《Human Race (Boyxboy) #1》Chapter Eight: So Here's the Plan


"Okay this train is going to the dome near here, and if we intercept it we can live comfortably for the next year." Jordan said, tracing the train route on the map showing us exactly where it was coming from and going.

At the moment we were trying to figure out ways to hijack a train. I know it sounds stupid, actually it's really stupid. So many things could go wrong, but if we could pull it off we wouldn't need to struggle so hard this winter.

"So many things could go wrong, and besides we don't know him many blood suckers are on that train. They could be boarding them in for the festival." Sam said, bringing his fist down onto the map covering up the route so everyone could tell he wasn't into this plan.

"We could get lots of supplies and maybe rescue a few people. No vampire would ever board a train to ride it." Matt added, picking at his finer nails with a small dagger.

"Well it's Rileys' decision," Sam finished.

"Well, sorry Sam I'm with Jordan on this. If we have a chance to save lives, we should take it." Riley said uncrossing his arms and quickly snatched up Gracie, who was walking by to the other room. Jordan blushed, pulling her dark locks behind her ear.

Gracie giggled and met Riley's kiss, leaning back against his chest, tilting her head up to meet his and the whole room groaned and threw pillows while I just blushed. They looked happy, really happy and no one in this room could deny what was in front of their eyes. I held in the urge to giggle as Riley turned around and took all the damage protecting Gracie like they were daggers or something.

Riley finally let go of her and let her continue to the kitchen. I jumped up and ran after her, thinking I might be able to help with dinner.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

She smiled at me and nodded, going to the porch door so she could walk outside. Gracie was amazing, she alone(sometimes some help from the girls or myself) but mostly alone put dinner on all by herself.

"Oh um, I can't go outside, remember?"

"You can go with me, I'm an adult." she said, sliding the foggy glass door open but I still saw Gracie as the girl who had so much hope in her eyes, as the kid that helped me realize that all is not lost.

I followed behind her, taking in the cloudy day like any other. The sun was no where to be seen, and the sky was dark as if warning of us for something to come. If what Sam said was correct, I wouldn't want to be outside right now but I told myself I was going to help in any way I could. That Ancient Vampire they talked about, grandma used to talk about him too in her books. They are the most powerful Vampires in all of existence, but there is only one left hence the vampire I'm talking about now. They can't die, not even a stake to the heart can kill him.


Alice was a little farther out, planting something. Maybe for her alchemy, maybe? Gracie kept on walking toward the gardens so I reluctantly followed, she was humming a small tune from a movie I must have heard when I was younger.

"Can you pick some potatoes?" She asked, "take the big ones but replant the smaller ones."

I nodded quickly so she could get to her own work too making her smile before trotting over to the beans. I picked the plants pulling off the potatoes that were the biggest, I could get five potatoes per plant, it was the size that mattered though.

I pulled the ripe potatoes out of ground, putting the smaller ones back in and putting some soil back over it. And kept repeating the process, over, and over until my hands were sore and covered with dirt.

"Sketch! What are you doing out here alone?"

I looked up, knowing that that was Sam yelling at me because he wasn't afraid to make me cry with his mean voice.

"Gracie is with me, she's over by the beans. I asked to help." I said softly, not wanting to make him any angrier.

"Yes but she's not by you, and Gracie can't protect you."

"But you're here now, you can protect me." I said putting on my cutest puppy dog eyes.

He didn't smile though, he just got even more agitated.

"Just hurry." he said softly.

I only had two plants left, so it wasn't the end of the world. Well actually it was, technically. I placed the potatoes in the basket and handed it to Sam to carry knowing it would take longer if I tried. Gracie came in shortly after and ended up getting into an argument about how she could totally protect me with my brother.

I washed the potatoes, grinning like a madman as Sam stormed away.

"Sketch, would you get out the plates?" Gracie asked and I was quick to nod.


I reached up and grabbed the glass plates, making sure I didn't drop them before I carried them to the dinning area.

"When will this all go down?" I heard Sam ask from the other room.

"Today." Riley said. "We leave in fifteen minutes."


"Jordan, Alice and I."

The timer beeped on the oven letting us know the potatoes were done. I wanted to get the potatoes out but Gracie pushed me away, with big oven knits on her hands.

. Alice said a big festival which meant lots of demons and they would pass by our territory. That stupid Ancient Vampire was supposed to come on Friday, according to Alice.

But until then I would be stuck inside. It's a bummer that my birthday was Friday. I want to go outside, again. Maybe I can this week.

Alice was a witch...she said she learned from her mother and looked about as old as Gracie. She said witches were rare and were very useful, not that I knew any. She said the demons have been after her, to capture her for her talent. She could make potions to cure, wards, protection spells, and a lot more.


She was valuable, and has been on the run since her mom was taken by the vampires.


It was peas, potatoes, and some mulberries, courtesy of Gracie and myself. I'm not one to brag but it smelled amazing!

Alice, Fennel, and Riley, got their food first despite the fact that this could possibly be the last time we saw any of them. But I smiled and stayed positive as Alice passed me by. Tonight for dinner would be left overs from lunch and bread, which I'm allowed to make.

"How are they getting there?" I asked.

"Riley's taking the old dirt bike, while Alice and Jordan are taking the wagon." Sam said grabbing a plate for me as well.

"You know, I can make my own plate?".

He chuckled to himself, placing my plate on the table, next to his. I sat down folding my hands in my lap. It wasn't funny!

"Because we both know you won't give yourself enough." He said, sitting down next to me.

I turned back to my plate, biting my lip so I didn't pout. I took a bite out of my peas, even though I hated them and scrunched my face up at Sam so he could see I was eating.

"How are they hijacking the train?" I asked.

"Well I think Alice is doing a spell to slow the train down, then I think Riley is jumping on the train and taking it over. They will stop it and load whatever they want on the wagon. Hopefully nothing goes wrong, though." Sam said, ruffling my hair.

I whined, trying to flatten it. He just smiled at me as I continued to pout.

Jordan, Riley, and Alice left, saying goodbye to everyone and made their way outside.

I sighed and continued eating my food, despite everyone finishing theirs. Sam made sure I ate everything before he left to finish his job for the next few days. He tended to the animals as it was his job this week, but it's not like he had to do much.

Just feed the pigs and chickens. When that happened I would gather flowers and give them to everyone. I love flowers and everyone else does too when I make them.

I got up and walked around the house, bored out of my mind because there was absolutely nothing for me to do. I passed the infirmary and felt the curiosity get the better of me and I peeked my head inside.

The boy named Remmy was on the infirmity bed, his brother holding his hand. Conner and Andie were standing around the bed looking at the boy and talking softly. Conner looked cute, his clothes were slightly ruffled but he still looked good despite the worry on his face. Okay, I might have a small, and I mean small crush on him.

"Alice made a potion, he'll be fine. Just give it a few hours, it's just the flu." Conner said crossing his arms.

"Yeah, the Vampire didn't do anything okay? Just a scratch. Even Alice said he was fine, he just got sick in the woods. And Alice has been around more vampires then us."

"You're right, it's just he's not getting any better."

"He has the flu, that takes time." Andie said brushing back the boys hair affectionately.

Conner turned and looked straight at me, I squeaked and turned to run thinking so had down wrong by eavesdropping, but before that happened his hand landed on my shoulder, pulling me back.

"Hey Sketch, you don't need to eavesdrop, you can come in." he said, tugging me inside the room.

I felt the heat warm my cheeks from getting caught, and I smiled dryly, hoping he wouldn't be annoyed or anything.

"I-I'm sorry, I just w-wanted to make sure he was ok-okay." I felt all their eyes on me but I didn't dare look up. I was too embarrassed.

"Awe, you're so cute!"


I looked up, blushing even harder as Andie walked over to me. She pinched my cheeks and smiled like a grandmother would when she saw me.

I looked over to Conner for an explanation but he was staring at me like Andie was. He looked down and blushed even harder. What? He tried to cover up his lower section but I was too confused to know what was going on.

He sat down quickly and I just looked back over at Andie, who was still fawning over me. I was confused and I felt a little uncomfortable.

"Sketch, how can you be so innocent?" Ryan asked looking back at Conner with a smirk.

"W-what do you m-mean?"

I just heard another squeak from Andie and a mumble from Remmy, who was slowly waking up. I realized it was getting late and I should help Gracie with the bread and get out of this situation.

"I-have to g-go help Gracie with t-he bread." I said softly, hoping not to disturb Remmy.

I quickly walked out into the kitchen, but before I left hearing range I heard a little bit of laughter and Conner telling everyone to 'Shut up and never speak of it again.'

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