《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (4)
At first, I didn't know what I was supposed to do.
I shot up from my seat, but froze right where I was. I didn't know if I was supposed to believe Jane or not. I was afraid that this was all a part of some sick joke. I'd run out of the classroom and all the way to the hospital, only to see that he wasn't really awake. It was all just a horrible prank. Was that what this was?
Everyone in the class just stared at me, but I still stayed frozen. They all knew about Blake; even Mr. Summers knew about Blake. They knew that he had been unconscious all summer and it had been killing me inside. They all knew what this meant for me if he really was awake. So I really didn't think it would matter that much if I just ran out of the classroom.
I didn't know how long I stood there, but it couldn't have been that long because nobody reacted to me. They all just kept staring. No one said a thing, so I could have only been standing there for ten seconds, not ten minutes like I felt it was.
Without even thinking, I broke up into a sprint right down the row, not even caring that I left my backpack behind. Cassie or Christian would get it for me, or I'd just have to come for it later. All of that didn't matter to me right then.
Jane took off right after me, even though it would probably be smarter to follow her. She seemed to know a lot more than I did, so I had to force myself to slow down so she could direct which way to go. If I got too ahead of myself, I'd end up running all the way to the hospital, and I knew that that wasn't the best thing I could have done.
She grabbed my wrist, pulling me right through the front of the school and toward the parking lot. When I saw her car, I immediately picked up the pace and nearly threw myself into the passenger's seat.
The entire drive there felt like it went by in two seconds. It was as if I had blinked, and I was making my way into the hospital. Everything was just happened so fast. Everything was a blur to me.
"Blake Solo," Jane informed the nurse behind the counter, but all she did was eye me because I couldn't stop moving. I continued to fidget as I stood there, and Jane had to eventually grab onto my hand to stop me from having a spaz attack.
"Blake Solo is in his regular room," the nurse informed us flatly now, and I assumed that she recognized us since she wasn't giving us the room number. "Please, be careful as you make your way down the hall."
No promises.
I simply nodded at the nurse, speed walking toward the hallway and nearly forgetting that Jane had been holding onto me. Once I was out of the nurse's sight, I took off as quickly as I could, knowing exactly where his room was.
When I saw his door, I just ran even faster. I didn't know where Jane was, but I knew she'd catch up. All that mattered right then was seeing Blake.
But before I could get to his door, I was suddenly smashing right into someone as they came out of another room. I nearly fell to the floor, the same with whoever I had run into, but all I did was shout a sloppy apology before trying to continue my path.
"Whoa, there!" the person I ran into shouted, and I almost cussed when they grabbed onto my arm to stop me from continuing down the hall. I looked up, almost groaning when I saw that it was a doctor.
"Excuse me," I tried, failing to pull my arm from his grasp miserably. "I have somewhere I have to be right now."
But this doctor didn't let go of me. I knew running wasn't allowed in the hospital, but what did he expect? There were so many reasons for people to run in hospitals!
The doctor still didn't let go of me as he said, "Why are you running in the halls?"
Pursing my lips, I yanked my arm out of his grasp and glared at him. I did not want him treating me like a child who had been caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar. I was seventeen years old, not seven. "My boyfriend just woke up from a coma after four months. I kind of want to see him," I found myself snapping at him.
The look on the doctor's face changed, and I didn't know why I was wasting so much time on him. Blake was right down the hall, awake and waiting.
"Oh, so you're the Solo kid's girlfriend," the doctor merely said, looking me up and down.
The look he was now giving me freaked me out just a little bit. It wasn't like he was checking me out or anything; he looked almost... sad. I didn't understand why, and it made me feel very uncomfortable.
When I heard huffing breath coming from behind me, I was surprised when I saw that it was Jane. I almost nearly forgot that she was there with me. She definitely didn't look like she appreciated that.
"Maybe... you shouldn't..." Jane wheezed, clutching onto me once she got close enough. "Maybe you shouldn't... run anymore. I've had a... better grade in gym than you have, and you were able to run... so much faster than me..."
I rolled my eyes, clutching onto her arm and yanking her down the hall away from the doctor and towards Blake's room. I didn't want to have to force Jane in there when she was all out of breath, but I was not going to wait any longer.
I pushed the door open, though I nearly kicked it, and was met to the familiar pair of green eyes staring right up at me.
"Blake," I breathed out, completely out of breath from all the running I had did.
My tears fell, but I didn't even notice. I ran forward, practically pouncing right on Blake and burying my head into chest, wanting nothing more than to be even closer to him.
"Leah..." he swallowed, obviously surprised by my sudden attack. "You're here."
My grip on him tightened. "Yeah, I'm here."
"Ahem," Jane coughed toward the door, still huffing and puffing from chasing after me. I pulled away from Blake, grinning at our friend as I wiped at my eyes. She smiled at him, immediately lunging on him just like I had.
When she pulled away, I took her spot in his arms immediately after. I knew Jane rolled her eyes, laughing at how I was acting. I knew she was happy for me. I knew she was happy that I was happy and that Blake was awake.
Without even warning him, I raised my head and pressed my lips to his like I used to always do. It had been four months since I had kissed him, and I missed the familiar feel of his lips. They were now chapped, but still as amazing as ever.
"I definitely missed that," Blake informed me once I pulled away.
I couldn't help but smile at him. "I definitely agree with that."
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pressed my lips to his once again. He was still in his hospital bed, his hands on my hips as we began to practically make out right in the middle of the room.
I heard Jane suppress a giggle as she cleared her throat again. "Ahem."
I forced myself to pull away, lazily brushing off my pants as I pulled up a seat and sat down, Jane doing the same. Even though I could feel tears stinging my eyes and running down my face, I just couldn't stop smiling.
"How do you feel?" I had to ask him.
"My head hurts a little, and I can hear a few voices since I haven't been taking my medication for a while, but other than that... I'm okay." He looked up at me now, his green eyes boring into mine. "How about you?"
I wiped at my eyes that threatened to overflow even more. Would it be a good idea to tell him how miserable I was all summer without him? I'd just play it safe and not mention that right away. "I'm just... I'm so happy," I answered truthfully.
Blake smirked at me, referring to my tears as he said, "It doesn't look like it."
I let out a pitiful excuse for a laugh. It was more like a choked sob. "Well, what do you expect? You're awake, Blake! You're alive!"
He reached for my hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "Yeah, I am."
I never thought I'd feel this happy ever again. I had really thought that Blake was going to die, but he wasn't. He was there, as good as new and awake, right in front of me. Everything was going to be okay. We were together again.
"Leah," a new voice now practically sang, and the door opened to reveal Cassie, my backpack slung over her arm as she made her way inside with Sean right beside her. "Look what you left in the classroom."
I knew I had left it, I just didn't care. But I was still grateful that she had brought it to me, because it saved me a lot of time and I wasn't going to have to go back to the school for it.
Blake looked at Cassie and then at Sean, as if he was missing something. I guess I should have expected this reaction from him, considering we weren't exactly on good terms with these two before he had slipped into a coma.
Before I could explain that everything was good between us now, the door opened again to reveal Leslie and Derrick. I honestly wasn't very surprised, since they were friends of Blake as well. It was just a matter of time before Thomas showed up...
And as if on cue, he came bolting through the door almost immediately after Leslie and Derrick had come inside. Blake now stared at his brother, and I said nothing. Blake still thought that Thomas didn't care about him.
"Wow, there are a lot of things you need to know," I laughed nervously to break the awkward silence, clapping my hands a few times slowly. This was sure going to be fun explaining to him later.
The door opened once again, only to reveal the familiar redhead that I hadn't seen in months. When she saw me, she stopped dead in her tracks and almost looked... scared?
"Leah!" Carrie gasped, and I was both surprised and unsurprised to see her. I hadn't seen her in so long. "What're you doing here?"
I blinked at her now. "I'm... seeing Blake, obviously."
Something wasn't right, and everyone could tell. Carrie wasn't her usual bubbly self. She was acting awkward and uncomfortable. What was going on, and why did she ask why I was there? I had the biggest reason to see Blake, after Thomas.
Blake frowned at his social worker as he said, "Is everything alright, Carrie?"
"It's just... the adults were talking..." she started, unsure of what she was going to say. This was definitely not good. "And, Leah... The doctors, Blake's dad, your parents, and even I agree that... you and Blake shouldn't see each other anymore."
All I could do was stare at her. She was kidding, right? She had to be. She was fun-loving, cock-blocking Carrie! There was no way she could have been serious!
But the look on her face stopped me from laughing. She didn't smile; she didn't even hint at it. She was being one hundred percent serious about Blake and me not seeing each other anymore.
This was why that doctor gave me that sad look in the hallway. He knew what I was walking into. He had been one of the doctors to decide that Blake and I shouldn't be around each other, and he didn't even know us. He had no right to keep us apart.
"What? Are you kidding me?" I nearly screeched now, Blake giving me the same look I was giving him. I then looked over at our friends. "You can't separate Blake and me! This is ridiculous! Isn't it?"
None of them said anything, and I couldn't believe they weren't standing up for me like I thought they would. What happened to everyone being okay with Blake and me being in a relationship? Did that only apply when he was unconscious and we weren't together?
"Leah..." Jane nearly whispered, so quiet that I barely even heard her. "Maybe it's a good idea. I mean, Blake did jump off a bridge because of you. And you tried to jump off the bridge because of him..."
Everyone in the room just stared at me now, with wide eyes and jaws dropped. The look Blake gave me was the worst out of them all. He looked both shocked and hurt over what he had just heard.
"Why would you do something like that, Leah?" he asked me, and I felt the room get a thousand times hotter. And not in a good way.
I didn't want to answer this. Honestly, I hadn't even known Jane had known that she interrupted me from jumping off the bridge and killing myself. I honestly thought that she just assumed I was standing there. I didn't know she knew I was going to kill myself.
"I was just..." I stammered, feeling uncomfortable and clamming under the eyes of all the people I cared about. "I was sad, okay? You were in a coma, and I was lonely. I thought that if I jumped, I'd be with you and everything would be better again. I just... I just wanted to stop hurting."
Before anyone in the room could say anything, Blake grabbed onto my hand and I was suddenly being pulled toward him. My face hit his chest, and I felt more tears leak out from my eyes. I didn't think that they would ever stop.
"Damn it, Leah," he whispered, his hand on the back of my head as he lightly stroked my hair. "Do you know how stupid that would have been?"
I knew it was stupid. But back then, I didn't care. I just wanted Blake.
"I know it was difficult," he mumbled in my ear now, just quiet enough so I would be the only to hear him. "But you got through it. You're so strong, Leah. Everything's going to get better now, I promise." He pulled me away, his hands on my shoulders as he said loud enough for everyone to hear, "I just wish you wouldn't have done something so stupid and dangerous. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if you had gone through with that, even if you did somehow survive."
"That's even more reason to keep the two of you apart," Carrie now sighed, and I couldn't believe she was actually saying this. "Your connection is almost... unhealthy."
"Unhealthy?" I repeated. "Unhealthy? My love for Blake is unhealthy. Alright, whatever you say. Because you know so much, right? You know how it feels to be so in love with someone and have them ripped away from you, right? You know what it's like to not know if the person you love the most is going to live, right?"
Carrie stayed absolutely silent, along with my friends. They all knew I was right. They didn't know how it felt.
"You locked yourself up in his apartment for nearly three months," Cassie now muttered, and I tried my hardest not to glare at her because at least she sounded guilty about what she was saying. "I never thought about it like this before. Maybe it is best that you guys don't see each other anymore."
I couldn't believe this. Why was everyone suddenly turning on me? Couldn't they see that I needed Blake? He not being around me was the reason why I had locked myself up! He not being around me was the reason why I tried to jump from the bridge! None of this made any sense!
It was like they didn't want me to get better! Being away from Blake was what made me so depressed! It wasn't like I was going to suddenly get better just because he was awake. I needed to be with him, not just know that he was alive and safe.
"Leah, we're all in agreement," Carrie frowned now. "I should have recognized it earlier, but I didn't. I'm to blame here. Your relationship is unhealthy."
"Stop it!" I shouted, and I felt my fingers tangle in my hair, my fingernails digging into my scalp just enough that it didn't hurt. "Stop saying that! Stop saying it's unhealthy! It's not unhealthy! Damn it!"
And before I knew what I was even doing, I felt my foot fly up and kick one of the empty chairs in the room. It fell backwards, skidding across the floor with a loud scrape. Everyone just stared at me, including Blake.
I was nuts. I was crazy. I knew I was; I had to have been. That was the only thing that would describe the way I was acting then. I was insane.
"Leah," Leslie piped up now, slowly making her way toward me and placing her hands on mine, which were still in my hair. She gently removed my hands from my now messy hair, holding onto them tightly. "This is good. Let your anger out, okay? You've been keeping it in for nearly four months. All you've done is cry, but you've never screamed or shouted. This is good. Let it all out."
I just stared at her for a moment, swallowing down the huge lump in my throat. This was good? Shouting and screaming like a lunatic was good? How was that even possible? I was surprised they weren't putting me in a straitjacket and sending me off to the opposite side of the hospital, which was where all the mental patients were. The same place I had first met Dr. Carlisle after following Blake to the hospital.
And I felt myself suddenly snap, no longer feeling angry, but absolutely confused and miserable. I let out a sob, dropping to my knees as Leslie continued to hold onto my hands, crouching down right beside me.
I heard Blake's sheets move, and he was suddenly beside me. Leslie let go of my hands, and they were replaced by Blake's
"Shh," he hushed, pulling me closer to my forehead was pressing against his chest. "Let it out, baby. It's all going to be okay."
Just hearing his voice was medicine for me. I immediately felt better and more relaxed, and I felt butterflies in my stomach when he called me baby. He hadn't ever done that before, but I liked it. I hoped it stuck.
When I felt him slip something into my hands, I was surprised, but tried my hardest not to react. I nearly pulled one of my hands back, pushing the piece of paper he had given me into my back pocket. This was going to have to be looked at later.
"I'm sorry, Leah," Carrie apologized, and I knew that she meant it. She was still the same sweet, crazy, cock-blocking woman that would drop by at the worst possible times. She just wanted what was best for both Blake and me. "I really am sorry. I just want what's best for you and Blake."
What was best for us was for us to be together, but I didn't say this because I knew it would make no difference to them. None of them cared about what I wanted. All they cared about was what they thought I needed.
I needed Blake. None of them understood.
None of them had to deal with anything that Blake or I had to go through. None of them had schizophrenia. None of them had their boyfriend or girlfriend in a coma for four months. They just didn't understand.
Storming out of the room, I jammed my hand into my back pocket for the paper Blake had slipped me. Unsurprisingly, it was a note.
Come back tonight, at midnight. If you say you're my sister, they'll let you in. There are different nurses working the night shift, so they won't recognize you.
How or when he managed to write this, I didn't know. But that didn't matter to me. It was just like when we had first started interacting with each other. Blake couldn't talk, so he wrote me notes instead. It was just like the year before.
I wasn't about to let anyone separate Blake and I. After everything we'd been through, we deserved to be together. We deserved each other.
Yay! Blake's back!
I really hope you don't hate the other characters for saying that they should stay away from each other. xD They're really just trying to help. They care about both Blake and Leah, and they think that the two of them staying away from each other is what's safest for them. :/
Please COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! :)
- End199 Chapters
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