurt from me."
Is that what he's so depressed about? I wondered with a brow raised. Pushing a strand of hair away, I pointed an accusing finger at him. "Seriously? That was something you had no control over." I then shrugged, "It's better than being crushed alive." Again. "Hell, just eat dinner with us if ya so worried."
It's the least I could do. I started walking again, watching as the three in front of us bickered. Something about grilled sandwiches again.
My hands fell behind my back, my feet kicking up nonchalantly with the soft wind swaying ever so much. I let out a hum, letting my mind wander back to that one moment not so long ago.
Really now, what was that? I pondered in confusion. Why did I end up laughing my ass off? Did my transferring back in this body include side effects? I exhaled deeply, giving one side glance at my hand. When, when it happened, all I thought was remembering how I got smashed by Truck-kun. I could practically feel my body getting crushed by just the memory. But why then?
Was it just me going insane? Or— or was I just happy that I li—
Ah. So many realizations recently, I know. But I just realized it.
I think... I think the reason why I feel so relieved is that— I I lived despite already dying in this world. I almost laughed. Even all this time, this body— I still wish to live, huh?
Aah... why? Why am I so happy about that?
I don't understand.
No, it's not that— I felt like all this time, I didn't want to understand.
...That was probably true.
"Hey, Tae?"
"Yeah, Ashley?"
"... Nevermind." I'll deal with it tomorrow— I promise.
"Oh yeah," By his sudden voice, I turned my head at him. "Why did you buy so many snacks?" Tae-young motioned over to the bags that were stuffed. "I don't think they would eat that much."
I shrugged, "Eh, it's whatever. I just do it cuz I want to." And I'll probably end up giving it away tomorrow.
- In Serial206 Chapters
The Infinite Labyrinth
(Story complete - Book 1 "Shanghaied", 2 "Shortcuts", 3 "Secrets" and 4 "Sanctions") It is the 19th century, and war smoulders between England and France. Any hope for a quick end to Napoleon's rampage across Europe ended when the Great Gates opened in 1800. For a fortunate few, the strange world of the Infinite Labyrinth offers opportunities, strange descriptors popping in their minds, informing them of growth, and status beyond that of a mere mortal. The materials and power crystal they bring back foster a new age, both military and civilian. Aether-powered Skyships prowl the skies, as all the great nations blessed by the Gates try to turn the blessings of the Labyrinth into immediate advantages. But for Jonas, an apprentice leatherworker, his friend Ira, and so many Londoners, the fabled ones that walk the Labyrinth are distant heroes, seen from afar. They fell short when their Potential was measured, and they fill their mundane lives with distant dreams. One man wants to break the stalemate. The Tyrant of the Dominion of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, has a plan. Eighteen years after the world changed, he will force it to change again. And when civilians are caught in the fallout, the unthinkable happens. Six people, unqualified, forbidden to ever enter the Labyrinth, find themselves stranded in a distant zone, forcefully turned into Professionals. They know little of what that means, but they have to figure out the rules that are now their lot, for they have little hope to escape their predicament otherwise. They need to understand what the descriptors in their minds mean, what each of the strange piece of gear waiting in treasure chests behind terrible guardians can bring them. They have to become Professionals on their own and rejoin the Empire. They will figure out their new lives one way or another. But will there be an Empire waiting for them when the Gates re-open? Caught in a clash of empires and high tiers, they will do what little they can. They will step up and do their best. One way or another. The Infinite Labyrinth is a slice-of-life litRPG adventure set in a real historical setting. It's a hard, crunchy litrpg. Expect blue boxes everywhere, and the system itself is very mathy. It started life as a serial. I prepared some proper worldbuilding, with enough details and background for lots of different potential story arcs, but as I wrote, I realized the main story needs to have a definitive end. So, there are four books in total, for a bit under 1500 pages, plus additional side stories, and even maybe a sequel one day. The Gore tag was added as a precaution because there are a few scenes with some light gore.
8 179 - In Serial40 Chapters
Ryou, a relentlessly repressed accountant, accidentally slips between dimensions, right into the middle of a fight between a stranger and a couple of outlandish creatures. Since he's not a complete idiot, Ryou quickly retraces his steps and flees backs to the normal world , but he brings the stranger along with him. Now his life is going to take a sharp turn away from "repressed" to very strange places indeed: into a warped image of the past and into a very uncertain future, through war and violence to the very edges of reality and beyond.
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The Superb Lyre
With her fathers will reading happening in a few weeks, Valerie has to return home only to juggle finding a long since missing sister and keeping her locked up brother in check so that they can all get their part of the inheritence. All the while, having the mind-numbing nature of working in a call centre grating at her soul.
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Eternity and Bones
one day, a skeleton awoke in a cave. for some reason he was the only skeleton in the cave that could think, so he decides to spend his life- er wait, actually, would life be the correct term here? whatever, -decides to spend his life learning new things and seeing the world! follow him and whatever wacky companions he happens to meet as he journeys through the world and learns new things!
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Riverdale Imagines!
All of these were originally posted on our Tumblr, so that's why they may look familiar~
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Writer's Guide
Advice for amateurs from an amateur writer. This can be used for fiction and fanfiction. I hope that this will help you, or at the very least keep you entertained.
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