《Little wolf》Hiiii


Skadi was very strong willed, independent, and far too clever for her own good. She would often test her boundaries, quick witted and often didn't think before she spoke.

She had inherited her father humor and his fierce courage. As well as his ambitious attitude, meaning she was easily bored, wanting more then anything to accompany her brothers on their expeditions. Lagerthas sharp tongue, resourcefulness, and observant nature, made her quite the force to be reckoned with. However like her brother, Ivar, she was quick tempered. She had a rebellious side that often tested her mother's patience.

Many had told Lagertha and later Skadi that she had inherited her mother beauty. Though Lagertha always told them the same thing, that "Skadi is far more then I could have ever been." Her hair was so long and pale, when the sun hit it right I shone like silver. Her mismatched eyes would shine when she won a spar match or figured out a new problem.

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