《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (14)
Monday was just like any other normal school day. I didn't ignore or avoid Christian because I didn't want him thinking that I was mad at him for the kiss, and he seemed surprised by this. Obviously he had thought that he had made me uncomfortable by kissing me, but he really hadn't. He just made me feel guilty.
Other than that, the day was normal. Blake and I continued to act like we weren't dating each other, and Thomas did a great job acting like he knew nothing. He did give me a look when I was eyeing him and Jane, though.
Even rehearsals were going well, even with Mona being there and all. She would talk to me, and I would smile and talk right back to her. I wasn't about to let her know that she wasn't exactly my favorite person right then.
For the first half hour of rehearsal, I did absolutely nothing but sit and watch because Mr. Summers worked on a scene that I wasn't in. I enjoyed sitting around doing nothing, and it was fun watching instead of doing.
But when it was finally my turn to get up on stage, I realized that I had left my script in my locker. When I told Mr. Summers this, he told me to go get it and he continued to work on the scene I wasn't in for a little bit longer.
I didn't rush to go get my script, because I knew there would be no point in doing so. Mr. Summers would probably just continue working on the scene even after I got back. So I took my time.
My script was right there when I opened my locker, just like I knew it would be. But before I could grab in, a pair of arms were suddenly wrapping around my waist.
"Hey," a familiar voice whispered into my ear, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin and spin around to face who had scared me.
Blake chuckled. "Jumpy, are we?"
"What are you still doing here?" I questioned him, still a little out of breath.
He laughed at me. "I was talking to the school counselor about my headphones. He wanted to know when I'd be able to take them off without hearing voices again."
"And do you know the answer?" I asked, hoping that it would be soon.
"Well, since it's Monday, I was supposed to see Dr. Carlisle," Blake began to explain to me. "But since he's gone for a conference today, I'm going to see him tomorrow, and then Carrie's going to have her official weekly meeting with me on Wednesday. I'm going to ask Dr. Carlisle when I can take the headphones off then."
I smiled at my boyfriend, taking a step toward him and wrapping my arms around his neck. I knew that we were still in school, and I knew I had to be back in the auditorium soon, but that didn't matter to me right then. What mattered was that Blake and I were alone for the time being, so I was going to take advantage of it while I had the chance.
I pressed my lips to his, and his hands immediately went to my waist. He pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss. I didn't know how long we just stood there kissing until we were interrupted.
"You know, you guys suck at hiding your relationship," Thomas informed us when he suddenly showed up behind us, causing both Blake and I to jump away from each other.
"Why are you even still at school?" I demanded, embarrassed that Blake and I had been caught, even if it was by the one person that knew we were still together.
Thomas shrugged uncaringly before leaning against the locker next to mine. "Jane has lacrosse practice and I thought I'd pop up and scare her or something once she's finished."
I couldn't help but make a face at him. "That's endearing."
"I try."
I huffed, grabbing my script and closing my locker. How did Thomas expect to get anywhere with Jane if he acted like a jerk toward her? Being rude to a girl was no way to her heart.
"Anyway, I was just wondering when you were planning on talking to Jane," Thomas brought up now, and I wasn't really surprised that this was what he really wanted to talk about.
I shrugged. "I don't know. Soon?"
Thomas squinted his eyes at me. "How soon?"
"Why are you so aggravating?"
He laughed, giving us a small wave before taking a step away. "Fine, fine, I'll back off for now. But try to talk to her soon, okay? I don't want her getting swept up by some other guy."
I bit the inside of my lip to stop myself from gushing about how cute he was about Jane. He really liked her a lot. But I knew he would just deny it if I brought it up.
"Well, I have to get back to rehearsal," I informed the two twins now, stretching up onto my toes and pecking Blake on the lips quickly before taking a step away. "I'll see you guys later."
I quickly made my way back to the auditorium, because I was pretty sure that I had taken a little too long to get my script and Mr. Summers was probably going to think that something was up. The last thing I wanted was to get into trouble.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw Leslie leaning against the wall outside the auditorium door. She didn't even notice I was near her until I called out, "Leslie?"
She gasped in surprised, looking up in relief when she saw that it was only me. "Leah," she breathed. "You scared me."
"Sorry," I apologized, knowing how much it sucked to get scared for absolutely no reason whatsoever. "What are you doing here?"
"I... I need to talk to you," she whispered now.
Oh, no. This didn't seem good in the slightest. And I was sure that it had something to do with Derrick, since Leslie wouldn't have come to me for advice about school or family, considering I had average grades and my family was nuts.
"I'm thinking about breaking up with Derrick," Leslie confessed to me quietly, so quiet that I barely even heard her. All I could do was stare at her, completely speechless.
"Wh... What?" was all I was able to force out.
"Derrick just flirts with other girls all the time," Leslie huffed, her arms crossed over her chest tightly as she leaned against a locker. "He hasn't flirted with you, has he?"
I had to think about it for a moment. Derrick had definitely flirted with me, we had even kissed, but that was way before they started dating. And I was pretty sure that Leslie knew all about that stuff.
"The last time he hit on me was a long time ago," I answered her honestly. "It was before Blake and I even started dating."
Leslie looked relieved, but still very worried. I knew that I wasn't the only girl she was worried about Derrick flirting with. Cassie had used to have a crush on him, and I was sure other girls did as well.
"I was just... wondering..." she stuttered now, very embarrassed by what she was about to say. "Since you're my only close friend that's single..."
Oh, no. I already knew this wasn't going to be good, especially since I wasn't really single.
"I was just wondering if you'd hit on Derrick and try to hook up with him or something to see if he'll actually do it," she finished now.
I just stared at her for a moment. Had she seriously just asked me to try to sleep with her boyfriend? I knew Leslie wasn't that great with relationship kind of things, but that... That just seemed too outrageous!
"Leslie, I don't know..." I informed her honestly now, since I was more afraid that he would actually try to cheat on her with me. "Maybe it would just be better if you tried to talk to him or something."
Leslie looked like she was going to cry. "I've tried," she gulped, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "I've tried talking to him, but I can never get to the point because I'm no nervous. You know I'm not good at relationships, Leah. He's the first boyfriend I've ever had, and he's... He's Derrick Smith! He's one of the most popular boys in school... I should have expected this. I should have expected he didn't really love me."
I didn't know what I was supposed to say. I felt horrible for Leslie, but I still felt like it was a bad idea. Because she could end up getting really hurt, I could lose Derrick as a friend, and then I'd feel guilty about everything.
Not to mention I was still dating Blake...
"Please, Leah," Leslie pleaded now, and I knew that she was desperate. "You don't have to sleep with him or anything, just try to. And if he wants to, then I'll know that my suspicions were right. Please do this for me."
Damn it...
"Alright," I finally agreed, only because I knew she would start crying if I didn't and I definitely did not want that. "I'll do it. I'll help you."
There were still tears in Leslie's eyes. "Oh, thank you, Leah! Thank you so much!"
"No problem," I sighed as she hugged me, and all I could do was hug her back. I could not believe I actually agreed to help her with this.
She left then, and I went back into the auditorium. I wasn't surprised to see that they were still thoroughly working on the same scene since I had left.
The rest of rehearsal went by quickly, and I was glad. I found it way too hard to concentrate when I had everything to worry about with Leslie and Derrick.
After we were released, I went back to my locker to put my script back. I wasn't going to be studying my lines that night, so I wasn't going to even need it. After I did that, I was about to turn and leave before something caught my eye.
It was the lists for who made the cheerleading squad and football team. They weren't supposed to be up until the next day, but I guess they decided to put him up that day because they thought that everyone had already left.
I didn't want to go check it, even though I knew I had to. I had to know whether or not I had made the stupid squad or not... So I guess I had to stay for an extra few couple of minutes just to check.
My name should have been toward the top, since it was most likely in alphabetical order by last name. So I looked, but I didn't see my name. I then read the whole list twice, but my name wasn't on it.
"I... I didn't make it," I blinked, unsure of what I was exactly supposed to do. "I... I didn't make the cheerleading squad!"
It wasn't like I was upset or anything. I was actually pretty happy. This was what I had wanted. I didn't want to be on the squad, and obviously my prayers had been answered. And now Cassie had no right to bitch at me because I tried to do what she asked and it just didn't work out.
"Ooh, the list is out?" I heard my aforementioned friend cry out from behind me, and it surprised me because I didn't know she was still here. And I had already seen her name on the list so it wasn't like she had anything to worry about. I was more worried about what her reaction would be when she saw that I didn't make it.
Instead of telling her that I didn't make it, I let her read through the list to find out herself. It was in alphabetical order by last name, so we would have been right next to each other if my name had been on there.
Her eyes widened when she noticed this. "Why aren't you on here?"
I bit back a sarcastic remark and simply said, "Because I didn't make it."
I didn't know how exactly she would react. I didn't know if she'd have the same type of response she would have if this had happened last year. If this had happened during our junior year, she would most likely go and complain. But now, she knew that that kind of behavior just wasn't acceptable.
"Well, okay," she frowned, obviously upset even though she wasn't going to make it a huge deal. "I guess there were just too many girls trying out this year, because I really think you were one of the best. Even better than me."
I rolled my eyes at her. "Think what you want."
"Let's see who made the football team," she sighed now, visibly still pissed and upset that I hadn't made it even though she was trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. She went a through the list and down to the S's before she gasped. "Blake made it!"
I have to admit that I was surprised. Blake did fantastic at the tryouts, but he just didn't seem like the football type. In the year that I had known him, the last sport I would have thought my boyfriend would play was football.
"What about Derrick?" I had to ask as I looked at the list to see that Blake's name was in fact there."
Cassie moved her finger up two spots. "He made it, of course."
Thinking about Derrick reminded me about Leslie and her request. Was she really serious about wanting me to try to hook up with Derrick just to see if he would really cheat on her?
Cassie and I now made our ways outside to the parking lot. Our cars were both on opposite sides of the parking lot, so we were going to have to separate.
"So, you're going to my Halloween party next week, right?" she asked me, and I was surprised because this was the first time that I was even hearing about a Halloween party.
"Sure," I shrugged, since it was easier than asking her a bunch of questions about it.
"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then, Leah!" Cassie waved to me when we parted waves, and I only waved back at her before making my way toward my car.
I didn't want to go home. So instead, I drove to Blake's. I wanted to be with him more than I wanted to be with my family.
I knocked on his front door, but Blake didn't answer it like he usually did. So I knocked again, growing worried when he still didn't answer.
"It's open!" I finally heard him call out.
I let out a relieved sigh and made my way inside, locking the door behind me just in case someone decided to pop in while I was there. Carrie might have had a key, but at least that gave me extra time to hide if she had to unlock the door.
"Hey," I greeted Blake, and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw he wasn't by himself.
"Hi," he greeted by back sheepishly.
I stared at the puppy in Blake's lap. "Why are you holding a dog?" I had to ask.
The little white puppy yawned as it stretched in Blake's lap. It continued to sleep, and I was afraid I would wake it if I was too loud.
"It was a gift from Carrie," he informed me now, and I slowly made my way over to him and sat on the couch beside them. "She thought I was too lonely so she thought a dog would help me."
I stroked the puppy's head softly. "Well, is it?"
Blake shrugged. "A little, I guess."
"Wait, Carrie's not still here, is she?" I had to ask, ready to jump behind the dusty couch if I had to. This made Blake laugh before he shook his head no. "Okay... Good. I was afraid I was going to have to ruin my outfit again."
"Do you want to know if it's a boy or a girl?"
"You're talking as if I'm pregnant with your baby and we're about to go get an ultrasound."
This made Blake's face turn bright red, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. I expected some sort of reaction like this, but I didn't think it would be this funny!
I let out a gasp in surprise when Blake suddenly pinned me against his couch. The puppy was now sitting on the floor, staring at us, but we weren't paying any attention to it any longer.
He pressed his lips to my collarbone, slowly making his way up my neck and jawline. Ever kiss he left burned, but it felt amazing. It left me wanting even more. I wanted him to take his headphones off and no longer hear voices, but I knew he couldn't yet. He'd find out when he could the next day. And then, after we knew he wouldn't hear any voices, we would be able to have sex again.
His hands made his way up my shirt, and I was surprised that he was taking initiative this time. Usually, I had to be the one to start everything because he was too embarrassed. But, I have to admit, him taking charge was a huge turn on.
After removing my shirt, he crushed his lips to mine. I now chose to run my hands under his shirt, and immediately pulled it off when we pulled away for a moment for air. But after this, we went right back to fighting for dominance.
I was surprised that this was happening, since this was not what I came here to do. This was the last thing I expected.
When he pulled away from me once again, we just stared at each other. He was still on top of me, and both of us could barely breathe. We just stared.
"When you say things like that..." he finally starting, out of breath and still looking very flustered as he stared down at me. "When you say things... like that... I get really happy. Just thinking about having kids with you, when we're older... Thinking that you're going to have my baby... Makes me really happy."
I smiled up at him, reaching up and stroking his cheek with my hand. How could no one else see how happy he made me?
"I love you," I whispered, moving my hand up to run my fingers through his hair.
He smiled down at me. "I love you, too."
He pressed his lips to mine again, before beginning to make his way down my jawline and neck once again. I moaned, but this only seemed to urge Blake on even more because he then started to kiss even lower.
But we couldn't continue, or I was going to want to go farther. And I knew that we couldn't because Blake didn't want to while he still had his headphone on.
"Um... Th—the dog is staring at us," I gulped, growing embarrassed even though it was only an animal.
Blake grew embarrassed as well, so he pushed himself up off me and we both just sat there for a few moments, in complete silence. We didn't even put our shirts back on right away.
"So, is it a boy or a girl?" I finally asked, just to break the silence as I reached for my shirt and pulled it over my head.
Blake cleared his throat as he did the same thing. "It's a boy."
I nodded now. It sure was a cute little thing, even though I wasn't exactly sure what type of dog he was. I didn't think he was going to get too big, considering Blake only lived in an apartment, so I was sure Carrie wouldn't have gotten him a big dog.
Blake held the puppy up to me now. "You want to name him?"
"But... he's yours." I looked from the puppy and then to Blake. "Shouldn't you name him?"
Blake shook his head. "I'm horrible at names," he told me with a sigh. "When I was a kid, I wanted to name our cat Cat. Luckily, Thomas decided on the name Mittens and then that was her name."
I couldn't help but laugh at his memory. "You were even adorable then!"
Blake's cheeks turned red again, and he said nothing as he handed the puppy to me. The little dog yawned, stretching out in my lap and falling right to sleep.
"Hmm, I'm not sure," I thought out loud, no name coming to my mind as I scratched the little puppy's chin. "But I'm sure it'll come to one of us eventually..."
Blake laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the side of my head. "I sure hope that's not the same response you'll give me when we're looking down at our son or daughter."
I stuck my tongue out at him. "No promises."
Happy birthday to me! :D
This is the third year I'm on Wattpad for my birthday, and I've promised to my self that every year on my birthday, I'm going to update every one of my stories. It's like a weird birthday present from myself to you guys. So you're welcome. (This author's note will probably be the same author's note on all of the chapters, too. Because eh, why not?) xD
This one was the second fastest it write, after Managing Boys.
Banner on the side is made by PinkyGurl! :)
Please COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! :)
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