《Ruthless➪Sigtryggr》Chapter 4||



As i started going into my room, i just looked up and stare at nothing. Completely nothing, I was sad and upset at everyone. Like i was with child, and just want to sleep all day. I am my dad, Not my mother. Maybe i should escape? Maybe i should ask Uhtred for some help? Or,MAYBE i just don't know! I had so many thoughts going through my mind right now, The Saxon Lands aren't my kind.

As i was trying to go to bed, I just looked up and was trying. I heard a small noise, I got up and looked around at first."Hello?" I heard no answer, I stubble on the floor and got back up,"Who is there?!" I wanted a respone, So i asked once more. I heard a small voice,"Aethelhid..My child" I looked around, and didn't see my mother. It sounded like a male voice for sure, I turned around and saw somebody." Who are you?" I tried to touch the person but i couldn't feel it, or just i do not know. "Who are yoi?" I whispered Towards this figure i saw, "I was AND your father." I sat next to it, i can not believe it,"Father?" I asked looking up towards him,"Yes." I smiled,"I am so sorry for everything i have caused with Aethelfaed..." I looked down,"I am just a bastard" My dad looked me in the eyes,"You are a dane. Always a dane and well be" He sighs, and huffs at me.

"You need to escape, You need to find peace. " He looked at me in the eyes,"You are your father child know that, Aethelfaed was just somebody i was once loved. "This figure was about to cry once he said that,"Father are you a ghost?" I giggle at him, He noded. "I died, I can only come to you when you need me once child" I noded," I need you forever though i need you here with ME" I said whilst looking down,"You do not need me, You need Sigr-" Before he could finshed, that line he disappeared. Who do i need? Who was he going to say?! So many questions was in my mind right now.

As it was pass hours later, I woke up and got myself out of bed finally. I didn't want to move at all, I didn't have any plans to do anything nor does my mother sign me to do things, when i was a child i would just make jokes with Uhtred, But he hardly jokes with me sense i am full grown.


I started walking in the great halls, and sat down and drunk my Ale, as i was drinking everyone else came by. I smiled and waved at them, "You look happy this morning, Aethelhid" I heard Osferth said to me, I smile and noded my head,"Perhaps i am Osferth" I saw Young uhtred also walking in, "We tend to attack them soon" Uhtred told me, I noded..

*With Sigtryggr * -Sigtryggr Pov*

As i was walking in, i see everyone and everything. I smirked and grabed Brida, Brida sighs and rolls her eyes. She is not how i was expecting,"Brida" I smirked and talked to her, "Sigtryggr" We looked outisde and saw beautiful things,"They tend to attack soon" I said to Brida, So she knows. "Great" That's all Brida said, "Great?! I do not want attack! I want peace. Peace Brida" Brida grabs me, making take her hands off of me,"WE DO NOT MAKE PEACE WITH SAXONS!" As i keep hearing those words, i just wanted to rip her heart out.


As my mother and Uhtred try and find a way to attack the danes, I was reading a book about the Saxons. I love reading perhaps, I like the Saxon Chronicles, I usually read in it everyday. As i got up and walked around the great halls, I sat where everyone else was. "Good day" I smile, and looked at everyone,"Ah hello, Aethelhid" I heard Finan said, I greeted Finan with a nice smile. "Hello Finan" Finan was drinking Ale, and listening to the conversation. "What are we talking about?" I reached over to them ;wanting to hear. "Sigtryggr, then new Dane" I rolled my eyes, This is what they always talk about now. "Can we just worry about other things?" Aethelfaed shakes her head,"They well attack again. We might strike first, and stronger. " Aethelfaed looks at me, "I get it.." I didn't want to say anything else.

I started to walk away, and went into the church where My grandfather body was,Alferd. Alfred was always there for me, as much as he can be a jerk. Alfred taught me the ways to be a real Queen, he even taught me something i still remember till this day.

*Flashback* - Aethelhid is just a 10 year old at this time; "Aethelhid hun" Alfred called to me, i brought my stuff animal as Lady Easwith gaved to me, Alfred sat me on his lap. It looks like he was playing chess,"Yes grandfather?" I asked him, looking up towards him. "Here's a lesson of the day for you, You know how you see us attack and go to wars?" I noded my head gently, "Yes" Alfred also nods,"Do not do that when you are older. Only if you have to, Try and make peace with the danes. Uhtred is a dane, and he isn't totally bad. You have to see the danes right through their hearts" I noded;Not knowing what he truly means. "I understand" I got up on his lap, and started to play around outside.


*End of Flashback*

As i remember that, I realise. I am a bastard,But my time is now and to step it up. I wonder what can i say? "Alfred if you hear me, I just want to let you know, I can see my true path now, it's not in saxon land. You may be mad, But it's my rightfull path." As i saw The old body laying down, i was praying over it. I said my prayers,And left the church. As i was walking through, i have seen Young uhtred and Sittora. "Hello" I smiled and sat down next to them,"Hi Aethelhid!" I heard Uhtred said to me,"Where is everyone?" I have asked to know what i'm going to say. "They are all outside" Sittora said to me,I noded anf got back up. "Thank you, Guy's" They noded their heads, Sittora and Young Uhtred had always been there for me. Sense we went on adventures because of Uhtred, So we always use to talk a lot. It was nice back then, Truly were. Now we hardly talk, it's like the winds and clouds now. We do not speak, They do not speak.

I started to get up from Sittora and everyone and started to walk, As i see the church near by, I sigh and walked in it, As i did i saw Lady Easwith, I smiled."Good evening" Easwith was shock i was behide her, She simply noded her head."Evening Aethelhid" Easwith got up on her feet, and went over to Aethelhid,"You look a bit rough.." Easwith said to me, I do not know if i should say. Thank you?, Or. "Is that a bad? I smiled,"Oh why,say that?" I giggle, "You look like you hardly gotten enough sleep"; Easwith walked towards me,"I am alright Easwith" I said, "Darling, you haven't been fine sense you came back. You have been unwill.." Easwith sighs, and sits down with me. "I simply do not ask for your trust, But just talk to me. You know you can, I know everyone hates me here. But you? You are all i have left, I can not let you hate me like my kids do" I noded,"I do not despise, You.." I said whilst looking at her,"I simply, Just have been off. I'll get back to work tomorrow" I noded.

Easwith shakes her head,"Are you crazy? I am not letting you work if you do not feel good, Nor have you around Edward. Edward is going insane right now over the kingdoms, and fighting. I do not want you around him" Easwith said with an attuide towards me,"What do you want me to do then?!"; I asked,"Nothing, Hang out with Aethelwod. Stay our of the way of things, you do nothing here." I stood up, "Uh, Thank you" I smiled and hugged her.

I feel like easwith do not like me in some ways, because i am my mother child. My mother said, Easwith do not say no for an answer, and she'll get anything she wants from anyone. Aethelfaed also told me do not go to her, But yet. Did i listen? No, i need advice every now and then.

I may want to go back to Sigtryggr, But i also don't. I have all my friends here, And Sigtryggr? He was a bit pushing to me anyways. Why would i want him? I thought to myself, I am crazy! He is just another dane, Like my father.

BUT, My father was a good man in deed. Yes he was, I started to walk in the great halls, And sat down next to my mother,"I want you up on the throne" Aethelfaed smiles,"I want people to know you are a princess, Princess of Merica, Wessex" I noded,"I am a bastard mother, there is no way." I simply said, Aethelfaed puts her hands on my shoulders. "There is always a way, And listen. You do not listen to ANYONE in here but you, and your husband." I quickly look at her,"Husband?!" I asked with an attuide, I do not need a husband! It's a game! "Yes, I am looking" I shaked my head,"Mother please. " Aethelfaed sighs, "Uhtred thought it would be good and i also thought so, So you can have childern." Aethelfaed said, I stopd up. "If i am Queen, i would do everything not my husband!" I crossed my arms, Finally looking at Aethelfaed. "Sure" Aethelfaed walks away.

I am no need of a Husband, A lady without a husband is good. Just good. But a lady with a husband, is 'great', Husband's just want sex that's all. I learned very well from my mother Husband, So why do i need one? So they can rape me? I'll never let that happen to me. Not when i'm 30, Or 100 years old living.

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