《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (18)
I woke up to scratching against the door.
At first, it scared me. As I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes, I waited for the scratching to continue again. When it did, my grip on the sheets tightened even more. What the heck was making that sound?
I then heard the familiar yapping of Snowflake, and I let out the breath that I had been holding.
With Blake still asleep, since he seemed to be able to sleep through almost anything, I made my way over to the closed door and opened it. Snowflake was now sitting right in the hallway, staring up at me with his big eyes.
"What do you need, boy?" I asked him, and he barked up at me again. "Are you hungry? Do you want food?"
He seemed to nod, and I now walked down the hallway and toward the kitchen. I opened one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled his food bag out, dumping some into his bowl. "You happy now?" I asked, but he didn't even acknowledge me and started eating. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and laugh.
After filling his other bowl with water, I made my way back to the bedroom, shutting the door behind me so he couldn't run inside and disturb us again.
When I got back into the bed, I rolled onto my side to see Blake, who was still sleeping softly next to me. Sometimes I just didn't understand how he could sleep through certain situations.
Almost as if it was an extinct, even if he was asleep, his arm went around my waist. I was wearing his shirt, and he was wearing his boxers. This was how it was supposed to be.
I just laid there, staring at him for a little while. I couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to have someone like him be in love with me. I could never find anyone as amazing as him. And that was the reason why I was so scared of losing him.
I reached out and touched his cheek. His face was warm; he was breathing in and out slowly. He was so beautiful and I was just... so lucky.
As if he could tell that I was watching him, Blake finally woke up and cracked one eye open. I couldn't help but grin at him.
"Good morning, beautiful," he smiled, his voice groggy from sleep. He brushed my bangs out of my face. "Last night was..."
"Perfect," I whispered, leaning in and kissing him. "Last night was perfect."
His smile only grew before he leaned in and kissed me again. I laced my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to me.
"Hello, hello!" a new voice now said, and this immediately caused me to push myself away from Blake and nearly fall off the bed. "Oh, Blake! Come out, come out, wherever you are! You can't still be sleeping, can you?"
I let out a groan and shoved myself inside his closet, sliding the door shut just enough so I could still peak out but Carrie wouldn't be able to see me. Blake just sat up, completely stupefied.
I saw Carrie make her way inside the room and stop short in the doorway when she saw Blake. I held my breath.
"You look..." was all she was able to say at first. She then looked down at the floor to see my clothes, and I almost broke out into a sweat. I should have picked those up! "You look like you've had company."
"I had someone over," Blake excused quickly, and I felt my eyebrows furrow. Really? "I had... Mona over. She left about ten minutes ago. But she's going to be back soon, so..."
"Mona?" Carrie blinked, her eyes then going wide. "Didn't you used to date a girl named Mona a little while before you started dating Leah?"
Blake nodded. "Yeah, it's her."
Carrie was practically glowing now, and the closet felt crowded and stuffy. I needed to get out of there soon before I suffocated.
"You look so flustered!" she giggled. "How cute. I haven't seen you like this since you were with Leah!"
Blake said nothing. He was obviously just as uncomfortable as I was.
"Is she your girlfriend again?" she asked him now. Blake only nodded, looking away from her.
I felt my face growing red. But now, not from embarrassment, but from anger instead. I hated lying about this. I hated hiding from Carrie. I hated everyone thinking Mona and Blake were together. I just hated everything that was happening!
Carrie had the same look on her face that she used to always have whenever she saw Blake and me together. I couldn't help but get even angrier when I saw that she was now giving him this look when it was about Mona.
"I'm so happy you were able to find someone else to be happy with," she gushed, and I felt like throwing up. "Now I just hope Leah can find someone else to be happy with, too!"
For some reason, my thoughts immediately went to Christian. And it seemed Blake's did as well, because he looked down at his lap and muttered, "Yeah, I hope so too."
"Well, I won't get in your way," Carrie now waved away, taking a step back. "I just wanted to check on you, that's all. Maybe even make you breakfast. But since you're going to have... company, I think I'll just leave."
I really did feel sick to my stomach. I wondered if Blake would be mad if I threw up in his closet.
Blake nodded at the redhead. "Yeah, okay. Thanks anyway, Carrie."
I didn't move until I heard the front door slam shut. Then I opened the closet door, stepped out, and nearly slammed it shut.
"Leah—" Blake started, but I wouldn't let him finish.
"Mona, huh?" I spat, picking my clothes up off the floor. "Out of every girl you know, she's the one you pick? Alright then."
Blake looked like he had no idea what he was supposed to do. I just stood there, my face hard. It really pissed me off that he used Mona as an alibi. He could have used Jane, Jaz, Leslie, or even Cassie! We were friends with them, too.
He reached out and grabbed onto my wrist. "No, Leah, I wasn't thinking—"
"You weren't thinking?" I snapped now, pulling my wrist from his grasp. "You weren't thinking, so you told Carrie that Mona was your new girlfriend. Why is Mona on your mind? Why did she have to be the one you told Carrie about? You couldn't think of any of our other friends?"
This was really bothering me. Why was Mona on his mind? I wanted to know. Was it because we had been fighting about her the night before, or because he was just thinking about her for himself?
Blake ran his hand through his hair, but said nothing. He looked so frustrated, but I expected as much after all the fighting we had done lately.
"Leah, why are you so angry about this?" Blake finally asked me now, seeming completely flabbergasted.
"How about I go tell Carrie that I'm dating Christian?" I suggested, knowing he'd understand it now. His face went white. "Exactly. You don't like hearing that, do you?"
"Look, I don't want to fight with you," he whispered, reaching out and cupping my face. I took a step away from him, right out of his grasp. "We just made up after the biggest fight we've ever had. I don't want to fight with you again. Please, Leah."
I didn't know why I was so upset. I felt crazy. I just wanted to stop feeling this way.
"I panicked," he sighed truthfully now, but that still didn't mean it didn't bother me. He came up to me now and wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't pull away from him this time. "I'm sorry."
I swallowed. I knew I was overreacting, but it still pissed me off. I couldn't help but be upset. No matter how many times he assured me, or told me he loved me more than he could ever love anyone else, I was still worried about Mona.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, quieter now. "I love you."
I felt tears in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. We were fighting over nothing. This wasn't a big deal. He only said it so Carrie wouldn't get suspicious. He loved me.
"I know," I whimpered, biting down on my tongue when I heard how squeaky my voice is. "I know. I'm sorry for overreacting. I just... I love you, too."
"You weren't overreacting." Blake now shook his head. "I understand why you're upset. It's my fault. I shouldn't have said anything about Mona. I should have just made someone up or something."
"No, because then if Carrie wanted to meet her, you'd be screwed," I couldn't help but point out, remembering how happy and excited she was when she had first met me.
Blake chuckled slightly. "I could have always just paid someone to act like my girlfriend."
I smacked him on the arm playfully. "You're not paying anyone to be your girlfriend. That would require them to touch you and kiss you. And that's not allowed."
Blake laughed. "Oh, really now? So I only belong to you?"
"Oh, yes, of course," I nodded now, giggling as his grip on me tightened. "I own you. You're all mine."
Blake smiled, now rubbing my back. "So, are we okay now?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "It's just... I hated hearing you say you're dating someone else, even if I know it's not true. That's why it bothers me so much whenever Cassie talks about the two of you being together."
"How do you think I feel when Thomas talks about you and Christian?"
"Thomas talks about Christian and me?"
"Yeah, because he knows it annoys me," Blake mumbled, making a face. "He knows how much I hate that guy and how I hate that you two have to spend time together, and he makes fun of me for it. I mean, it's not as bad as some of the things he used to make fun of me for, but it's still annoying."
I thought about how Thomas used to be. I was sure glad that he was our friend now. Even though Blake almost had to die to get it to happen...
"I think I should go," I sighed now, taking a step back away from him. "My family thinks I'm at Derrick's, and I'm sure they'll be able to find out soon that I'm really not there if I don't get home."
Blake nodded. "Alright. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?"
I agreed, picking my clothes up from the chair I had placed them on and made my way into the bathroom so I could quickly change. For some reason, I didn't feel very comfortable changing in front of him right then.
As I left, I saw Snowflake sleeping soundlessly on the couch. It took all my willpower not to go over and pat him, but I told myself to leave him alone and let him sleep.
I drove home in silence. I didn't feel like turning on the radio.
I didn't expect either of my parents to be awake, considering it was Sunday and neither of them had to work that day. So I expected to come home to a seemingly empty house, but I was definitely wrong about that.
It seemed like Morgan was waiting for me as she sat on the couch, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and her eyes narrowed when she saw me walk through the front door.
"Good morning," I greeted, even though Morgan looked like she was thinking that this morning was anything but good. "Is everything alright?"
She just stared me down at first, and I was pretty sure that I was in a lot of trouble. What was going on?
"I know you weren't at Derrick's last night," she informed me.
I felt my breath catch in my throat. "How would you know that?"
"Kyle and I went over to his house earlier this morning and we asked Derrick where you were," she explained now, and I almost let out a groan. I probably should have asked Derrick to cover for me, but then he would have been the one wondering where I was, and I didn't want that either. "He said that you didn't spend the night with him. So where were you?"
I probably should have thought that one through. Next time, my alibi wouldn't be a place where she could easily check if I was actually there or not.
I didn't know what I was supposed to say. As much as I wanted to tell her about Blake, she would have been angry that I lied to her and made her worry. I really felt like a horrible sister, especially when she used to tell me everything that was going on with her.
"Alright, I wasn't with Derrick," I finally admitted with a sigh, knowing that the jig was finally up. There was no point in lying, so I didn't even try to.
"Then where were you?" she demanded again, her hands on her hips. She reminded me of our mother when she did that. "You were gone all night and you lied about where you were going. That's not like you."
Actually, that was exactly like me. I had been lying about where I was at night ever since I started dating Blake. There was no way my parents would have let me go over there when we were openly dating, and now that we were seeing each other in secret, no one could know where I really was.
I didn't say anything right away. I wondered how mad she would be, even if she had told me the day before that she wanted Blake and me together. She seemed to be the only other person on the planet, besides Blake and me, that felt that way.
"Leah," she practically scolded. "Why weren't you at Derrick's?"
I let out a sigh. "I wasn't at Derrick's... because I was at Blake's."
My sister's eyes went as wide as saucers, and I waited for her to say something, anything, to me. I was almost afraid of what her reaction would be. I knew she hated it whenever I lied to her, and I had been lying to her for months. Not only about Blake, but about Derrick as well.
"You were at... Blake's," was all she was able to say. She just continued to sit there on the couch, staring out into space. This seemed to be the last answer that she was expecting. Were Blake and I really doing that good of a job pretending not to date? I didn't think so.
"Morgan, you're freaking me out," I finally called out, waving my hand in front of her face to try to get her attention. This seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she had been in. "I spent the night at Blake's, not Derrick's. That's why I wasn't there. I'm telling you the truth now."
A look of determination now crossed Morgan's face. "Where you there as his... friend, or as his girlfriend?" she asked me now.
I swallowed. "I was there as his girlfriend."
I could have easily lied, but I was sure she wouldn't have believed me. Especially since I had lied about where I was going.
"Did you two..." she started, but then trailed off and started making gestures with her hands.
I made a face. "Yes, we did."
My sister continued to just stare at me, so I waited. I waited for what felt like years until she finally said, "But... what about Derrick?"
Now this was the part she was going to get angry at, I was sure. She had been freaking out over my supposed relationship with Derrick, so if she knew that we had been tricking both her and Kyle, I knew she was going to be mad at me.
"Derrick and I aren't really dating," I shrugged uncaringly, trying my hardest to act as if it was no big deal at all. "We were just trying to freak you and Kyle out a little bit. I didn't think it was going to go this far."
"Leah! That was terrible!"
"It was Derrick's idea!"
I might as well blame it all on him, since it was his idea. I might have gone along with it, but at least I wasn't the mastermind behind it all.
My sister let out a long sigh and flopped down onto the couch. I said nothing to this, but I couldn't help but feel a little relieved as well. After lying about this for what felt like forever, it was nice to finally tell her the truth and get it off my chest.
"Who else knows that you and Blake are still actually dating?" she asked once she pushed herself up from her lying position onto the couch.
"Only his brother Thomas," I answered honestly.
The room went silent again, and I felt immediately awkward. Is there anything I could say that could change the subject? Maybe I should have just gone upstairs to my room. At least then I wouldn't have to worry about saying something that would upset my sister.
"Um," I mumbled now. I felt like changing the subject would be better than just leaving her on the couch. "I think I need your help with something."
My older sister's eyes went wide. "You're pregnant, aren't you?"
"I... uh... um..." was all I was able to say, completely caught off guard from her sudden question.
"Dang it, Leah! I thought Kyle and I told you to use protection!"
"First of all, you only told me to use protection with Derrick," I reminded her, as if this even matter. "Second of all, if you're wondering, I didn't have sex with Derrick. And third of all, I'm not pregnant! Stop jumping to conclusions!"
Morgan let out a long sigh of relief, fanning herself. "You scared me so much."
"Do you really think I would go have sex with Blake while being pregnant?" I demanded now. "And anyway, yesterday was the first time I had sex with him in almost six months!"
I had never seen my sister look so relieved as she got up from the couch and went toward the kitchen. "Alright. What do you need help with, then?"
"Well, I'm trying to think of something to do for his birthday," I informed my sister as I followed her into the kitchen. "But I'm not sure what I could do or what I could get him. I'm really bad at this sort of things."
"Well, what did you two do last year for his birthday?" she asked, looking over her shoulder as she opened the fridge. "What did you get him then?"
I gulped. I didn't know how I was supposed to tell her that I did nothing for his birthday the year before because I didn't even know when his birthday was. Granted, we hadn't been as close, but it still made me feel bad!
"I... kind of... didn't celebrate it last year," I grumbled, jumping up and sitting on the kitchen island. Morgan's eyes went wide and she nearly slammed the fridge door shut. "We weren't that close at this time last year!"
"Still! You didn't celebrate his birthday?"
"Can you just try to help me and forget about the fact I didn't celebrate his birthday last year?" I pleaded now. "He's turning eighteen next week so this is more important than his seventeenth."
My sister waved me away. "No difference to me."
"Morgan," I practically growled. "Help me!"
My sister just sat there and thought for a moment. She rubbed her chin as if she had a goatee, and I waited. All I could do was hope that I'd like whatever she came up with.
"Well, I think you should just spend the day with him, alone," Morgan finally advised, and I gave her a look. "Not so you can sleep with him or anything like that! But I'm just guessing that since you guys have to keep your relationship a secret, you haven't spent all that much time together. His birthday's the perfect opportunity to just spend all day with him without anyone else around. You could even surprise him."
She had a point, and I really liked her idea. Spending the whole day with Blake sounded absolutely amazing. We could go somewhere together where we couldn't get interrupted. That sounded amazing.
So it was decided. I was going to surprise Blake with a day with just the two of us. No Mona, no Christian, and none of our friends. Just us.
So, I want to know. How did you find Our Song? I was going to ask how you found this story, but obviously, you had to have found Our Song first, so...
I'd love it if you guys followed me on Instagram! I'm McKenna_Mariee15. :)
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