《Everlasting ღ Newt TMR¹》22. The Catalyst


I lead the boys through the forest, Newt, Alby, Minho, Clint, Jeff and a few other boys. I am the first see Thomas and Teresa, sitting together, still talking like before. I begin to feel as if I should reconsider giving them away, but it's too late.

The group of boys run ahead, so I run right behind them. The boys and I stand facing Thomas, as Teresa remains seated, before Newt speaks asks her, "How'd you get here? Med-jack said you were there one second and buggin' gone the next."

She must move pretty fast to be able to get past both Med-jacks, and to sneak through the Glade to the Deadheads forest.

The dark haired girl stands up with ease, a smirk on her face as she says "Guess he forgot to tell the little part about me kicking him in the groin and climbing out the window."

I break into laughs as all gazes turn towards Jeff, whose face is glowing a bright shade of scarlet. "Oh my God, Jeff! Is she serious?"

He immediately loses eye contact, focusing on his shoes. I looked back over to Thomas and Teresa, to see Thomas choking down any possible laughter which may escape him at that moment.

"Congrats, Jeff," Newt begins. "You're officially the first guy here to get your butt beat by a girl."

Teresa smirks, before continuing on her confident attack at the Glade boys, "Keep talking like that and you'll be next."

I turn towards Newt, shocked by what Teresa had just said to him. But, Newt, does not seem to be effected by her words in the least. No one speaks, no one knows how to react.

Alby just sighs, before breaking the slightly irritating silence. "I'm sick of this," he steps forward and points directly towards Thomas, who looks to be almost offended. "I wanna know who you are, who this shank girl is, and how you guys know each other."

Thomas recoils, and as he begins to answer, Alby does not accept what he says, cutting him off before he can even release a sentence.

"She came straight to you after waking up, shuck-face!" He shouts in Thomas' face, lighting a flurry of anger within Thomas it seems.


"So what? I know her, she knows me - or at least, we used to. That doesn't mean anything! I can't remember anything. Neither can she."

Alby doesn't even flinch, doesn't even care about what Thomas has said. He just turns to Teresa, immediately placing the blame on her, "What did you do?"

I feel bad for Teresa, but I don't blame Alby for doing so. He's trying to look after, like, fifty other boys, and things have started to turn bad. Now I guess he just doesn't know what to do. Nothing like this has happened before.

"What did you do?" He screams, taking a step towards Teresa. "First the sky, now this. What have you done?"

I know about the sky, but what is the other thing Alby is referring to? I try to analyse the situation, as they continue to talk.

Teresa stutters, "I triggered something, not on purpose," She is quick to add in the last part. "I swear it. The Ending. I don't know what it means."

I still have no idea what they're talking about. Come on, Lori, use your head for Christ's sake!

Thomas must feel the same, because he turns towards Newt and ask what is wrong, and what has happened.

Before Newt even has a chance to answer, Alby is in his face, holding him with a handful of scrunched shirt. "What's happened? I'll tell ya what happened, shank. Too busy makin' lovey eyes to bother lookin'naround? To bother noticing what freaking time it is?"

Thomas and I look at each other in realization. We both understand now. We bother know why Alby is in such a bad place.

I mouth the answer to myself, as Alby says it out loud, "The walls, you shuck. The Doors. They didn't close tonight."

After a few moments of a cold silence, Alby tells two boys named Billy and Jackson, to lock Teresa up in the Slammer. She doesn't react as the two pull her up by her arms and begin to take her away.

"Alby, is this really necessary?" I ask carefully, watchful not to make him even more angry.

I did not succeed.

"Who's side are you damn well on, Lori? You've known us for so much longer than them, and you're defending them?" Alby growls.


"What're you talking about? Alby, you can't -" Thomas cuts in before I have a chance to answer his question. "But . . . how could you possibly blame her for the walls not closing?"

"How could we not, Tommy? She bloody admitted it herself." A certain blond points out.

I can't stand them talking about locking someone up like they did to me. It hurts to think, that if not her, it would be me. And I led them to her. I gave her up to keep myself from the glowering stares and the hard ground of the Slammer.

I stalk away, my feelings dragging down on my ankles. I hear someone following after me, but that doesn't stop me. I keep walking until I reach my room in the Homestead, someone still following at my ankles.

I go to close the door, but the person just pushes through, wrapping their arms around me. I try to fight against them, but they calm me down, running their fingers through my hair; that's when I realize who it is.

"Are you okay?" Newt asks me in a low voice, a concerned look streaked across his face. I shake my head as he sighs.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head once more, burying my face into his chest. "It's not your fault, Lori. They were gonna put her in the Slammer either way. She wakes up, the Doors don't close. What do you expect Alby to do?"

I lift my head up to look him in the eyes, "I don't want to be here any more, Newt. I hate it here. They don't have a right to trap us here, we don't belong here. I don't belong here."

"Trust me when I say, that I know exactly how you feel" he looks down to his leg, a weariness glazing over his eyes.

"Newt, what happened to you in the Maze? And don't say nothing, because I'm worried for you, and I can't understand if you won't tell me."

"If you want to know, then you might want to sit down" he says. As we go and sit on the bed, I'm beginning to regret asking. We sit side by side, and I take his hands in mine.


(Lucinda Whyte POV)

My team and I watch the monitors. Subject A5 and A6 sit together. A5's heartbeat is beginning to heighten, a sign of fear and anxiety. A5 is about to tell A6 what happened to him, is the conclusion my team has drawn.

I walk away, not wanting to witness what I had seen for myself on the monitors those few years ago. It was dreadful, but we are not allowed to attach ourselves to any of the Subject's pain, because it may result in a desire to help them.

Making my way down many hallways, I finally reach my destination. A door at the end of the hall, with a panel stating what, or should I say who, it contains.

Clara Stratton. Group A. Subject A11.

The Catalyst.

I open the door slowly, so I don't frighten the girl. She sits at a desk, reading a book, her dark hair tied back in a bun. She wears the mandatory white clothing, and a silver bracelet around her wrist. From her parents she had said.

I stand beside her seat and rest a hand on her shoulder.

"How are you, dear?"

She nods her head and smiles in reply.

"Have they informed you of your mission once you reach the location?"

The girl nods again, before opening her book once more, and pulling out a photo that she had been using as a bookmark. She hands it to me with a smile.

"You must be excited to see him again" I grin, almost happy for the girl.

"I can't wait" Clara replies for the first time in weeks, a sugar sweet voice escaping her lips.

I look down at the photo, slightly worried for what it will bring.

It is a picture split in four, from one of the photo booths in the lounge for the children. Something for them to do I guess.

The first picture, she sits smiling with a boy. The next they are pulling strange faces. The third, they are locked in an embrace. And the fourth, they are kissing each other, smiling as they do so.

I immediately recognize the boy in all four pictures.

Subject A5.


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