《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Sixteen




As the three figures emerged from the forest, Edward pushed me so his body was in front of mine, blocking me from view so that they couldn't see me and that I couldn't see them. The Cullen's formed a circle around me as if to protect me. What the fuck is going on here? Who are these people and why are the Cullen's acting so weird?

I tried peeking around Edward's body but couldn't see anything because Carlisle was in front of him blocking my view. "What do you want?" Edward growled. He actually growled. I don't even think the Cullen's are humans anymore. "We heard a baseball game and were wondering whether we could join?" I heard someone with a French accent ask. That piped my curiosity. Nobody in Forks has a French accent.

"Sure, a few of us were heading back home now anyway; you guys can take our places" Carlisle said. "Cool" I heard someone else say. Everyone turned around and looked at me. "Edward, you can take Bella home and Emmett can go with you" Carlisle said. They were talking as if I wasn't even here. "What? Why? Who are they could you please explain this to me?" I mean, I haven't even seen who they are. And the person with the French accents sounds familiar, like I know him somehow.

"Bella, We'll explain it all when we get home OK?" Edward asked. "No, what's the big deal? They just want to play baseball. And could I please see them?" I whisper yelled. Before he could answer, I ran around them and looked at the three figures who had emerged from the forest. I gasped as I looked at him. He was still the same as the last time I had seen him. His dread locks were still thick, his skin was still the same olive skin tone, his eyes were still the deep rich red as usual from hunting, and his facial features were still the same along with is height.


"Laurent?" I asked. All the Cullen's behind me gasped as I said his name and so did Laurent, finally looking at me. Huh? What are they gasping for? Never mind. "Bella?" he asked, astonished. "Is that really you?" I asked. He nodded and looked at me. "Don't I get a hug in greeting?" he asked, with fake hurt. I smiled and started to walk over to him but was stopped when Edward grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him and the family.

"what do you think you are doing going over to them? They could hurt you" he said. I looked at him confused. I finally exploded. "OK! Explain it to me right now! I know you aren't human! You walk too fast to be a human, you talk so low that human ears can't hear you! And now you say Laurent will hurt me, what is going on?" I yelled at them. He looked at Carlisle and he nodded to Edward.

"OK, this may sound weird and I won't blame you if you don't believe me but you wanted an explanation so alright" Edward said calmly. I looked at him. "We are vampires" he said. I blanched and looked at him in surprise. "Vampires? Oh god!"I moaned. Laurent chuckled and I looked over at him. "What?" I asked looking at him. "I thought you would know what vampires look like now" Laurent chuckled. "Hey, How was I supposed to know? They have gold eyes and you have red, you have brown skin and they have pale skin" I said defensively.

"Wait wait wait, you know about vampires?" Edward asked, sounding surprised. "Um, yeah" I mumbled. "How?" Edward asked me. "Um, did I tell you that I flew to France one time?" I asked. "No, and what do you mean you flew?" Edward asked suspiciously. Oh shit!

(A/N)I know guys really short chapter so that's why I'm gonna update another one..which is coming right up... :)

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