《bratty girl》*four*


The Cullen family was definitely different, even from their own specie .

Now that jasper found his mate in Oklahoma three years ago, the first "son" of Carlisle's found his mate in forks ... a fragile human being who also is his blood singer making it very challenging.

But no one expected, maybe Alice did, that Emmet and Rosalie will find a third party to their relationship.

Although , Emmet and Rosalie both knew that something is missing in their relationship.. both being dominant and caregivers... it was clear to them that they are mates but still not very complete.

And when jasper got mates with Violet.. the couple always felt a longing for such relationship.. to have a little for themselves.

Alice was so excited today, and Edward was still away in Alaska trying to get himself together.

For the rest of the family.. it was just another day they'll have to act normal and endure it for the sake of a small taste of normality.

" she's here!" Alice chirped before the Cullen family walked inside the cafeteria.

" who's here?" Emmet questioned

" ohh you'll see!" Alice smirked while Rosalie rolled her eyes .

Just like every day for two years now.. people still hold their breath and stop talking when they walk in the cafeteria.. every damn day.

It was funny at first but now it's just very annoying.

Rosalie and Emmet immediately caught a scent.. Cotten candy that made both of them want to drool.

They look at each other as if reading each other's mind.. ' are they having a third mate?'

' is he or she here?'

" yes silly.. she's here and her name is Lily! Violet and I will be great friends with her! " Alice chirped when she sat down on their usual table


" daddy I think she's a little too" the soft voice of violet was barely heard even for vampires around her, only to her husband and daddy . Jasper smiled breathing in his mate's scent while nodding.

Rosalie frowned " but that is very very rare .. only two vampire couples has a third mate?" She wonders out loud

" it is what will make you both feel complete! She's perfect for you !" Alice replied

Emmet was quite.. just staring at the beautiful girl who looks so perfect with her cute outfit

He was already accepting it and felt the mating pull . Rosalie wanted to deny it.. to be mates with a human.. a beautiful, full of life human .. she refuses to admit that she felt the mating pull too and wished nothing but to hold the smaller girl in her arms , but she has to fight it.. it's not fair for her.. not right for lily to be doomed with two vampires and a immortal bloody life no matter how much she needed her.

The voice of the Newton boy cut her thoughts and she focused on where lily was sitting alone.. well not anymore since newton boy is trying to be friendly with her.

Emmet wants nothing but to pull him away from that table and take his little girl away from that bastard and Rosalie was trying to hold a growl

" no" lily answered with a nasty glare

And Rosalie couldn't hold the smirk of pride ..

" maybe I can teach you some manners " he said trying to make his voice dominant.

Emmet snapped and if it wasn't for jasper he would've flipped the table and charged at the Newton boy.

But jasper was soon also distracted when the asshole was talking rudely about his mate. The murderous glare caught Lily's attention and violet held her mate close trying to calm him down.

Rosalie was trying to hold her anger together, unlike Emmet, she stayed in her chair looking at the scene but didn't try to stop her first mate from being protective over their little girl.

She will deny it though, and try to fight it but Lilly will always be their little girl .

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