《1970's • boyxboy》One


Hi, this is a Boyxboy fanfic

I will say there might be some triggers in here, so I'm going to add them here :)

Homophobic slurs


Drunk sex

Internalized homophobia

Hate crimes



Please, stay safe and don't read this book if these things trigger you.

Now, for the characters

Max looks like this

And theo looks like this

Okay, lastly, this used to be a benjey book, so if you see the names "Benji" or "Jorge" anywhere, please tell me so I can get it changed immediately

Lastly, enjoy !!


I walked into the bar.

"You never have time for us Maximus!" Meradith bitterly shouted, spit unintentionally flew from her mouth.

I took a breath in, I was tired of this same argument. When will she stop?

"I know, I'm sor-" I started

But she cut me off, her face becoming red with anger. I was worried she'd wake the kids up.

"You know? Do we mean nothing to you? Are we just pieces of garbage? Your kids Maximus! Us!" She said, moving her hands around in a circle at the words 'us'

I was angry now. I balled up my fists, with no intention of using them.

"What do you expect me to do ,huh? Leave work early? Get fired? I'm the one who provides for this family. The one that got you that ring you just had to have!" I spat. Okay, maybe too far.

But it's true, she does nothing for this household. It's just me.

She rolled her eyes, and threw her hands into her hair, tampering her blonde curls.

"Oh you know this isn't about the money. What are you doing in your free time huh? Are you cheating on me? Because if that's the case I'll take tommy and Wendy and go!" Said, pointing up the stairs to where the kids where, I'm sure no longer, soundly asleep.

I pulled on my hair, I'm sure the vein in my forehead was easily visible.

"no, I'm not cheating, I wouldn't break our family apart for some silly girl. Check the phone lines if you want to, you won't find anything." I said, softly.

I just wanted this to be over with, this stupid fight that reappeared every weekend.

She looked at the ground, fixating on one of the wooden panels.

"There is no one else, I love you Meredith." I said, waking over to her, and placing my arm gently on her shoulder.

She shyed away from my touch, and looked up at me.

"I think you should go , for tonight." She said, her eyes looking between me and the door.

I didn't want to fight anymore, and if this was how to get it to stop? Then that'll be it. I'll go, for tonight.

I sighed, and walked out the door.


"Rough night?" A clearly foreign accent spoke. He sounded French, it was interesting. I hadn't heard a French accent anywhere but on the television.

I sighed, accepting defeat and conversing with the stranger.

"Trouble with the mrs's," I said, rubbing the back of my neck and looking up.

He had blond hair, with specks of brown poking through. It was gelled back and it created waves on his head. He had light green eyes and fair skin.

"I'm sorry man, what did she do? Ah what can I get for ya," he said, replying to me but also serving a customer.

He poured the drink in and squeeze multiple different liquids in it, then he threw it over his shoulder and tossed it around, mixing the liquid.


"work has been stressful that I haven't been home much, she thinks I'm cheating," I replied, taking one of the shots he laid in front of me.

"Well, are you?" He said, stopping his actions and looking me in my eyes. It made me nervous, for some reason.

"what? No, of course not," I said. Why does everyone think I'm cheating?

"Oh c'mon, no younger girl is getting you right?" He asked, teasing. What is this, an interrogation?

"If there was another girl, I don't know why I'd be wasting time with my wife." I said, throwing back another shot, and cringing at the bitter taste.

"Is she pretty?" He asked, wiping a glass down that was in front of him with a white worn rag.

I rolled my eyes.

"I told you I'm not cheating-"

"Your wife ,you Whiney bastard, is she pretty?" He asked with a light laugh.

"The prettiest, she has this long blonde curly hair, these beautiful blue eyes, and pink lips," I gushed, picturing her as if she were standing in front of me.

"That's it?" He asked, which kind of baffled me. I tilted my head, what more did he want?

"What do you mean?" I asked. He sighed.

"You didn't describe anything sexual about her, how long has it been since you've-," he asked, making grinding motions in the air with his hand in front of his crotch, like it was just a normal thing to ask a stranger you met in a bar. I scoffed,

"Well I've been busy with work and-" I said, but he cut me off.

"So you get no pussy is what you're trying to say?" He laughed in a joking matter. I blushed lightly at the vulgar language.

"I- I guess." I said, taking another shot in front of me, squeezing a lemon into my mouth to chase the taste.

"Listen, I used to be a marriage counselor, and quite a good one. When the sex goes down, and problems arise, it's only so much longer until everything burns down in flames." He said, shrugging, and going back to wiping down his dishes.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" I asked, slightly offended that he thinks he knows a damn thing about my marriage.

"It's Theodore, but for the love of god please call me Theo," he said. Theo, yeah, that matches his face.

"Right. Okay "theo" just because me and my wife aren't having sex doesn't mean we are going to get a divorce," I said, clearly upset.

"Listen what's your name?" Theo asked me.

"Maximus" I said.

"Boring," he huffed, insulting my name.

"Max." I rolled my eyes, saying my nickname.

"Then I'll call you max," he winked.

I blushed, taking two more of the shots in front of me.

"Listen here max, you're one of the hottest guys I've seen walk into this bar, hell, probably one of the hottest guys I've seen, the fact that she's not throwing herself on you is honestly a big red flag," he said, casually.

I didn't know how to feel. I feel flattered but isn't that ... kinda ...homosexual?

"I-, I don't know what to say," I ran my fingers though my hair, soothing my brain that was going fuzzy.

"Say what you feel," theo said, I don't know if it was just me but it was kind of seductive.

"I guess I'm like bored of her? She throws herself onto me all the time and I always reject her even when I don't want to. Not trying to be mean but, I can't stand our kids, like I love them. I don't think I'm ready to be a father though, I just wish I could do something," I drunkenly confessed, surprising myself.


"I knew it was you and not her," he said, and smiled from one light green eye to the other.

I took another shot. And another. I think it was safe to say I was now properly drunk.

I don't know if it was just me but man theo is a pretty guy. He could pass as a girl if he wore makeup and grew his hair out. Well not really. I don't know what I'm thinking. He's pretty.

A think cost of pink covered the apples of his cheeks.

"What are you starting at?" Theo asked.

"Ohhhhhhh, you're pretty," I said, confessing my inner thoughts.

He laughed and shook his head, the blush intensified.

"No really you are, say, who's your wife?" I asked. Someone like him has to be married. Someone that attractive, and with that accent.. to die for, for a girl at least.

"I don't have one," he easily said. I don't know why, but I felt an inner happiness after that.

"Really?" I goofily smiled.

"Why are you so smiley?" He said, giggling at me, making me feel some type of way.

"Cute little laugh, pretty face, man is there anything you don't have?" I asked. He blushed, and looked down.

"Why are you shy now?" I hummed, questioning his behavior. He was so confident earlier on.

"You're married,"

"You're hot," yeah, I even surprised myself with that.

"Oh-"he blushed again, taken aback by my sudden compliment.

"I don't know why but, I wouldn't even mind if someone dared me to kiss you. Like silly dares kids do. I wouldn't mind at all," I said , rambling on, letting the drunken unthought of, words spill from my lips.

He took a few glances around him, then pulled me

By the collar of my shirt and connected our lips. It felt wrong, but the beating of my heart told me otherwise. I sunk into it a little, then he pulled away.

"Come to the back room with me," he said . I nodded, and took his hand as he led the way through a long hall, then through a door. I halfway knew what was going to happen, and the thought went right to my dick

I couldn't help but think about how much I wanted him.

Even though I've never wanted a man before in my life.

He shut the door behind him, and suddenly we were in a red room called with a velvet couch.

He grabbed my face and started kissing my lips slowly. I grabbed his waist and pulled him close to me, resting my hand on his hip. He pushed it down lower, to his ass. He pulled away from the kiss.

"Don't be sweet to me, be harsh. Be rough. Don't treat me like glass," he said, confidently. Roses blossomed in my cheeks, as I was under trained for what he wanted.

"I don't know how to do t-that." I stuttered, the nerves jumping out after realizing what I was really about to do.

He smirked. God.

"I'll show you." He said, walking me backwards to the couch, and shoving me down onto it, I landed with a thud. He got on top of me and attacked my neck with his lips. I thought only girls got kissed on the neck, for some reason. I couldn't ever imagine meradith kissing me there, like this.

I love it.

"Ohh," I moaned, grabbing the back of his head and pressing his mouth harder into my neck. I felt him grin.

He took off my shirt, unbuttoning the ivory buttons, and kissed hungrily at my chest the more that it got revealed.

He got to my nipples and licked them. I thought only girls got that too. I groaned, as he lightly bit down on it, and pulled it back with his teeth. I couldn't stand it.

I turned us over and pushed him into the couch. I kissed him sloppily, pulling his hair as I did so.

"I thought you didn't know how to be rough," he said, amused and slightly disheveled.

"I guess I just want you that bad." I spoke, sudden confidence erupted from me.

I didn't know what was coming over me, but I know I've never felt this good.

His hands traveled my body and landed over my dick. Just his hand resting there was getting me off. I started grinding into his hand.

"You get pleased so easily, it's like you're a virgin." Theo laughed.

"I can promise you I'm not, this is just," I paused to moan, as his pressure on my clothed dick increased," just new to me." I finished.

"If you think this is good, I'll show you something better." He said, still rubbing me, which was making it hard to talk.

Then he suddenly stoped, looking me in the eyes.

"As long as you're okay with it." He said.

I nodded hastily, and he smirked.

"Well I'm doing that right now , then," he said.

He pushed me back, undoing my pants and looking me in my eyes.

"Nice tighty whities," He teased, putting a finger under the waist band and snapping it. I kissed.

I blushed, a little embarrassed.

"I didn't know I was going to be doing this tonight," I said.

He suddenly took my length into his mouth and began to lick, still making eye contact.

"Oh-" I moaned, bucking my hips into his mouth for more friction.

He sucked, bobbing his head up and down, and then licking the vein on the underside of my cock.

"So good oh my god fuckyouresogoodkeepgoing," I moaned, trying my best to string the words together.

"Fuck my mouth," he said, letting his jaw go slack around me. I furrowed my brows.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"You'll know what to do, trust me," he said, then relaxed the muscles in his mouth again.

I thrusted into his mouth, grazing over his tongue, feeling the precum dribble over my tip.

"Shit!" I grabbed his hair and started to mercilessly thrust into his mouth.

He just closed his eyes and moaned. Is he enjoying just having my dick in his mouth?

He gently placed a hand on my stomach, making me stop.

"I want you to fuck me," he said, and butterflies appeared in my stomach.

"Okay," I blushed, although I had no idea what to do. I was a little nervous. It's like losing your virginity all over again, in a way. Well, a different way.

He took all of his clothes off, and got on his hands and knees, arching his back to present himself to me.

"So I just... slide it in and go?" I asked hesitantly. Will this hurt for him? No, it won't. He's no a virgin.

"Yep, same as a girl, just tighter," he said, and I could hear the smirk.

I lined up my tip with his hole, and slowly pushed myself in, rolling my eyes to the back of my head as I did so. He was right, it is tighter.

"Mother fuck," I whispered, the saliva on my dick from him having his mouth on it was enough to keep it slick.

"You were right about being tighter ," I moaned, and he groaned, stifling laughter.

"Put your hands on my hips," he said. I nodded, although he couldn't see me. I placed my hands on either side of his hips, and thrusted again.

"How are you so skilled?" I asked him, in a whispered tone.

"Well, a lot of times after marriage therapy, the husband would come back asking for tips on how to please his wife, so I'd just show him," he replied, snarky.

I got a little jealous.

I don't know why, he isn't even mine.

"Don't worry, your dick is the biggest I've ever seen, and you're the hottest I've been with," he said, arching his back more.

I wanted to shut him up, make him stop thinking, stop being coherent.

I thrusted into him fast without warning, gripping his hips like he said to.

"Mm" he muffled, obviously trying to keep his cool.

So, I grabbed him, and pulled him back to sit him on my lap.

"Uh~," he moaned, scrunching up his face and biting his lip. But I wanted to hear more, I wanted to ruin him.

I held his sides and fucked into him faster than I've ever fucked my wife, grinding once I reached his ass.

"Oh my god max,fuck you're so big how the fuck are you doing thi-thi-this," he said, hiccuping over me thrusting into him over and over again.

Then, I hit a spot, a spot that was softer than the rest of what my dick was touching.

"Oh! Shit! Shit! Faster, fuck!." he screamed, digging his nails into my thighs and leaving a sting.

Yes, that's what I wanted to hear.

He started grinding back onto me, meeting my thrusts.

"Ugh, fuck." I moaned, throwing my head back, and having it fall onto the couch.

"You're hitting it , oh god, oh god! Thatsit!thatsthespot!." he was screaming whorishly, his hair was starting to sweat and strong over his face.

"Does that feel good baby? Hmm?" I asked, whispering in his ear, and kissing it after.

"M-more, please, please more max, oh-," he said, stumbling over all of his words.

I felt heat in my stomach. Thoughts like,

If my wife saw this right now I wouldn't even stop

I'd just make her watch it

Make her watch me fuck a man

And how pleased he is about it.

I didn't realize I was moaning so loud. We both were.

"Fuck fuck ohmygod!" He screamed as I whispered dirty nothings in his ear.

"I'm gonna- oh shit -" he moaned as I rammed into him. His dick twitched, and a rope of come came spilling out of his tip.

I pulled out, and came all over his back.

His thighs were shaking, and I was looking at the marks his nails had made into my thighs.

I was panting, trying to catch my breath, as was he.

"You're so good, this can't be the only time we do this, what's you're number , where do you live, something I need something somewhere to see you, I need you in me again." He was begging, as he turned to look me in the eyes.

His face was flushed and he had red marks all over his chest, including the cum that was dripping down it.

I leant in and started kissing his neck, licking and sucking a spot under his jaw.

"I'm the big blue house on maple street, just walk in and act like you're a friend from work, or something." I said.

He nodded, his blond hair falling messily over his face.

"Good, good, because I can't live without you or your dick." he said, turning around and kissing my lips.

I'm slowly changing all the names and updating the shitty writing in general, so I'm sorry if this takes a little while 💗


Original start date: September 16, 2019

Edited: August 25, 2020

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