《Considered You And I // Zed X Reader » Discontinued》ZED X READER ONESHOT ✔ best friend


I'm going to give you an x reader one shot for now. Note at the end

Warning!: language, sad af

↗ start

'I give up. I'm telling him. No you don't! Yes you do! Idiot! That's not true! Yes I'm an idiot.' You thought.

'Zed why do you have to make my life complicated? Can't you tell I like you? But then again, the 'falling in love with my best friend' is cliche' Your brain rambled even more which did not help one bit with your romantic feelings for the adorable green-headed zombie, Zed. Wait— all zombies have green hair. Oh look, speak of the devil

“[Y/n]! I have to tell you something!” and there is ZED. Looking charming as if he wore make up to make himself gorgeous, he looks prettier than I do!

“Zed, hey? What's up?” You replied with a smile plastered on your face. You felt butterflies on your stomach whenever he would say your name

“I need to tell you something! ” he exclaimed as if he was a puppy who just saw his owner or a child who just received candy

“I heard you the first time.” You chuckle replied. “Come on (Y/n)! You should be happy for me!” he exclaims jumping up and down. You hummed in response eagerly wanting to know what was the thing he wants to tell you

“I kissed Addison!” he says

You looked at him shook and shocked. “W-wow” You stuttered. Your heart broke to pieces, but shouldn't I be happy for my best friend. Your world crumbles to pieces. The color turned black and white. The butterflies were no longer there. All you had was a broken heart that needed to be stitched

'What I disaster it would've been if I confessed my feelings for him!' You then covered your face with your hands

“[Y/n/n] are you okay?” he says worriedly, removing your hand from your teary eyes. He used the nickname. You would've felt butterflies but— you were broken

“Are you crying because I found a girlfriend?” he says nervously

“I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!” You exclaimed as tears fell off my face. I mean the tears you cry when your heart broken not the cried-because-your-happy.


“Thanks. You're a any guy could ask for.” he smiles and hugs me. I wiped the tears away. 'Ouch how much I love being friendzoned, notice the sarcasm dripping of my mouth' Your heart aches the more you thought of this

“Movie night tomorrow?” he smiles, “Totally!” Yoy replied with the fake-happy tone in my voice. 'Some bestie you are, you can't tell I'm hurt' You thought

The next day flew by really quickly, You bought some vanilla ice cream (that's the only flavor they have!), chips, soda, food, food and good food. I mean we all love food

You were standing outside of hideout that you, Bonzo, Eliza and Zed had. He's late. An hour passed. Two hours passed. Four hours passed. You took the ice cream from the small fridge you guys had.

"Someday, this could be ordinary~!" That familiar voice sang. Addison and Zed. 'Great I'm going to be Third Wheeling!'

"Zed your late." You stated angrily

"Well, it took long to invite Addi over!" He dramatically said

"It's his fault!" Addison replied. 'Oh how sweet. Should I take my leave? Or should I continue being a sassy/ sarcastic third wheel?' You thought and gritted your teeth

"Yeah. Zed you said just the both of us." You replied holding the ice cream for dear life

"I mean, I thought you wouldn't mind that I brought Addi over." He started to reply unsure holding Addison's hand. Your hands are now clutched

"Well, I did mind. Now Addison I need to borrow my best friend. You'be been hogging him from me since day two." You said straight forward

"[Y/n] what the heck? What's your problem with me and Addison. You've been acting wierd since yesterday" he says raising his voice

"I-I can leave if you want." Addison said, "N-no!" Zed said

'Oh great! Try to recreate Titanic or Romeo and Juliet, you'd probably get me to tears' You thought sarcastically and mentally rolled your eyes

"Oh I think you should cheerleader miss cheery" You say sarcastically as you take a spoonful of ice cream.


She nodded and walked away.

"Addi!—[Y/n] what's wrong with you?! Why did you do that?!" He yelled at me. He had never yelled at you, unless you took his, you know, brains in a can.

"Wow you noticed." You replied rolling my eyes, "Of course I did! What happened to my best friend?!" He said. 'The more you friendzoned, the more sarcastic I get. So try me' You were already broken to pieces and being sarcastic about it doesn't help

"Something you never thought that would happen. Try to be safe sometimes like I am." You reply grabbing a spoonful of ice cream and shoving it onto you mouth

He slaps your hand then you accidentally let go the whole bucket of ice cream. "Hey! I bought that for ten bucks!" You say gritting your teeth

"Tell me the truth." He says, looking at your [E/c] eyes directly. You gave him a small glare

"Ugh. You ditched me for a pretty pink cheerleader." You say picking up the ice cream and throwing it at the nearest trash bin

"No I didn't! I thought you were happy for me?!" He replies amused

"Your so oblivious. Some best friend you are." You chuckled softly

"You used to be so sweet." He muttered

"Sweet? Sweet my ass. Don't I matter to you? You talk to Addison as if she was with you through the pain we've been through. Was she harassed? I have been with you since day one. I like you Zed" You admitted

"[Y/n] we aren't in a fairy tale world. I'm sorry but I need to go to Addison" He says walking away

"Hah! Some bestie you are! Don't I matter anymore?" You yell

"I can't deal with this now." He replies running to chase wherever Addison is

"Of course you can't because Addison is what all that matters now. I have no grunch against her but I am angry at you." You rolled your eyes, Zed looked back and had much more confused face

He walked up to me

"What did I do to get you mad now?!" He yells angrily

"Oh I don't know?! Maybe ditching me, Bonzo and Eliza for that pretty pink cheerleader! Zed I know you love her! But Zed what about me and the gang?! Don't you think Bonzo and Eliza gets hurt. Sure Bonzo may act positive and supportive but don't you think you two deserve some bro time?! Sure Eliza may be sarcastic as hell but she can easily get hurt! And me! Zed I love you but I wish I could've told you that before that pretty pink ass Addison even appeared but since you love her. Chase her pink ass for all I care and never show your green lighty face back at me. I don't wanna see you again near me, near Bonzo or near Eliza. Bucky is a much more better companion than you'll ever be. At least he fucking listens!" You yelled with tears dripping off your face. Bonzo and Eliza saw the whole thing. They were hurt because everything you said was true, they have been feeling lonely without Zed

Zed stiffened

"Bye Zed." You mutter and walked away. All you were expecting now was Zed apologizing and chasing you. 'He didn't even fucking came after me'

No. He decided to look for Addison. You turned to look but he was already chasing and looking for Addison. You broke down in tears. Bonzo was about to comfort you but Eliza said you might need some time alone.

Goodbye it is Zed

We're officially friends no more


I thought I would make a one shot for all of you guys who waited patiently for a new update. I'm really, really sorry about the whole delay. I'm editing this book and I've been really busy at school since we're gonna be making a Title Defence and a Science Investigatory Project

I apologize for the whole delay and the cringyness of the book. I hope you all enjoyed this one shot! Give me a review, that would be great! And if anyone wants a part two just request, a sad ending or happy. You choose!

Don't forget to vote, follow me and comment!

✔ other socials:

↗ instagram: ami_lynne.s

↗ twitter: AmiLynneSmith2

↗ tumblr: ami_lynne

Thank you, lovely Zeddies <3

~ Elenour/Ami/Lynne/Author

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