《The Unknown》Chapter 16 (cont 15)


After David left with the boys I decided to make something to eat and maybe invite CJ over to talk about what he knows about the boy's daddy in the middle of pulling out the pasta noodles I got a phone call.


CJ-aye that's my best friend what you doing bitch

India-about to make pasta why you always calling me a bitch

CJ-cause you my bitch duh bitch use your brain

India-whatever anyway guess what happen not too long ago

CJ-spill wait no never mind I'm leaving right now


"Who told you that you can just walk up in my house and not knock".I asked as he got nears the kitchen I can hear.

"Um bitch the fuck I did we best friends fuck you expect me to do knock".He said sitting his purse on the counter taking a seat.

"Yes CJ that's exactly what I expected you to do".I said laughing as I stirred the pasta noodles I take one out and bit it to see if it's done or not.

"Well that's too bad but what did you need to talk about".He asked scrolling through his phone I go and grab the drainer and pour the pasta in.

"I wanted to talk about the twin's daddy you seem to know who he is so fill me in".I said as I added the pasta sauce and let it sit I turn around to see CJ already looking at me.

"He's closer than you think is all imma say".He said walking over to the stove tasting the pasta.


Right now me and the kids are in the living room watching some movie called Moana they all picked it so I just bought it as of our seating arrangements I'm on the couch while the kids are on the floor eating but since I ain't really watching the movie I decided to call my cousin over to finally finish our convo.


DAVE-wassup wassup

Cuzzo-shit nothing what you need

Dave-man nothing you trynna come chill

Cuzzo-yea my nigga gone somewhere I'll be there in 20


[20 mins later]

Hearing the doorbell I look down at the kids to see they're still watching tv I throw my phone down and get off the couch walking to the door opening it.

"My nigga wassup wit it".He said walking straight into the house.

"Well hey to you too nigga".I said laughing as I followed him to the living room but he stopped staring down so I push his back to snap him out of it.


"What's wrong man".I asked passing him to go and sit back on the couch and that's when David, Daniel, and Ashley came and laid up on me.

"Wait wait wait I can't believe this is happening".He said still shocked but he walked over to the couch on the other side and sat down still looking at us.

"What the hell you talking about man".I asked looking at him confused.

"She finally told you they was your sons".He asked frowning his eyebrows causing me to look at him crazy fuck he means she finally told me they, my sons.

"The fuck you mean yo chill out these a friend of mines kids".I said trynna clear things up.

"Yea a friend that so happens to be yo baby mama man".He said.

"Seriously man what you talking about the shit ain't funny".I said sitting up he threw his hands up to surrender.

"Ain't nobody laughing tho man I'm serious you know the boy I'm fucking with well they mama is his best friend and he told me the story about this party they went to and how she got pregnant and I remember you telling me a story similar to hers you remember that girl you were constantly talking about well that's her".He said sitting back watching my next move but I'm just in shock.

"Yo you gotta go I'll hit you up later thanks for the info".I said standing up walking around gathering the kid's shoes and putting them on their feet.

"Nah boy where you going".He asked pushing himself off the couch to stand up.

"Man what you think I'm going to India house".I said slipping on my shoes and leading everybody outside and I lock the door.

"I'm going with you CJ over there".He said getting in the front I open the door and buckle them in their car seat and close the door getting in the driver's seat I cut the car on backing out of the driveway.


Me and CJ are watching some movie called underworld I don't know he brought it over and insisted we watch it and it's actually pretty good.

"So has Raheem been here yet".He asked as he played in my hair I turn away from the tv and looked up at him with my head still in his lap.

"No, but I have a feeling he will come here tonight and I'm so glad David has the boys".I said sighing running my fingers through my hair.


"You need to stop letting that boy put his hands on you India tell your brother or your father hell tell Dave".He said looking at the tv then back at me.

"Now you know I can't ask my dad he's told old and I can't ask abél he's got his whole music career to be worried about and same goes to Dave plus we don't even know each other like that".I said and CJ mumbled something and I want to know what he said.

"Y'all know each other more than you think I knew you were wondering what I said ".He said laughing causing me to shove his shoulder then there's a knock on the door followed by voices.

"Mommy open up".I heard as I got closer to the door and when I opened it the boys and Ashley ran in and to the back then Dave came in followed by a boy whom I don't know.

"Yea sure do come in".I said closing the door locking it I walk to the living room to see CJ sitting on mystery man's lap must be the boy he always talks about any way I go and sit beside Dave.

"So what do I owe this pleasure".I said smiling but no one smiled back but I still held my smile.

"The boys are mine".Dave said speaking up first but what he said caused my smile to turn into a frown.

"Excuse me".I asked with a confused look after explaining to me his time at a party it matched mines but I didn't say anything.

"I want full custody of the twins".He said which caught everyone in the room off guard and to look over at him as if he would say he's joking because obviously, he has to be.


After we told our stories about the party and stuff I decided to make things fun and before y'all chew my ass up its just a prank I would never take the boys from India I just want to see how far I can go with India, CJ, and my cousin.

"You can't be serious about this".She said looking as though she's about to cry and that's when CJ got up and went to console her.

"Are you out of your fucking mind nigga talking about you gone take the boys from my best friend bitch please".He said glaring at me as he rubbed India's back who by now was crying.

"Cuzzo look think about this man just don't do this".My cousin said pointing to India I'm trying so hard not to laugh at their faces.

"Nah she got to have the kids for two years so it's my turn".I said getting up and walking to the back and I hear footsteps behind me once I find my way to the boy's room I take out suitcases and start packing their stuff from the drawers.

"No please Dave please don't take them".India said pulling on my arm to get me to stop packing I shook her off and she fell to the ground crying I wanted to call the whole thing off to say I'm playing but it's getting good.

"Um apologize to her right now the fuck wrong with you".Cj said switching all his weight to one leg crossing his arm.

"See this is why I'm taking them".I said grabbing their bags.

"Dave please".She said and I couldn't hold it in anymore I burst out laughing holding my stomach as they all stood and looked at me confused.

"What's so funny man".My cousin asked with his eyebrows frowned.

"Y'all...yall niggas should've seen your faces do you really think I take the boys away from you".I asked India and she looked down.

"Well, yea".She said quietly but I still heard her.

"Awe come here baby I would never to that to you you're a wonderful single mother and I applaud you for doing things on your own even though that's the end of that cause I'm here now".I said hugging her rocking side to side and her head laid on my chest.

"You can't play like that Dave get out everybody get out".She said pushing me towards the door.

"Aye, what about my daughter".I asked pointing to the back.

"She's staying here bye".She said closing the door in our faces.

"You always doing some shit Dave".Cj said shaking his head walking to his car I point to him looking at my cousin as to say get your boyfriend but he just threw his hands up to surrender and walked to the car with CJ shaking my head I walk to my car getting in.

Man today was a long day a nigga got three kids. I thought and pulled off.




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