《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (6)
I was running all around Blake's apartment, making sure everything was perfect for when he got there. Everything was spotlessly clean, and I was hoping it would stay this way for a little while since it was a lot of work.
My parents thought I was staying over at Leslie's, and I was surprised that they actually believed me. Before they knew about Blake, I told them I was staying over at Leslie's all the time. My mother was really pissed when she found out I was staying at Blake's.
Once I was finally done cleaning, I just sat on the couch and let out a long breath. I didn't know exactly when Blake was going to be home, but I sure hoped that it was soon. I was growing more and more impatient as the minutes ticked on.
So as I continued to wait, I decided to go over my audition piece for the school play. I hadn't looked at it yet, and I was actually afraid of what Christian had grabbed for me. What if he gave me a piece that was too good for me and I couldn't do it?
I gulped, flipping through the few pieces of paper now. I let out a breath when I saw I only had to sing a little from Summer Nights and I had an audition as Sandy that was toward the beginning of the play. The acting wasn't what I was worried about; it was the singing.
I never thought I had been a good singer. When I was a little kid, I had wanted to be a pop star, just like every little girl did. But as I got older, I realized how stupid I had been and singing just wasn't for me.
I heard the front door, and I dropped my audition piece on the coffee table and went sprinting toward it, practically out of breath even though I had barely moved at all.
I pounced on Blake the second he walked in the door, barely giving him enough time to close it. He let out a laugh, hugging me back right away.
"Welcome home!" I greeted him, breaking away from him and pulling him toward the living room.
He looked around his apartment, as if trying to remember how everything was before his coma. I really hadn't changed much; everything was just cleaner. And Blake seemed to appreciate that, which sure made me happy.
"What's this?" Blake asked, picking up the scattered pages of my audition piece that I had thrown when he had entered the apartment. "It's a... script?"
"Part of one," I shrugged, taking it from him and shoving it back into my backpack. "I'm in drama this year, so I'm a part of the school play. Auditions are in a week or two, so... yeah. I've got to work on that."
Blake smiled at me. "I didn't know you liked drama."
I shrugged again. "I took a break from it last year. I thought that I'd take it one last time before I graduated."
"I get to go back to school on Monday," he sighed, plopping down on the couch before pulling me down with him. "It'll be weird, being back. Especially now that we're seniors." He looked like he couldn't believe what he had just said. "Wow... we're seniors."
I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling my face into his chest. His familiar scent wafted around me, and I almost felt like crying tears of joy. I had grown tired of just smelling him through his blankets and pillows. He was finally back for me to hold.
His arms wrapped around my shoulders, and he held me just as tightly as I held him. Neither of us wanted to let the other go ever again.
"Being a senior isn't all that scary," I informed him after a few minutes of silence. "But it's really not that big of a deal, either."
And it was true. Everyone always made being a senior such a big deal, when it really didn't matter at all. So, you were the oldest in the school. Like that mattered. It didn't get you any special privileges, and it wasn't like we were throwing freshman in garbage cans every single day. We were still just like everyone else.
When we heard the door open, we just stared at each other in shock. A familiar voice called out, "Hello, hello!"
Now, I never thought I'd ever have to worry about hearing that voice inside Blake's apartment, but everything was different now. Without even thinking, I found myself jumping up and flinging myself behind the couch, since there was nowhere else I could have gone without Carrie seeing me.
This was ridiculous. I shouldn't have been hiding, but I panicked. I didn't know what would have happened if Carrie saw me there with Blake. I was sure our cover would have definitely been blown if she saw us together.
"I'm so happy to see you in your apartment again," I heard Carrie informed him happily as she made her way inside the room. "It's just like old times!"
Even though I couldn't see him, I knew Blake was thinking the exact same thing I was. It wasn't just like old times, since I wasn't able to be out in the open like I used to be.
It was silent for a moment before Carrie finally asked, "Why are Leah's shoes here?"
I felt like I was going to be sick. Would she know I was here now?
"Uh, you know she was l—living here while I was in the h—hospital," Blake stuttered, and it surprised me a little bit. I almost forgot what it sounded like when he stuttered. "She must have... uh, f—forgot them here or something. She has more than o—one pair of shoes. She's a girl."
A lot more of my stuff was lying around the apartment, including my backpack which was luckily hidden in a spot Carrie couldn't see, but I didn't even want to know what Carrie was going to say when she saw my other things here. This had been my home for four months, so of course I had my things here.
I couldn't see them, so I didn't know what they were doing or how they were looking at each other. It really bothered me because every time it was silent, I had no idea what was going on at all.
"S—so, how's Elias?" Blake asked his social worker now, obviously desperate to get the subject off of me.
I could tell Carrie smiled. "He's fine. Off at college out of state, so we don't see each other much, but he's fine."
I practically heard Blake nod. "Oh, well..."
"Are you okay, Blake?" she asked him now, and both of them went silent again so all I heard was his buzzing music. "You're stuttering."
"I just haven't taken my medication yet," he shrugged, fidgeting a little as he continued to sit on the couch. I knew that he wasn't stuttering because he hadn't taken his medication; he was just afraid Carrie would find me in cramped behind his couch. "I was going to do that later."
I knew Carrie was frowning. She was so different than how she had used to be, and it made me feel even sadder than I already was. I really missed how everything used to be.
"Well, I just went grocery shopping," Carrie started now, a wide smile suddenly on her face as she clapped her hands a few times. "I thought I could cook dinner since it's your first night out of the hospital. They must have had horrible food, right? You deserve a nice home-cooked meal."
I thought I heard Blake gulp. "That's really sweet, Carrie, but..." He stalled, and I didn't know how he was going to get out of this. "I was just going to take my medication and go to bed. I'm... really tired."
"Nonsense!" Carrie laughed, and I really wished she'd just leave. "You've spent months lying in a hospital bed! You can't be tired! Come on, Blake. I'll go get the groceries out of the car and I'll be right back..."
She spun around without letting him respond, and I continued to just lay there on my back, since I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to say.
"You okay?" Blake asked me as he peered over the back of the couch at me.
"What do you think?" I couldn't help but snap, not daring to move. "I'm hiding behind your couch!" I suddenly sneezed when a piece of dust fluttered over my nose. "Would it kill you to dust every once in a while?"
"Who was the one living here for the past four months?"
"Shut up."
"I'm sorry," he apologized now, letting out a sigh. "I'll try to get her out as soon as possible, okay?"
I only nodded, afraid I'd get dust in my mouth if I opened it again.
The front door opened then, and Blake spun around so he was facing the right way on the couch. I heard Carrie make her way into the kitchen, placing the groceries on the counter much like I had been doing for the past four months.
I didn't know how long I stayed back there, honestly. It felt like hours, but it could have been minutes. I wanted to fall asleep, since that would make the time pass faster, but I didn't know what could have happened if I slipped into unconsciousness. I could have snored or made some other kind of sound that would get Carrie's attention, so I had to stay awake.
In Blake's defense, he tried to get Carrie out as quickly as he could. The entire time she was there, he complained about how he was tired and wanted to go to bed. Carrie just didn't seem to get it, though. She'd just laugh and continue on, as if there wasn't a girl hiding behind his couch.
Damn her and her cock-blocking powers.
My phone was practically stabbing me through my back pocket, and I really hoped that no one would call or text me. I couldn't move to turn it off or silence it because my arms were practically pinned in front of me.
When I heard the sink run and the clanking of dishes, I knew this torture was finally over. Carrie was going to leave, and then I was going to be able to get out of this dusty hellhole.
"Are you sure you're going to be alright, Blake?" I heard Carrie ask him. "If you want, I could spend the night on the couch."
Oh, hell no. I'd kick her in the middle of the night.
"No, no, I'm fine," Blake assured, and I could only hope that I'd be able to get out soon. "I would really just like some time alone, Carrie. I've been around people ever since I woke up. I just want to be alone."
It was silent, and all I could imagine was this epic stare-down between the two of them. I kind of wished I could actually see it.
"This is about Leah, isn't it?" she suddenly asked him, causing me to nearly squeak.
"No," Blake denied, a little too quickly.
Carrie let out a sigh, and I could hear her high-heeled foot tapping against the hardwood floor. I could just imagine the look on her face. It was most likely pitying. It was the same look she had given us when she told us we couldn't see each other anymore.
"I understand you love her, Blake," Carrie began, and I really didn't feel like listening in on this. "Anyone could tell you love her more than anything. But you didn't see her while you were in a coma, Blake. You didn't see how... dead she was. You might think that being back together will make it all better, but it won't. Leah needs to be free, and so do you. I know you love her more than anything, and I know she feels the same way, but sometimes that isn't enough. Love isn't always enough."
Blake cleared his throat. "I get it, Carrie," he told her, and I couldn't believe how broken he sounded. "Now, please... Can you just leave? I want to go to sleep."
She nodded at him. "Okay."
"Good night," he mumbled to her.
"Call me if you need anything, okay?" Carrie informed him as he was practically pushing her out the door. "Get a good night's rest!"
"Yeah, yeah, I will," he assured, though he sound way too distracted by the fact I was still cramped behind his couch. "I'll see you later, Carrie. Bye."
He slammed the door shut after her, but I didn't move right away. My arms and legs were cramped, and I thought I had lost feeling in both of them forever.
I forced myself up once I heard Blake make his way back into the living room. I swung my leg over the back of the couch, finally freeing myself from that dusty prison.
Blake smiled at me sheepishly. "I'm so sorry."
I grunted, brushing at the dirt that clung to my sweater and jeans. I looked like a dust bunny.
Without even thinking twice about it, I pulled my sweater over my head, so I was now only in a thin camisole. I looked over at Blake to see him gulp, his face beat red.
"You've seen me in less than this before," I smirked, inching my way closer to him. This caused him to take a step away in embarrassment. "Come on, Blakey. You know you want to touch me."
"Blake..." I practically purred, but this only made him ten times redder.
"We've been away from each other for four months," he muttered, still looking embarrassed. "Do you know how hard that was for me? Do you know how badly I... want you right now? How badly I've wanted you since I walked through the door; since I woke up?"
"How hard do you think it was for me?" I whispered, reaching over and clasping onto his hands, moving them closer to me and placing them onto my hips. "I was in your bed, all alone, for four long months. You got to sleep it all away. I was the one that was left all alone."
Blake looked away from me. "You know how bad I am in these situations."
I took a step closer to him, the only thing separating us now being our clothing. I stretched up on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck and gingerly placing kisses up and down his jawline and neck.
Blake had always been so uncomfortable during moments like this, and I could tell it was because he thought he wasn't good enough for me and he was afraid of messing up. No matter how many times I assured him that he was the one that I wanted, he was still nervous every time we were about to have sex. But once it came time to do the deed, he took charge.
His grips on my hips tightened, and I knew he was losing all his self-control. I didn't know why he was trying to hold out so hard; he most likely felt like we should have talked a lot more before we had sex again. But honestly, there wasn't much to talk about.
"Damn it," he finally cursed, ducking his head down and crashing his lips onto mine. I grinned into the kiss, my arms tightening around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist, and he picked me up right off the ground.
His hands slipped under my camisole and my fingers ran through his hair. We were just starting to make our way toward the bedroom until we heard the front door swing open.
Damn Carrie and her cock-blocking powers!
We pushed away from each other immediately, and I was about to throw myself behind the couch again, but it was too late. The person who had come inside had already rounded the corner and saw us, and it wasn't Carrie.
It was Thomas.
Luckily, we had pushed away from each other before he could see us together, but any idiot could tell what we were doing. I was in a now wrinkled camisole, and Blake's hair was messy. Thomas had to have put two and two together and figured it out.
Thomas blinked at me. "Why are your pants covered in dirt?"
That was the first thing he noticed? Not the fact that I was practically wearing no shirt? Okay, I felt like there was a talk that needed to go down.
I swatted at my jeans. "It's not dirt. It's dust."
Thomas now gave me a look I couldn't read. "Wait, what are you doing here?"
He sounded more shocked than angry, and that was definitely a good thing. It'd be easier to lie to a shocked Thomas than to an angry Thomas.
"I can't just visit my friend to make sure he got home alright?" I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible, though I was pretty sure I was failing. "I'm here for the same reason you are, Thomas. To make sure he's alright."
"Which I still don't understand," Blake butted in, raising his hand to get our attentions.
Thomas and I turned toward him, not understanding what he meant by that. But then I remembered. Blake still thought Thomas was his selfish, obnoxious twin brother. He didn't see how Thomas reacted after he had jumped off the bridge.
"Long story short, Thomas isn't the selfish, pompous asshole we thought he was," I shrugged to my secret boyfriend, but then looked back over at his brother and nearly glared. "Unless he's going to kick me out."
Thomas rolled his eyes at me. "I'm not going to kick you out, Leah."
"We really are just friends now," Blake assured his brother, who still continued to look back and forth at us suspiciously and skeptically.
"Uh-huh," I agreed, still desperate not to get caught after spending hours behind a couch from Carrie. "For a matter of fact, I'm thinking about dating Christian."
I didn't know why I said it; it was out before I even realized it. Thomas gave me a look, and I didn't even want to see what Blake's reaction was. From what I knew, he didn't even know who Christian was.
"That kid from your drama class that's always too optimistic and happy?" Thomas questioned as he crossed his arms over his chest.
I thought I felt my eye twitch. "Yes. Him."
Thomas shrugged. "Whatever."
"Wait, wait a minute," Blake spoke up now, and I knew that it was coming. "Who?"
"Why does it matter to you?" Thomas asked his brother now. "She's your ex-girlfriend."
Blake glared at his brother. "But she's still my friend."
I knew it was a bad decision to bring up Christian. I should have just kept my mouth shut. I would have rather have Thomas know that Blake and I were still together than have Blake think I was off with some other guy.
Thomas let out a sigh as he leaned against the wall. "He's just a guy in her drama class that flirts with her all the time," he explained to his brother, and all I could do was stand there, completely speechless. "He was the first person to make her smile for real while you were in your coma."
Blake looked at me, a look that asked me what the hell was going on. I just stared at Thomas, not knowing what I was supposed to say to either Solo brother.
"How do you even know that?" I finally demanded to Thomas after what felt like years.
He shrugged. "Your friend Cassie has a big mouth."
I knew that. I knew that so well that I really should have expected it. I just couldn't help but wonder who else she could have told.
"Thomas, I was just about to go to bed," Blake informed his brother, obviously still desperate to have some alone time with me.
"With Leah?" Thomas guessed, which almost made both of us jump right out of our skins.
It definitely didn't look any less suspicious when Blake and I quickly said in unison, "We broke up!"
This whole dating-in-secret thing was definitely going well.
"Yeah... Well, good night, you two," Thomas saluted, stepping away from us and back toward the front door. "I'll come back tomorrow night, Blake. Maybe Leah will explain how I'm not a selfish, pompous asshole anymore."
And he left, leaving both Blake and me in the silence of his apartment. A silence I had grown eerily used to.
"So..." I started, not really knowing what to say. "How about we just go to sleep?"
"You took the words right out of my mouth."
The voting for the Watty Awards have started! Please go vote for Our Song in Popular Non-Teen Fiction and Ethan Deveraux from Let's Play a Game in Funniest Character! The link is in the external link! Thanks! :)
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Warhammer 40k - Tyranid Project
Tags: Warhammer 40k, Tyranids, Genestealer Cult, Chaos & Corruption, Weak to strong MC, NSFW, Evolution, Grimdark Universe, War, Sci-fi, Apocalypse, RPG Elements In the grimdark universe of the 41st Millenium, there is only war. That's all that has been for over ten thousand years. -------- I became a Tyranid, a predator. And I will do what Tyranids do best, kill all my enemies, eat them, and grow. Faster, Stronger, Deadlier. If I have to give up on my humanity, so be it. I will have my answers even if I have to burn half the universe! Maybe then I will be able to save the other half. -------- As this is my first writing experience, I hope you can enjoy reading it!! This work of fiction draws inspiration upon the source material of Warhammer 40k. I do not own the rights of this IP nor of the WH40k characters presented on it. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. ------------ Reduced to 2-3 updates per week for quality assurance. Sick new cover from the great artist Helge C. Balzer!!
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Mackenzie Buckley, the renowned warrior-witch known for her legendary skill with a moonlit blade… with a fondness for flicking yogurt spoons and the color orange. Of course, it didn’t start that way. Mackenzie, or Mackie Jade, was merely a teenager heading to a boarding school after a long summer of doing nothing. Unfortunately, she multidimensional-traveled on her train ride. How unlucky! Now, she’s attending Glowing Dragon Academy and has to deal with a flurry of combat sessions, ominous prophecies, fire/frost-breathing dragons, evil organizations, magic classes, and a partridge in the pear tree! With her newfound friends, Amber, and Max, they discover plot after plot of nefarious plans. Betrayal, protection, corruption, peace, revenge, family… Everyone fought for their own reason. The war they fought had no line between good and evil, only between living and dead. Sometimes, it wasn’t worth it. Oh well, who knows where this will go? Adventure is waiting.
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While the Santa María spaceship travels the galaxy searching for a new home for humanity, all passengers are required to enter cryosleep and log into The Novus, a Virtual Reality MMORPG that will train the young on how to build a new society. The Novus it's the perfect utopia, and a fresh start for seventeen-year-old Alan and Astrid, who have started dating. "Life in The Novus will be awesome with you by my side!" But an emergency has kicked Alan out of the system. A catastrophe that endangers the lives of the Santa María's passengers and their mission. What will Alan find once he returns to his virtual home? 3 years have passed. Astrid has become one of the strongest warriors, and he is now the weakest User on the ship. *** ** COVER CREDITS: VAN.ELV - © Reyezwriting *** ALSO AVAILABLE IN WEBNOVEL.COM and scribblehub.com UNDER THE USERNAME 'REYEZWRITING'
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I wish I was Her
based on heatherstory about Shun Kaido and his new discovered feelings for Kubayasu Aren story is based off of heather by Conan Gray some of the lyrics will be in this book .Decide to do a KuboKai story sense there is not a lot of those FINISHED UwUCharacters in here are not mine!!! Only the ones I created thanks for reading bye uwu
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