《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Twenty Two




I really didn't want to leave Bella today but the sun was out and I couldn't really go to school sparkling like a disco ball. I walked back into the house to find everyone sitting in the lounge, watching TV.

"Hey Edward, can I talk to you?" Alice asked.

"Sure" I said confused. What did she have to talk about? We ran until we were far enough away from the house so they couldn't hear us.

"If Bella asks you to change her, will you?"

"If she wants me to, then yes, I will change her" I said, confused as to why she was asking me this.

"Good" Alice said.

"Are you guys planning on telling Charlie?"

"I don't know I need to talk with Bella about that" I said.

"Well, whatever you do, don't tell Charlie that you're a vampire when you tell him that you and Bella are getting married"

"We are getting married?" I asked, excited.

"Yes, I see you asking her after graduate, and then you're changing her when you come back from your honeymoon and somehow, I see Charlie around us a lot when she becomes a vampire" Alice said.


"Yeah, I know, so I'm just telling you, don't tell Charlie you're a vampire when you're telling him your getting married" Alice warned.

"When do I tell him that we are vampires then?" I asked.

"I don't know, but make sure you do it after he knows that you and Bella are boyfriend and girlfriend" Alice said.

"Now, since we are out here, we may as well do some hunting" she said. We went hunting, and I filled myself up on mountain lion and a few deer while Alice just had some deer then we went back to the house.



School was absolutely boring without the Cullens. I had to sit next to Mike and Jessica at lunch and Jessica would not shut up. She talked for the whole of lunch. Seriously, can we get some peace and quiet around here?

I turned off the truck and got out, making my way up to the house. The cruiser was in the driveway so Charlie was home. The door was unlocked so I walked in and closed it behind me.


"In the kitchen Bells"

"OK, I'm home"

I walked into the kitchen and found Charlie sitting at the table, the gun out, and cleaning it.

"Hey dad" I greeted as I walked to the cabinet and got out of a glass and filled it with water.

"Hey Bells, got any plans for tonight?"

"No, why?"

"Just wondering, not going to a party or anything?" he asked as the phone in the kitchen started ringing.

"Hello?" Charlie asked as he picked it up.

"For you Bella, it's Edward"

I went over and took the phone from him, picking it up and walking into the living room.

"Hey Edward" I said once I was away from Charlie's hearing range.

"Hey Bella, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight and watch a movie?"

"It's a school night, I don't think Charlie would let me out"

"Ask him"


I held the phone in my hand while I called out to dad.

"Dad?" I yelled.


"Could I go to the movies tonight?" I asked.

"With who?"

"Edward" I said.

"Sure" Charlie said. Huh? I'm sure he would say no.

I put the receiver back up to my ear.

"He said yes"

"Cool, I'll pick you up in twenty minutes" he said and hung up. I took the phone back into the kitchen.


"So Bella, is Edward your boyfriend?" Charlie asked while smiling smugly at me. I blushed.

"Yes" I said.

"Now I need to go change" I said and started walking upstairs to my room. I changed into a pair of skinny jeans, put on a t-shirt and a jumped over the top. 20 minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"I got it, take your time Bella" Charlie called up the stairs. I heard him open the door and greet Edward. I walked downstairs and saw Edward standing inside the door.

"Hey Edward" I greeted.

"Hey Bella, are you ready to go?" he asked.

I nodded my head.

"Have her back before eleven Edward" Charlie said.

"Yes sir"

We walked out of the house and Edward opened my door to the Volvo for me.

"So what are we watching?" I asked.

"We aren't actually going to the movies"


"We aren't actually going to the movies" I said.

"Where are we going then?" she asked.

"I want to show you my meadow and I thought we could watch the stars, is that alright? Or would you prefer to watch a movie" I asked. The meadow looks beautiful at night time with the stars and moon shining down on it.

"No, I'd prefer to go to the meadow" Bella said. I took her hand in mine and held while I drove to the dirt trail.

"We have to run from here, do you want me to carry you?" I asked as I got out of the car and opened her door for her. She nodded her head so I quickly got the blanket out of the boot so we don't get wet from the grass if we sit down and picked Bella up and started running.

It only took a few minutes to get to the meadow so when we got there I placed Bella on her feet and put the blanket down. "It's beautiful" Bella said. "It is, but not compared to you" I said, looking into her Chocolate brown eyes. Her eyes are her most beautiful feature.

"Sit down" I said, gesturing to the blanket. We both sat down and Bella crawled over and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her to me.



"If I asked you to change me, would you?" Bella asked.

"Change you?" I asked looking at her.

"Yeah, into a vampire" she said.

"Yes. If you wanted me to I would" I said. I've had to wait 100 years for my mate. For Bella. If she wants to spend the rest of forever with me, then I would let her. I only just found her, I'm not letting her go.

"So if I asked you to change me right now, would you?" she asked, looking up at me from under her eyelashes.

"No, what would we tell Charlie?" I asked.

"But you will change me right? Someday?" she asked.

"Someday. Someday we can have our forever" I murmured against her neck, placing a kiss here and there.

"Forever" Bella said.

(A/N)OKKK GUYS...This was the last chapter..This story is now officially complete because seriously I don't know what to write anymore..I hope you liked it and thank you guys for reading..

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