《Considered You And I // Zed X Reader » Discontinued》Chapter Six: Sleepover


I haven't seen Zed the whole day. . . well once I saw him walking to basement. . . sheesh, I'm not blind -_- (Stop breaking the fourth wall -_-)

Okay okay! Where was I? Oh yeah. . . "Y/n/n? Y/N!? DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD AT HELL?!" Lynne was shaking me our of my thoughts

Either way. I still won't notice them, I am still day dreaming ( °3°)

"Lynne . . . stop shaking me!" We started to shake each other. . friendship's wierd :P

"We've been trying to talk to you for five minutes. Are you wearing your headset or something?" Addison took my headset hanging from my neck. I wasn't even using it!

"Well. . now that she's brought back to reality. Now can I ask!? What the heck are you thinking girl?! You've been staring at nothing for a whole five minute!" Mary Jane said with sass

"Sassy pants." I mumbled

"I'll take it as a compliment thank you" she shoves me to Addison

"Okay now let's go! I'm bored staring at Y/n!" Lynne says. "Try being her sister I see her every hour in my entire life" Addison joked, "Same to you" I replied and we laughed at Addison's pout face

We walked to our house with our friends and Addison took the key under the mat

"Mom and Dad aren't home. So I figured we can do whatever we want for the rest. . ." I looked at my watch and continued "Three hours"

"Cool. Do you guys have popcorn? I always bring movies in stuff like this" Lynne says while she looks in her bag

"No way! You got Status Update, Descendants 1 and 2, Your Name, Diary of a wimpy kid, Teen Beach movie and so much more!" MJ exclaims with stars in her eyes

"Now the real question is! There's snacks right?!" Lynne exclaims getting closer to me. I took a step backwards sweatdropping


"Yea sure we do. We have cola, nachos, microwave pizza and popcorn" I replied as Addison opens the door

"Go to our room, get the TV ready and I'll get the food" I demanded them playfully

"Aye!" They reply like pirates and went upstairs. I took the microwave pizza and popcorn

After 5 minutes of arguing with which movie were which movie to get watch by force Lynne wins she had Addison and Bree on her side!

We're gonna watch Diary of a Wimpy kid: Rodrick rules. We watched the first movie of that but never bothered to continue, but it's pretty funny

"You won't regret this!" Lynne chirpped as putting the movie in the DVD player

"Poor kid" Mary Jane chuckled

"Man! That's one awesome mom that Greg kid got!" MJ sass the television

"I say crazy" Addison chuckled. My phone rang receiving a text from mom

'Y/n dear, me and your father are staying at a hotel for the night. You can invite friends over but make sure to clean up, our meeting took long. Tell Addison alright? Love you'

"Addi. Mom's not coming home tonight" I said still strolling on my phone to get news feed

"Zombies now attending Seabrook highschool" I rolled my eyes. As if they knew what they really are!

"What are you rolling your eyes for?" , Lynne says raising one of her eyebrows

"Nothing. I just want people to respect the zombies" I replied, nobody gasp or does anything because they know I'm right

"Yeah. My cousin actually became a zombie, she's Eliza and my best friend Tom" Lynne looked sad

"But either way, my parents would still let me hang out with them" she shrugged and something popped in my mind

"Wanna sleepover? My mom and dad wouldn't mind" I asked, "yeah that's a great idea"

"Sure. But what about jammies? And clothes?" MJ asks

"Got it covered" me and Lynne said in unison, "nice, I don't have to be alone thank goodness" MJ says


"Bree, here's your onesie!" Lynne reached a cloth that was pink and white. Like this;

"Mary Jane! This is your onesie!" She exclaims pushing MJ to the bathroom door with Bree to change. Once MJ got out her was Chesire Cat design;

"Addison. . wear it hurry!" She shoves Addison to the bathroom as well, I was sitting down on the floor eating nachos

"Wow this is perfect!" Addison exclaims in the bathroom. Lynne reached her a black onesie though, she went out modelling like an idiot;

"Y/n here's yours! I figured you'd want the same color as your sister, so here" she reached me a onesie before I could say something she shoved me to the bathroom before I even knew it was coming

I'm in the bathroom, staring at Lynne's onesie and wore it;

"Hey. This is cool" I chuckled as I went out. "What do you guys think?" I showed off Lynne's onesie

"You look fantastic!" Addison exclaims, "a question though" I turned to Lynne

"Aren't you changing?" I asked chuckling, "Oh right! I almost forgot" she says and I giggled

I was there choosing a movie to watch next. Between;

Status Update

And Me Before You

"What'd ya think gals?" Lynne caught my attention a I looked at her. . . is she going Miraculous Ladybug on us?!

This was her onesie; [the cat one only]

"Nice" MJ chuckled softly

"Why cats Lynne?" Bree asks

"Because I love cats" she sasses

"Alright I chose a movie already" I say as I was still looking at the both movie in my hands

"Uh- no you haven't" Addison says as she puts her hands to her hips

"So which one?" Lynne asks

"Uh. . . [The movie you chose]" I stuttered out, "oh cool, see you can trust her with movies" Bree says

"Now gimme the movie!" MJ demanded as I reach her out [Status Update or Me Before You]

"You have good taste Ms. Smith because I love this movie" Lynne says as we watched another movie

"Ughhhh!" I groaned in the middle of 'that' movie. "What's wrong?" Bree asks and gets another popcorn

"I'm bored. I wanna play some sort of game like seven minutes in heaven or-" Lynne cuts me off

"You know we can't because seven minutes in heaven should at least include two guys, right?" She raises a brow and I growled at her in response

"What about Truth or Dare?" MJ suggest

"Sure, I haven't played that game since elementary years. . . no middle school years they made me kiss a guy I didn't even like" Lynne replies and shivers in disgust

"Eww! No discusting! Who was it?!" Addison said getting closer to her

"Um. . . Tracey"

We couldn't even process what she just said through our brains. . .

"WHAT?!" We all yelled at her in unison

"yeah. . . someone told me he liked me and I was like 'eh? I don't give a crap about it. Nothing ain't gonna happen!' And then this girl named Emily approached me saying 'hey wanna play truth or dare? You're cool blah blah blah' and I said yes. I was at 7th grade and someone dared him to kiss me or else the punishment will be much worse if he doesn't do it. This gals and guys held me and he kissed me and duh why would I kiss back? He's a jerk to meh! And not my type" she says disgust

"Huh. . that's why he wanted to spread freakin' rumour bout ya girl!" MJ said

"So who is your type?" Addison and I asks in awe

"This guy na-" MJ stops her, "SHH! DONT SAY IT! WERE GONNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE" She squeals

"Oh okay then" I shrugged and let her take the lead, Addison ran to the kitchen and got an empty bottle

"Okay let's get this craziness started" MJ spun the bottle and stopped at-

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