《Ruthless➪Sigtryggr》6|| hostage



The old man came to me, as he kneel down to me as i was siting down on the floor with the back touching the wall,

"Lady Easwith must like you very much, for her to do this, you know", I noded slowly without saying anything. "My name is Lord Aethelhelm, what is yours?" The old man asked, "I'm sorry, my mother said to never tell someone random my real name, as they can harm", The old man breathing was heavily, as i looked down. "You can tell me", he said to me slowly as i look up to him, "The king's my friend", he said with a smile, looking at me.

"Your name is Aethelhid", he said to me, as i looked up.

"Right? is that your name?" he asked me, as i look up into him. "Why would i tell you?" i asked, "I think it is",

I rolled my eyes slowly at him, causing Easwith to come around. Easwith looks at the old man, with eyes she wanted to kill. "Why is she here? Why is she here in wessex?" he asked Easwith, "She went on her own", Easwith said slowly.. "The king asked me to seak her",Easwith said, "The king would not do that", Ælflæd's was sure of it, "The women has no more status then any daughter of a whore", I looked at her. as she looks at me,

"Well, perhaps you don't know the kings wishes!"

She smiled fake,"If we escape this it will be righted",

the old man kept on talking. "But we will not escape this", she said to them, as i noded. We will escape this, i

feel it. "Aethelhid i have something to show you, come",

Easwith said to me;causing me to stand and walk.


"Look on your grandfather, king Alfred", I smile at the stone. Easwith slowly walks towards the stone, as she looks about to cry. She touches the stone, "He was as strong as this stone", I smile as i miss him dearly.

"But his eyes yes are and were very warm and bright,

his intelligence shone through him, as it shines right through you", I smile at Easwith as she kept on talking.

"Sigtryggr is a dane, therefor more od his kind well come for us", She said to me as i noded, "In these times, we hold steadfeast to our lord and do not buckle", she said as i nod, "We may not survive this, but out kingdom will, and that is what all what matters", I noded again. "Yes", i said slowly. "Kingdom", I also said to her. I then looked at the stone, and sigh. "Our sense of history, is who we are",

Easwith said to me. "He was a good man, he taught me so many things, Easwith. How to rule", I smile. "But i'm just a bastard, I can not do anything, even as a women of me",

she hugs me tightly. "You'll have a duty, just not now",

I noded towards her as I know already.

It has been a couple hours sense i have met my grandfather stone, We were sat in silence waiting. Waiting for something to just happen already, i am worried my mother found a husband for me, to love...

the word love means, shit. what is love good for exactly?

nothing really. people think marriages are for the sex,

my parents were different. My mother and father loved each other truly.

We heard a person walking towards the door, everyone immediately sits up as i was sat down, and rolled my eyes. Sigtryggr had came in by his self it seems, to be.


He looked at everyone, then came across me; sitting in silence. "What have you done to this one over here?"

Sigtryggr asked the old man, "I have done nothing, what makes you think i have done something?" Sigtryggr lets a chuckle out. "Because old man, she seems to be frighten of these people in here", I looked up. "She isn't, right Aethelhid?" Easwith asked me whilst smiling. I shaked my head, "I- I'm fine." I smiled slightly. Sigtryggr starts walking in more and started seeing Edward sons,

"Do not take them", Easwith said, "I'm not taking Edward sons, women. I have come for something else", He looked at me right away as he finished saying those words,

"You", he said in a darker voice towards me.

I slowly stander up, "Why me? Do you want to kill me?"

I asked as Ethelstan was behide my back the whole time,"who is this little guy?" Sigtryggr asked me, "No one", Ethelstan looked down as he said that, "Sigtryggr just talk to me, not him", I touched Ethelstan hands. "Come with me, Dane", He smirked as me; as i rolled my eyes.

"Sigtryggr", he started to grab my hands tightly. "I'll not hurt you, You know that already.. Aethelhid", I noded slowly. "Just let me die then", He looked at me.

"And start a war? that's not going to happen, you'll be useful", Sigtryggr sighs at me. I leted go of his arm, "Sigtryggr..." I looked down then looked back,"I know you are different then the danes here, why can't you use kindness towards me?" He walked towards me, as if he was mad at me. "Do not test my limits, I have been kind to you in my own way, so others don't see", I looked Sigtryggr in my eyes, as then he started to grab my hands again. It started to hurt, but he took me towards Brida.

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