《Considered You And I // Zed X Reader » Discontinued》Side Story Chapter One: Rewrite the Stars [Lynne♥Tom] Part One



"Lynne!" I ran to find her outside, there she is. Why is she crying?

"Lynne! Come back! What's wrong?" I shouted as I lost her. . .

"Dammit! Why does my life have to be complicated?!" I said angrily at myself

I just went inside hoping she ran to the classroom, 'she isn't here' I thought

"Hey where's Lynne, Tommo?" Addison chirpped as she stood up to walk towards me, the teacher isn't here yet

". . . gone. . ."

"What?" Her smile faded

"She ran away, I-I don't know why!" I said loudly causing attention

"What?! Where's Lynne?!" Eliza exclaims

"She ran away!'' I shouted back

"Well there's got to be a god damn reason!" She yells

"Guys, guys! Calm down, this won't help, it'll just tear us apart if you continue this" Bree walks forward

"She's right" Addison pointed

"This is all my fault. . . I shouldn't have ran to her faster than just standing there letting her get away!" I yelled

"No, no it isn't. Blaming yourself isn't gonna do anything to get her back, it will just make it worst" Zed says and pats my back

"She must not have gone that far, we'll find her. Don't worry, tomorrow she's gonna be here, apologizing because she left" Addison tried cheering the mood up

"But what if she's not?!" Eliza says

"Then we'll find her!" Zed says

"What if we won't find her?!" I yelled

"We will, have faith. She's a smart girl" Addison said

I took a deep breath and sat at the empty seat. . . alone

"We will, have faith. She's a smart girl" I said, oh no. . . what happened?

Tom took a deep breath and took a seat at the dark corner alone


I walked to him but I got stopped by Bonzo, "Iz gonna be ogey" his english is still rough but I can manage understand

"I hope so Bonzo" I stayed with Bonzo as we waited for our teacher

"Class will be dismissed early, Lynne Taylor had gone missing and we will have to look for her. If any of you are interested in helping please come to the gym ASAP" The sound of Principal Lee's voice sounded worriedly

"What? Who told Principal Lee?! The only ones who knew was me—Y/n!" Tom said as he slammed his hands on his desk

"Come on" He dictated and we followed

"Come on Addison" Bonzo said as I nodded

"Y/n!" I hugged her

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked

"Y/n why did you tell her?!" Tom exclaims getting closer, I can tell he isn't happy about this situation. I mean who would be happy in a situation like this? Your best friend running away, Tom loved Lynne not as a friend but as something more, if only he knew she felt the same

"Addison? You blacked out are you okay?" Bree asks

"Oh thanks goodness! Please help find Lynne!" Principal Lee begs

"That's why we are here. I'm gonna go to north—" Zed cuts Tom off

"Woah woah, we should team up. I'll go with Lynne, Addison and Bonzo, Bree and you Collins, MJ and Ross,—"

"Now let me stop you there, I'm going alone. I'm not going to f*cking wait any longer until she reaches the end of the earth. Now lend me a van and now I leave" He stated

"Well we—" I cut Zed off

"Take the keys, it's Lynne's car" I threw at him and he runs to her car

"How'd you get her keys?" Zed asks


"I borrowed her car to buy something" I replied and went to search East with Y/n, Zed and Bonzo

"Find her and tell her" I told myself

I love you Lynne? What do I say?! Okay probably not I love you Lynne

I groaned in frustration

"Why do I have to be so unpredictable!" I said annoyed, I looked at the car keys, do I even know how to drive?

"That's what you get for being a 'hero' or trying I should say so" The other side of my conscious say

"Oh shut up" I said to myself looking for her car

"There" I said to myself, again. I mean I don't have no one to talk to! Lynne always listens to me. . .

Where did I go wrong?

Why is she crying?

Why did she run away?

Was she jealous?

No. . . she couldn't be

My mind was filled with questions, but it hurts to see her cry without telling me, I drove her car and started to look for her. Goodness, I thought I was gonna crash

I searched everywhere

It's already six PM, it's been five hours since she's been gone and I just wanna hug her, pinch her cheeks, tickle her and kiss her. . .

But she probably likes Jacob or someone else

Then a lightbulb came out of my head, of course! The one place I didn't look! The playground we used to sneak out and play

She has got to be there, I hope. A vibrating phone disturbed my consintrating, I stopped her car and I answered the call

"Tom? You there?" It was Zed

"Right here" I replied

"We should try to search for her early in the morning. We're tired and so are you, you should rest, you're stressed Tom" Zed says worriedly

"Don't worry I'm fine. I'll look for her for just a few more hours then I'll stop" I said

"You should, now bye. Y/n and Addison has to go to home and the others" he said and I hung up

I quickly drove there it was a mile away from Seabrook High

I parked and peeked around to look for her, I saw her in the swing, singing and she had a sad expression in her face

"So why don't we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours. . . tonight" She sang sadly and sobbed

Then three guys surrounded her, I couldn't see her anymore! They were blocking Lynne

Sh—she. . . collapsed?!

I stepped out of the car as the guys saw me they ran away leaving a collapsed body of the girl I loved on the floor

• • •






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