《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (22)
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
This was what Thomas had asked me when my head rammed into a locker door as I was walking down the hallway with him. It took me a moment to realize that he was talking to me.
"What are you talking about?" I snapped, continuing on my way down the hallway as if nothing had happened. But it was a little hard ignoring all the snickering going on around me. "I'm perfectly fine."
Thomas gave me a look before grabbing onto my arm to stop myself from moving any farther. I tried to yank my arm from his grasp, but he was too strong for me.
"What's wrong?" he repeated a little more sternly now.
He knew something was up. He was the only person that I could really talk to, now that Morgan was gone. But still... I didn't want to talk about it. Because talking about it with someone else made it so much more real. And I didn't want it to be real.
"I'm fine," I assured once again, but I wasn't so sure what I could have done to make him believe me. "Nothing's wrong. Really."
I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to think about what had happened the day before. Seeing Mona in his apartment, realizing that we really were unhealthy, sitting in my car for hours just sobbing... it was all too painful and I didn't want to think about it.
"Leah," Thomas now sighed, his grip on my arm loosening just a little. "I know something's wrong, so talk to me."
"Blake and I broke up," I whispered, staring down at the floor as bodies shuffled by us.
Thomas's eyes went wide, but he said nothing. He seemed to be so surprised that he couldn't even think of what he was supposed to say to me.
"Hard to believe, huh?" I simply questioned, turning away from him and starting down the hall now. He quickly followed after me. "Yeah, I'm still finding it kind of hard to believe."
"What happened?" was what he asked me now, and it made me stop dead in my tracks. This caused a freshman to ram right into me, and she backed away completely terrified when she saw that he had run into me.
I was about to apologize, but she quickly screamed that she was sorry and took off down the hall. Freshmen were really weird.
I looked back at Thomas now, who had a concerned look on his face. I couldn't help but bite my lip when I remembered he looked exactly like the ex-boyfriend I was trying to forget about. Only with shorter hair.
I turned away from him, not wanting to look at him. "I can't talk about this with you," I told him honestly.
Before I could take off once again, he was grabbing onto my arm once again. "If you can't talk about this with me, who else are you going to talk to?" he asked, and I knew he had a good point. "It's not like anyone else knew that you and Blake were still dating. If you acted this way after you guys supposedly broke up months ago, then you could talk to our other friends. Bu they'll know something's up if you start acting depressed now."
He was right. But how could I talk to him about this when he looked so much like Blake? I'd break down in tears even more than if I just tried to relive the memory.
"I can't talk to you about this because you look too much like Blake," I finally told him honestly, yanking my arm out of his grasp and taking a step away, still not looking at him. "Yes, you're the only person I can talk to about this, but you're also the one person I can't."
Thomas said nothing back to this. He knew I was right, and he wasn't about to push me into talking about something that made me feel upset and uncomfortable. So all he did was take a step back away from me and say, "Then I'll talk to Blake about it and be ready for whenever you finally want to talk."
And he turned away and walked off down the hall before I could say anything to stop him. I let out a sigh of relief, turning away and starting off toward my next class. At least school was something that put my mind of Blake for at least a little while.
At lunch, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I didn't know if Blake and Mona were going to sit at our usual table or not with the rest of our friends. If they were, I wasn't going to go anywhere near that table.
I was sure that if it was up to Blake, he wouldn't sit at the usual table. He would have found somewhere else to sit, because he wasn't too close to our friends anyway. He knew I had known them longer, so I was sure he would have let me sit there and he would have left for somewhere else.
But then we had Mona.
I wasn't surprised when I peeked out the cafeteria door at our usual outside table to see both Blake and Mona sitting there. Mona was laughing and giggling beside him like she always did, but Blake looked... depressed.
I turned away from this and started off toward the hallway, dumping my food in the trash in the process. I wasn't so hungry anymore.
I didn't know where I could go, honestly. I didn't have any friends I could sit with or any classroom I could go to. I could have gone to the auditorium with Mr. Summers, but there was a big chance he wasn't even there yet because he only had classes after lunch, not beforehand. So I was pretty much stuck wandering around the halls looking like a complete and total loser.
"Leah?" a new voice suddenly said from behind me, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. I turned around, surprised when I saw that it was Mr. Meyers that was standing there. "What are you doing?"
I wanted to come up with some sort of excuse. I wanted to tell him that I had a project to do, or a test to retake, but none of that was coming out of my mouth. All I could think about was how I was avoiding my table and my friends because I didn't want to deal with seeing Blake.
I couldn't control it as tears filled my eyes. I tried to wipe them away, but I knew Mr. Meyers already knew how I was feeling. And no matter what I told him, he wasn't going to believe that I was going to retake a test or work on a project.
"Do you need someone to talk to?" he asked, his face growing concerned.
I hadn't talked to Mr. Meyers in months. Since he wasn't my teacher any longer, I didn't have to see him every day like I used to. And I had been glad for that. But now there I was, standing face-to-face to him.
"I'm fine," I assured, even though I really wasn't. "School's just... stressful. That's all."
I was sure the teacher's had been informed on how Blake and I were not healthy together, so it wasn't like I could tell Mr. Meyers what had happened, even if he was willing to talk to me when I couldn't talk to anyone else. Who knew how he'd react if he found out Blake and I had gone behind everyone's backs and continued to date? Especially after he had had a crush on me.
A part of me wished that I had had the guts to sit at the table with the rest of my friends and just ignore Mona and Blake. That was what Derrick and Leslie did, and it was no longer awkward for them. At least, I didn't think it was...
"Leah, you can talk to me," Mr. Meyers informed me now, but I wasn't so sure if that was a true statement. "Just because we have a past doesn't mean you can't talk to me about your problems."
I'd rather have a therapist. Actually, I think I needed a therapist.
"I wouldn't exactly call what we had a past," I couldn't help but respond back snippily, not wanting to have to deal with anyone else for the rest of the day. It was bad enough that I was going to have to sit through more classes and a long rehearsal after lunch was over. I didn't want to talk to a teacher that had made a pass at me before. "Just because you kissed me twice doesn't mean that we have a past."
I looked around the hallway, just to make sure that no one could have been overhearing what we were saying to each other. Even though it had been almost a year since it had happened, I didn't want anyone to know about it. I was sure that Mr. Meyers would still get in trouble for it.
Mr. Meyers frowned. "Leah. Something's bothering you."
"Do you still like me?" I found myself blurting, and I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth after I had said it. But it was already too late. He had already heard it and was thinking about his answer in his head.
"No," he answered.
I should have been relieved. I should have been thankful. But all I could think about was how embarrassed and uncomfortable I felt for asking him that question. Sure, it gave me the answer I wanted, but it was still utterly embarrassing.
"But just because I don't like you like that anymore doesn't mean you can't talk to me," he told me now, and this didn't make me feel any less embarrassed. "Whenever something's bothering you, you can come and talk to me. Like right now. I know something's bothering you."
I had always thought that I was a good actress. I mean, I couldn't have gotten Sandy in the play for absolutely no reason. But obviously, I wasn't as good as I thought I had been. I couldn't hide my emotions to save my life, considering everyone seemed to see that something was really bothering me.
"Leah," a new voice now said, cutting this conversation off as I froze. Anyone but Blake. Anyone but Blake! "Mr. Meyers."
To my relief, it wasn't Blake that had stopped beside us. It was Sean, much to my surprise. But it wasn't like I was about to complain that he was cutting this conversation off.
"Sean," Mr. Meyers greeted, his eyebrows rising on his forehead. "I haven't seen you around for a while. I wouldn't think you'd want to come back here after graduating."
Sean shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He was obviously oblivious to how awkward the conversation he had just interrupted had been. But it wasn't like I was expecting him to realize that anything could have been going on between Mr. Meyers and me.
"I like to come back sometimes and visit my old teachers and my friends," he responded simply now before turning toward me. "But I expected you to be outside eating lunch, not inside a hallway."
I couldn't think of an excuse, so I said nothing. He probably wouldn't have believed me anyway.
"Well, I should get back to my classroom," Mr. Meyers now dismissed, and I let out a sigh of relief. I sure thanked Sean for getting me out of that one. "I'll see you two around."
Sean nodded at him as a goodbye, but I said nothing to him. I did not want his attention to be turned back toward me.
"So, hi," Sean waved at me when he noticed that I was staring off into space where Mr. Meyers had walked off. "Earth to Leah?"
"What are you doing here?" I questioned, surprised as I looked up at him. "You don't even go here."
"A Mean Girls quote, huh?"
I shook my head and rubbed my forehead. "Elias is rubbing off of on me. Damn it."
Sean rolled his eyes at me. "Even if I don't go here anymore, I can still visit, you know," he reminded me, as if I didn't know this. "So I decided to visit. I'm surprised to see you here though and not outside eating."
My stomach seemed to growl as a response to this. Of course it decided to choose that now was the time it would let the world know how hungry I actually was.
"So, why are you in here and not outside with everyone else?" Sean asked me, leaning against a locker like he used to do all the time whenever he hit on me at my locker. Oh, memories. "If I remember correctly, you're not the kind of girl that likes to skip lunch."
He was right, and even he knew that. I was definitely going to regret skipping lunch later, but I wasn't going to let that get to me right then. I'd just stuff myself or something when I got home. Problem solved.
"I had a test to retake," I shrugged simply, since there really wasn't any other reason I would be in a school hallway during lunch. I mean, there were even bathrooms outside that I could have used if I needed to.
Sean's eyebrows rose. "With Mr. Meyers?" he now questioned. "I thought he wasn't your teacher anymore."
"No, with another teacher," I excused meekly, just wanting this conversation to be over with already. "I just... ran into Mr. Meyers on the way back to the table, that's all. We were having a nice chat about... history."
And the unfortunate thing? It wasn't exactly a lie.
But luckily, Sean looked like he believed me, and I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't know what I would have done if he thought that there was something going on between Mr. Meyers and me. Especially since Blake was the only one that knew that there had actually been something going on between Mr. Meyers and me the year before.
"Let's go." Sean grabbed onto my wrist and now practically dragged me back outside where our friends were. I wanted to scream at him and tell him to stop, but I couldn't find my voice. "They're probably wondering where you are.
I couldn't believe this. There was no way I could get out of this! What could I have done?
Obviously nothing, because our friends spotted us before we even made it to the table. Sean dropped my wrist and I knew that I could have turned and ran, but it was too late. My friends would have known something was up if I took off.
"Look who I found," Sean announced once we got to the table, but I didn't look up at anyone. But I could see Blake out of the corner of my eye, and his eyes went wide. "She was in the hallway talking to Mr. Meyers.
I now completely avoided Blake's gaze. I did not want to know his reaction to finding out I was with Mr. Meyers. The last time we had broken up and I had been with Mr. Meyers, it definitely didn't go so well.
"Sean!" someone at the table called out, but it wasn't Cassie, much to my surprise. It was Jaz. "It's so nice to see you!"
She jumped up from her spot at the table and wrapped her arms around his waist. I was very surprised when I sat him wrap his arms around her as well. Cassie didn't look fazed by this at all. She seemed perfectly fine.
And now, for the first time in my life, I was jealous of Cassie Bale. It was strange, being jealous of her instead of her being jealous of me. She was perfectly fine with another girl touching her boyfriend, because she knew that he only had eyes for her. She didn't care if he hugged other girls or talked to other girls. Meanwhile, I was the complete opposite.
I found myself wanting to look at Blake, but I knew that I couldn't. I couldn't give in. I didn't want to see what kind of face he was making, even if he wasn't looking at me. I also didn't want to see Mona draped all over him like she owned him or something.
Even though she basically did now. Since I wasn't dating him anymore, he could be all hers. I was sure she'd love that.
I looked around, trying to think of something that could get me out of there. When my gaze landed on Thomas, and then landed on Jane, I knew exactly what I could do.
"Um, Jane... I need to talk to you about something," I told her, knowing that if I didn't do it now, I was going to just keep putting it off. "It's actually kind of important."
She blinked at me, and I could see Thomas giving me a look out of the corner of my eye. I ignored him and practically everyone else at the table as I got up and made my way away from the table, far enough so that we could still see it but they wouldn't be able to hear us.
I ignored the fact that Blake could read lips. I didn't care if he eavesdropped on this conversation or not, considering it had nothing to do with him.
"So, what do you need to talk about?" Jane asked, her usual smile beaming on her face.
"So, um..." I started, not sure exactly how I was going to come about this. "I was just, you know... wondering whether or not you still had feelings for Thomas or not."
Her eyes went wide, and I now bit the inside of my lip. Had she even known that I knew she had had feelings for Thomas? Well, she knew now...
"Why?" she asked me now, and I wasn't expecting this kind of response. Her eyes then turned into suspicious slits as she took a step toward me. "Do you like him?"
My mouth went dry. I was pretty sure she had answered my question without even having to say yes or no.
"No, I don't like him," I assured her, almost afraid that she'd attack me or something if she thought I had a crush on the other Solo brother. "I was really just wondering if you still liked him, that's all!"
Jane now took a step back, letting out a nervous laugh. "Oh," she nodded, seeming relieved. "Alright. That's good, because I still do really like him and I thought you liked him or something, which isn't good considering how much he looks like Blake."
She just had to remind me of that. That was the one reason why I hadn't spoken to Thomas, the one person I could actually talk to.
"I'm over Blake," I lied, my hands moving to my hips. "I have been for months."
Jane's head cocked to the side. "Then why haven't you had another boyfriend yet?"
I bit down on the inside of my cheek hard. How was I supposed to answer that? If I really had been over Blake, then I wouldn't have cared about getting another boyfriend. It wouldn't have bothered me that Christian liked me. A lot of things would have been different if I was really over Blake.
"I don't need to have a boyfriend," I shrugged simply, not wanting her to know that I was a little ticked off that she asked me that question. She hadn't had a boyfriend the entire time I had known her, but it wasn't like I was asking her questions like that. The only reason I was asking if she still liked Thomas was because he asked me to talk to her... "After everything that happened with Blake, I realized that I can be by myself and be happy as well."
Jane smiled, not noticing that I was lying right through my teeth. It had only been a day since Blake and I had broken up and I was absolutely miserable.
"I understand," she nodded now, and I forced a smile. She now glanced back over at our table. "But I've always thought that you could go out with Christian. It's obvious he likes you, and he's a super sweet guy and all."
I couldn't help but frown now. Why did she have to remind me of how great Christian was? I knew he was a great guy. He was sweet, kind, and always understood me. And yet, Blake was the only person I loved. And it really felt like that was how it was always going to be. But I didn't want it to be that way.
I didn't know when I would be ready to date again. But maybe... just maybe I could finally give Christian a chance whenever I was.
So I just started using the Twitter account that I made like a year ago... So follow me on there! I'll probably tweet some sneak peeks and stuff. Also, I retweet/favorite any tweets about my stories, and if they're really good, I even follow back. ;) I'm @MP13Girl! The link's in the external link. :D
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Leguna. An orphan. His life changed dramatically the day the thieves’ guild happened to select him for training and development. He would go on to become lifelong friends with a loyal mercenary, the partner of a beautiful magus who was cold as ice, the savior of a mysterious disfigured dark-elf girl with a talent for the Breath, and the unlikely caregiver for a feisty young maiden. And yet, who would be with him to the very end?In a twist of fate, the child who fought stray dogs for food emerged to be the most infamous assassin in the world. But the intricacies of power are not so easily grasped, and the price of protecting those that he loves is not as simple as he once thought…
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Discovering Magic
“Venture into your mind and into a new world, one where there is Magic. Magic that is nascent and unexplained, one where you can be the one to Discover it, by delving dark dungeons or examining magical Beasts, by studying ancient scrolls or by finding lost gods, your Imagination is the only limit.” This is what Mike thought he was getting into when he lay down to play a new VR game, but fate had another thing in store for him, he was whisked away to a new world in another Dimension, with an AI fused to his body that refuses to let him treat this world as a game, all the while trying to make it as much like a game as it can. The only Objective he is given is to Discover Magic as he learns to survive and live in this new world, doing the best he can to not die, or even worse. *** Hi All! This is my story, it has been brewing in my mind in various forms for years. It will be rough, this is the first story I have written in a long time, so please help me make it as great as it can be! It is a High Fantasy adventure/Isekai LitRpg, it will have action and adventure, levels and dungeons, Elves, Dwarves and Gods. It is not a Virtual Reality story, though it will touch on some topics of artificial intelligence. The core focus of the story is going to be the discovery and deep delve in the magic system and fantastical elements of the world. Mana is used so often in LitRPG's but how often is it explained what mana is, magic is used in fantasy, but how often do you understand what it feels like. Magical races like Elves, Dwarves etc. often exist in stories, but why do they exist? and what truly makes them different from Humans and from each other? What is a God and where did they come from? These are the sort of topics that I want to really dive into in this series, all through the lens of a progression focused LitRPG. Thanks for reading!
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