《Little wolf》Sigtryggr Leifsson


Chapter twelve

The journey to England had started okay, but was turning quickly to disaster. Ivar was sick nearly the whole time, and startled at any little ill movement of the boat. Ragnar had been sympathetic towards him at first, but soon grew annoyed at the boy's tendencies. Skadi too, had grown annoyed at him, but was tasked with keeping him calm, as the young girl could only help maneuver the ship.

Ivar continued to groan and whine like a child, causing his sister, and undoubtedly many others, to roll her eyes. Her brother had a tendency to absorb attention, usually from his mother, who doted on his every want and need. Something that always sat badly with the girl kneeled in front of him. And although it wasn't his fault he was sick at sea, it was his fault for carrying on for nearly a month.

Skadi wiped a wet rag across his mouth, and walked away. He had tired himself out, like a toddler throwing a tantrum. The sun was blocked out by dark clouds that threatened to make the crew somehow more soaked.

The rain didn't take long before it started dripping on the wood planks that make the floor. The drip turned to drops then a full downpour, and wind began rocking the ship harder and harder. Ivar has woken screaming, men cling to anything attached.

Skadi clung to the side when a wave crashed into her, sending her flying off the side of the ship and into the cold water below it. It was eerily calm under the surface, she could see the waves movements but they were far more graceful from underneath the surface. When she felt the burn for air, her arms pushed her up.

The waves were unrelenting, barely letting her breath when another wave tried to drag her under. Panic set in when the ship that held the only ones who could help her was gone. No ship, no wreckage, no nothing.


"Son of a bitc-" the salty wave shushed her. Bjorn has told her if she was lost at sea, the best thing to do was stay calm. Thrashing and screaming tire you out quicker, so do what you have to to stay above water and preserve energy. But preserving energy was hard when everything around you was trying to drown you.

'Find land' was running through her head but how could she if at every crest it seemed to get darker. Right plan b, pick a direction and swim, and pray that it doesn't lead further out to sea.

Skadi pushed her arms, kicking legs hard as she could pushing herself. After hours she was sure she was going in circles, but how would you know. Nothing changed, not the darks blue water, or the even darker sky. Which had thankfully let up the storm a while ago.

She swam through to night taking brakes, laying out on her back so she floated. When the sun broke hope had been brought back, the outline of some land mass was in sight. With a new surge of energy she pushed hard against the current. It took nearly all day but her feet finally dragged into sand and rocks, and water gave way to a narrow beach line. Pulling herself up, only enough to get her completely out of the salty ocean, and flopped down exhaustion setting in.

As much as sleeping alone on an unknown beach, in the wide open was a terrible idea, she couldn't stand to move another inch. Eyes shut she let herself sleep finally.

When she woke up, she was still alone on the sandy bank. Muscles sore, and most exposed body parts had some kind of cut or forming bruises. The sun was just barely visible over the ocean.



And extensively Ivar but we know who's more important. Skadi drudged up all the strength she had left, and started down the beach. After an hour the sun was gone and the air got cold. When the wind blew against her it felt like knives, and rain started down hard.

She was about to give up, and find somewhere somewhat dry to rest when she saw a man just down the beach. At Least the outline of one.

It wasn't Ragnar, though it was another man from the boat. Sigtryggr somethin son.

He had set himself a fire, somehow he seemed unscathed by the wreck.

"I was wondering when you'd get here." He hadn't turned to face her.

"Were you?"

He didn't speak, just pat the spot next to him. She sat, her legs couldn't hold much longer, and falling, showing weakness wasn't her best move. She wanted to stay tense, ready for an attack, but the fire felt so good on her sore muscles and she was starting to feel tired.

"Do you know what happened to my father?"


"My brother?"


"Do you know anything?"

"I know how to make a fire, which you seem to like." The light made his smirk more irritating. "You're tired, sleep."

"No" oh she so wanted to, but she needed Ragnar. Standing she was about to take a step when her legs gave out.

"Sit" he sounded annoyed.

"No" she tried once more, making it a few steps before her imminent collapse.

"Stubborn girl." He pulled her up pushing her back to her seat. "Sit, sleep. And for god's sake shut up. We'll find Ragnar in the morning."

"I never said his name."


"My father, I never said his nam-"

"Gods girl you two are inseparable, it wasn't hard to figure out. The stubborn old boar and his even more hard headed girl. I know who you are Skadi, I always have. The little wolf of Hedeby."













She livesssss!!!!! I'm sorry don't hate me, it has been a hell of a few months. What are your opinions on this chapter?

Or the story?

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