《Student Council Scenarios ~》Countries


Shiromi: If you were to be a country, what would you be?

Akane: Spain!

Shiromi: Interesting. Why?

Akane: It's beautiful!

Shiromi: Okay, I can agree on that.

Megami: Uuhh.. I guess I'd be Canada?

Shiromi: Why is that?

Megami: Well, I don't know. I haven't thought about this question. EVER. And I didn't know that I'd have to answer a question like this in my life.

Shiromi: Well, I'm here. So you should have expected it. *Laughing*

Shiromi: What about you, Aoi?

Aoi: Egypt.

Shiromi: Why?

Aoi: Don't question me.

Shiromi: You're cute when you're moody.

Aoi: W-What? Wait! I'm moody all of the time?...

Shiromi: *Winks*

Shiromi: I'd be France.

Shiromi: Kuroko?

Kuroko: New Zealand.

Shiromi: Why there?

Kuroko: Because it's one of the farthest countries from France.

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