《The Student Council | Ray》Sleeping


I sat on my bed, as I studied my assignments. In the past two weeks or so, I've been getting pretty sleep-deprived, from all my homework. So even though I tried resting earlier, reading before night, listening to ocean sounds, drinking chamomile, nothing works.

It was around 9 pm, and Ray was also sitting on my desk chair, reading a book. Recently, he's been going to my house through my room window, which I unconsciously left open one day. I tried not to look at him as he smiled while he flipped the pages.

He glanced up at me, and I was met by his grinning face. "What?" he asked, laughing. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I peeked down at my texts, embarrassed that he caught me. "Am I not allowed to look at you?" I asked softly. He closed his book and sat next to me on my bed. He cautiously brought his fingertips to my chin and lifted my face so I can make eye contact with him. I narrowed my eyes, as he chuckled.

"Well if you're not gonna tell me why I might as well wonder if you have a staring problem," he whispered. "So?"

I rolled my eyes as I looked to the side. "I don't know," I answered, "Why do you ask?" He smiled a bit.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked. Ray then proceeded to gently pull me into a loose warm embrace, making me drop my book. I turned around to pick it back up, but I felt him cautiously comb my hair through his fingers. "I care about you, (y/n)."

"Wow, thanks so much," I said, trying to not fall off the bed while trying to grab my book.

"You're awfully clingy today," I stated as I buried my face in fleece blankets. My back still faced Ray's so his free hand held my shoulder. I heard him sigh.


"Why wouldn't I be?" he questioned. "You're the one who kept looking at me earlier."

I covered my eyes out of embarrassment after that, for I didn't want him to see my face warm up. I could sense him peering at me while I was under my covers.

"Is this supposed to help me sleep?" I muttered, turning to him. Well, it wasn't working. He then starting humming a melody that I never heard of.

"Just rest (y/n)," he murmured, as I covered my face with the blankets. "Even if you can't, just try to."

"But I can't," I responded, looking away from him. "It's almost impossible to clear my mind now, and even when I try taking naps."

"Then close your eyes and imagine a peaceful landscape or something," he replied as I felt his lips against my forehead.

After placing two warm kisses on both my cheeks, he continued his little song that he told his mother sang to him when he was younger. It was comforting, because for the first time in a while, I actually drifted off to sleep.

I woke up, because I had a call, and I checked the time. It was looked outside my window, and it was morning. I answered my phone, and since I was too tired, I couldn't distinguish who it was.

"Get your lazy-ass up," he said after I recognized Ray's voice. "You've been sleeping for the past 12 hours or so."

I groaned, still half-asleep. "It's been a while since I've gotten at least eight hours, can't I just rest for another five minutes?"

"Five minutes will soon turn into two days," he responded monotonously. "Come on, we don't have all day. If you wake up, I'll even cook you breakfast."

Free breakfast? I rolled my eyes and thrown off my blankets as I came out of my room. He was downstairs, wearing my apron. He smiled smugly, holding a plate of pancakes. I took it acceptingly, slightly annoyed that he woke me up.

"I hate you," I muttered as he stood across me.

"I love you too."

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