《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (1)
This is the sequel to Our Song. Don't read this until you read that, or it won't make sense!
"Wake up, Leah!" my alarm blared, and I sat up quickly and grabbed my phone. "Wake up, Leah, and pick up the phone!"
I glared down at my phone for a moment, just letting it ring before I finally answered. I knew who was calling me, since she called me every morning to wake me up, and I was not in the mood to talk to her so early in the morning.
"Must you insist on waking me up every morning?" I asked Cassie once I finally answered.
She giggled. "Yep! We're starting school tomorrow, so you have to be used to getting up early in the morning! I'm just trying to help my best friend out."
I rubbed my face and let out a grown. "I know you are, but that doesn't mean it doesn't drive me crazy."
Cassie laughed again, and I forced myself out of bed and toward the bathroom to get ready. I stayed on the phone with Cassie, who blabbered on and on about something with Sean, but I was way too tired to actually listen to whatever she was telling me.
"So how's the apartment?" was what I heard when I finally zoned back into what she was saying.
I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me. "It's fine. Lonely, but fine."
I could tell she was frowning. "You should get a dog or something, Leah."
"A dog?" I couldn't help but snort. "I've always wanted a dog, but I don't know how Blake feels about them. It is his apartment and everything, so I shouldn't get one without asking him."
Cassie let out a sigh, and I knew what she was thinking. She wasn't about to say it out loud, since she knew it was going to depress me. She wasn't going to say that I couldn't ask Blake because he had been in a coma for the past four months.
"Maybe I'll get a dog someday," I continued now, not wanting to think about Blake right then. My days went by so much better when I didn't think about how he was still unconscious and he had been for so long. "My parents never let me have a dog, so... yeah. A dog would be nice."
I knew Cassie was smiling now, even though I wasn't. "Well, Sean's here to take me out to breakfast. Do you want to come along?"
I looked down at myself in my ratty pajamas and messy hair. I had come into the bathroom to get ready, but now all I could do was stare at myself in the mirror and think about how comfortable I was right then. School was definitely going to suck.
"No, thanks," I denied, leaving the bathroom now and making my way toward the front door. "Maybe next time. Thanks for offering, though."
We said goodbye to each other and I hung up just as I slipped out the front door to Blake's apartment. The first thing I heard was tiny barking, and I looked over to see that it was the neighbor's dog Maggie.
"Hey, Maggie," I greeted the tiny puppy as I stepped outside. I bent over and petted her. "How are you today, girl?"
The dog panted as she stood on her hind legs and scratched at my leg, though she wasn't strong enough to break the skin. I smiled down at her, wishing that I had a puppy as cute as her. My parents had never allowed me to have pets, so I didn't know what it was like.
"She just loves you, Leah," Mrs. Oberlin, one of Blake's neighbors, smiled at me as she tugged on her dog's leash a little. "I wouldn't be surprised if she just leaves me for you."
I laughed, patting Maggie's head as she barked up at me. Mrs. Oberlin and I exchanged a few more words before she started down the stairs to take Maggie on a walk. I then started down the stairs after her to go get the mail.
I ignored the stares as I opened Blake's mailbox; it was something I had gotten used to ever since I had moved into Blake's apartment a few months before. Some people had gotten used to the fact that I was now living his apartment, waiting for him to wake up, but every time I saw someone new, it was like I was some kind of alien or something.
I started back up the stairs, still ignoring the confused looks people were giving me. I rarely ever left the apartment unless it was to get the mail or to go hang out with my friends. But most of the times they would come over and hang out at the apartment, since we didn't have parents there to bother us.
I dropped the mail down on the counter in the kitchen, letting out a sigh as I looked around the empty and quiet apartment around me. I still wasn't used to being there without Blake, and it made me appreciate my friends even more whenever they came over to spend time with me.
When there was a knock at the door, I let out a sigh and made my way toward it. I already knew who it was, and even though I was excited to see her, I just didn't feel like acting that way.
I opened the door and smiled at my sister, who immediately smashed me into a bear hug. I nearly fell over, but was able to regain my balance before I could. She pulled away from me after and just smiled at me for what felt like hours.
"I love your hair like this," she informed me, taking a ringlet of my now shoulder-length hair into her fingers and tugging on it for a few moments. "You've had long hair for such a long time that I forgot what you looked like with it short."
I ruffled it a little bit, kind of embarrassed for a reason that I didn't know. "You know how fast my hair grows," I shrugged now, crossing my arms over my chest now. "Whenever I cut it, it would just grow right back."
"Well, you start your senior year tomorrow," Morgan grinned at me, and I only rolled my eyes because I didn't dare tell her that she was acting like a mom. She had always hated it whenever I told her that, since she assumed I was talking about how she was like our mother. "I'm sure everyone's going to love your new haircut as much as I do. It looks adorable. Not only that, but you're going to be one of the oldest kids in the school! Aren't you excited?"
I made a face at her. "Ecstatic."
She laughed, making her way inside the apartment and placing her purse down on the coffee table. She brushed her dress off a little before turning toward me and smiling. When she saw the look on my face, her smile immediately disappeared.
"Are you okay, Leah?" she frowned.
I shrugged, trying to act like everything was great as I forced a smile on my face. "I'm fine."
"Has anyone ever told you you're a horrible liar?" Morgan asked me, a small smile on her face as she took a seat on the couch and looked around.
I let out a sigh as I sunk down next to her. "Only you."
She let out a sigh, looking around the apartment and studying everything around her. It was nothing compared to our gigantic house, but to me, it was home.
"So you live here now?" she questioned now, continuing to look around from her spot on the couch. "Blake's father's okay with you staying here? Mom and Dad are okay with you staying here?"
I bit the inside of my lip at the mention of my parents. No, they weren't okay with me living here, but they still allowed me to do so because they knew it would make me feel better about Blake still being in a coma after almost four months.
"Everyone's fine with it," I answered, even though it wasn't exactly the truth.
Morgan continued to frown at me, and I could tell that she was trying to think of what to do because her eyebrows were furrowing, which always happened whenever she tried to think about difficult things. Obviously, I was difficult.
"Come on, it's your last day of summer," Morgan whined as she shook me, as if that was going to break me out of the trance I had been in for nearly four months. "Go outside! You're paler than usual. Go party, go drink, go do something!"
"Would you seriously be okay with me drinking alcohol?" I asked her, even though I already knew her answer to my question.
She let out a sigh and sulked back into the couch. "No..."
I wasn't about to tell her that I had gotten drunk once before, because I knew that that wasn't going to make her feel any better and it would probably just get her angry with me. I still couldn't remember what had happened after I left the party; the next thing I remembered was waking up in bed next to Blake.
And the only reason I had drunk that night was because I was so stressed out over what everyone was saying about Blake, the secret he was hiding from me, and because I was trying to fight my feelings for him. But even though I was even more stressed out right then, drinking would not be the smartest thing I could do.
Thinking about Blake really depressed me. During the summer, I was able to hang out with my friends and not think about him that much, and it made me feel great. I didn't have a sinking feeling in my chest, and life felt like how it used to be. But then I would be reminded of him, and I'd spend the rest of that day feeling horrible, just like right then.
"How about I make us dinner?" I suggested now, standing up from the couch now so I wouldn't have to answer any awkward questions. "You can tell me all about Kyle and the newlywed life while we're eating."
I opened the fridge then, and I glared when I noticed that all I had were three eggs and a stick of butter. I never went grocery shopping unless I absolutely had to, and my friends and Carrie had been bringing me food pretty much the entire time I had been living there. Now was definitely the time for me to go shopping.
"I'll be back," I called out to my sister now as I grabbed my car keys and headed toward the door. "I'm just going to pick up a few things. I'll make macaroni and cheese, okay? I know it's your favorite. I'll see you soon; just make yourself at home. Bye!"
I shut the door before she could say anything, letting out a breath and breathing in the fresh air. The sky was bright and cheery, and I couldn't help but glare at it as I made my way down the stairs. I was definitely not in the mood for this bright weather.
I hopped into my car and drove to the grocery store in silence, not even bothering to turn the radio on like I used to do all the time. I might have not been as depressed as I had been right after Blake had jumped off the bridge, but it didn't mean I was all hunky-dory about it. I was still hurting, even though I told people differently.
I just didn't like going outside. I never thought that there would be a day that I would actually say that, but it was the truth. I used to love going outside and being around people, but now it was just too much of a hassle. I hated getting hit on and telling guys I was in a relationship even though I didn't know if I really was anymore. I used to love being hit on and knowing that I was attractive, as long as that person wasn't Sean.
By the time I had gotten to the grocery store, I already regretted leaving the apartment. I should have just gone out to eat with Morgan or something. It would have been a hell of a lot easier than going to the grocery store.
I looked at myself in the visor mirror to see that I hadn't even gotten ready to go out, which was something I hadn't done in my entire life until Blake had jumped off the bridge. I was in ratty, old pajamas and my hair was definitely not as good as it should have been. So before I jumped out of the car, I quickly fixed my hair was well as I could. There was nothing I could do about my clothes, but at least my hair looked okay messy when it was short...
But I went inside anyway, knowing that I was going to have to do what I told Morgan I was going to do. I'd get macaroni and cheese and whatever else I was going to need to get to survive in that lonely apartment.
Though my mother wasn't happy with the fact that I was living by myself in Blake's apartment, she gave me a credit card to use for food and things I was going to need to live on my own. So it wasn't like I didn't have enough money to buy what I needed, it was just that... I was sad and lazy, which was definitely not a good mix.
I slowly walked through the aisles of the grocery store with a cart instead of a basket, since I knew that getting a lot of food would be the smart thing to do. I wanted there to be a lot of food whenever Blake woke up, and getting it now made me feel like he was going to wake up soon.
As I was looking at what type of cereal I should buy, I heard someone from behind me ask, "Leah?"
I turned around, surprised to see that it was Mr. Meyers standing behind me, holding a basket full a food. It was strange seeing a teacher out of school, and it was definitely weird seeing Mr. Meyers outside of school after everything that we had been through.
"Hey," I greeted, since I didn't know what else I was supposed to say. I wasn't acting awkward because it was Mr. Meyers, since I had gotten over what had happened in his classroom nearly a year before, but I was acting awkward because he was another human being. I had been lacking human contact for so long that I almost forgot how I was supposed to act around people that weren't my close friends or family.
He looked down at my short curls. "You cut your hair."
I nodded. "Yeah, I did."
I sure hoped that wasn't something everyone was going to talk about at school. My hair honestly wasn't that exciting.
I then bit the inside of my lip when I thought about school. People weren't going to be talking about my hair, they were going to talk about how Blake hadn't woken up yet even though it had been months. People were going to come up to me and ask questions, and I pretty much lost all my socializing skills I had gained from being friends with popular people. I had pretty much turned into Blake.
"So, how are things with you?" Mr. Meyers asked me now, and I was a little glad that I wasn't the only one who felt that this conversation was awkward. Just because Mr. Meyers was no longer my teacher didn't mean everything that had happened between us had just disappeared. "How's Blake doing?"
"Blake's still in a coma," I found myself blurting, not even being able to control myself as I did so. I bit the inside of my lip, scolding myself for saying it so bluntly. "We still don't know when he's going to wake up."
Mr. Meyers frowned at me. "What about you? Are you okay?"
I honestly didn't know the answer to that question. People had been asking me that question nearly every single day since Blake's accident, and I had always answered with the same thing. I always told them I was fine, even when I wasn't.
"I'm fine," I answered instead of saying how I truly felt, forcing a smile on my face now.
Mr. Meyers's eyebrows furrowed at me. "Are you sure that that's the truth?"
I gulped, still not knowing what I was supposed to say. It wasn't the truth, it hadn't ever been the truth, but I couldn't tell him that. I couldn't tell anyone that.
"Really, I'm fine," I insisted with a smile. "Yeah, I'm still sad about Blake and all, but... I've got to get through it. He'll wake up eventually, right? As long as I think that way, I'm sure he'll wake up. I've just got to be patient and wait for that day."
Mr. Meyers continue to frown at me while I just continued to forcefully smile. It looked like Morgan was right. I was a horrible liar, which sucked because it hadn't always been like that. I used to be really good at not telling the truth.
"You know, Leah," Mr. Meyers started now, and it made my stomach twist and turn, "if Blake doesn't wake up, I'm here for you. Even if it's not in a romantic way, I'm there if you need to talk or a shoulder to cry on."
"Thanks for the offer, Mr. Meyers," I thanked with that still forceful smile on my face. "But Blake is going to wake up."
I had to be optimistic about it. If I was going to be a pessimist, I was probably not going to get what I wanted. No matter how horrible I felt, I had to act happy and like I knew for a fact that Blake was going to wake up.
"It was nice talking to you, Mr. Meyers," I now informed my former teacher, just pushing a random cereal into my cart before backing away. "Maybe I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye."
I spun around and quickly headed down the aisle, not even giving him enough time to say goodbye back to me. I just couldn't talk about Blake with someone I had kissed before. It was just too weird.
I quickly bought what I needed for dinner and anything else that was in my cart before quickly getting out of the grocery store before Mr. Meyers could stop me. He could have even been gone by then and I wouldn't have known or even cared.
When I got back to the apartment, I brought everything up the stairs in one trip, and Morgan looked at me as if I was crazy while I did so. I just didn't want her helping me, since she was a guest, and I didn't want to go back downstairs to make two or three trips. I really hope I didn't make it look as difficult as it really was.
"Here, let me help you with dinner," Morgan tried when I took a pot out from under the counter, but I nearly hit her with it while I moved it away from her.
"No, it's fine," I assured, forcing a smile like I had so many times before. "You're the guest, so let me cook for you. I want to."
Morgan didn't look so sure, but she let me cook anyway. I might have not been the most fantastic cook in the world, but I was pretty sure I'd be able to make macaroni and cheese without completely ruining it. It wasn't that hard.
Morgan and I ate the macaroni and cheese once I was finished cooking it, both of us talking about different things. We started talking about Kyle, then school, and then the rest of our family. I caught up with my sister after not seeing her for a long time, and it made me feel a lot better. I didn't just miss Blake, but I missed my big sister as well.
"Well, I'll let you go to bed so you can get up early tomorrow for school," Morgan smiled at me as she stood up from the table now. "I'll see you soon, okay? And try to have some fun, Leah. You're never going to get this time back."
She was right. I knew she was right, and I knew I was going to have to listen to what she was saying. I couldn't spend the rest of my life depressed and sad just because Blake wasn't there with me. If he didn't survive, I was going to have to deal with it. I couldn't be depressed anymore, no matter how much I wanted to be.
I got up from the couch and turned the lights off, padding down the hallway and into Blake's bedroom. I plopped down into the bed after turning off the light, and I couldn't believe his bed still smelled like him even after I had been sleeping in it for a month. His scent made me feel so much better, and it made me feel sane after I'd been thinking I was crazy all day.
He had to wake up soon. I just had a feeling that something good was going to happen, and that had to be it, right? Something was going to happen that would make me happy. It had to be about him. Because without Blake, I didn't know if anything else could make me happy.
Look what's finally here. ;)
Blake will wake up soon! I promise! You're definitely not going to have to wait that long because I miss him so much. xD
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