《Road Trip - L.H》4


"Are you guys excited? I'm so excited" Mia exclaimed.

"I'm ready to party and not worry about my parents" Michael said.

"The definition of college not a road trip" Calum said.

"Works for both"

"Why did we decide that my house should be the meeting point?" I asked.

"Because, you my friend, have the biggest drive way and your house is in the middle of all of ours" Mia told me.

"Your planning is more detailed than I expected"

"You guys all ready?" We all turned to see my mum coming outside.

"We are. Luke's still not here" Calum told her, making me roll my eyes.

"Give the boy a chance, Madison"

"No promises" I grumbled in response as a car pulled onto our drive. Luke got out and the passenger seat window rolled down.

"Have fun, guys" Liz, Luke's mum, shouted out. There was a chorus of 'thank you's as Luke said bye to his mum before walking over to us.

"When do we leave?" He asked.

"Well we were waiting for you. I was willing to leave without you" I told him.

"How nice of you" He retorted. "So we can go now?" We all nodded.

"We've got two pick up trucks. We're all insured to drive both so who's going in which or with who I should say?" Calum asked.

"Who wants to drive?" I asked.

"Luke and Ashton can" Mia said.

"Why?" Luke questioned.

"Because you were late and Ashton's the most responsible" She told him.

"Don't be difficult, just fucking drive" I said as I followed Ashton over to one of the pick ups.

"Calum and I will go with Luke. Mike and Maddie with Ash" We all nodded at Mia. "Luke's truck is full of food and stuff so put your shit in Ash's"

"Mum, we're leaving" I called out and she rushed over from Liz to hug me.

"Have fun but be safe" I nodded and hugged her one last time before getting in the back of the pick up.

"We'll call when we need to stop or whatever. You guys do the same" Mia said before getting into the passenger seat of the other truck.

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