《The Human Luna》Part 27


"Mariah?" Nothing. All the kids have left the class and she's completely oblivious.

Ethan and Selena dissapeared, probably to have a quick makeout session in the janitor's closet.



"Babyyyyyy" I whined. Nothing.


"Yes?" She replied calmly. She turned to face my shocked state and I saw an evil smirk on her face.

"Yes Ryder? You called me....what 4, 5 times?" She faked innocence while speaking.

"Ohh you little" I said walking towards her. Her eyes widened and she slowly got up, keeping eye contact.

"You're so in for it" I said while slowly stalking Mar's every move. She gulped and held up her hands.

"Now, now, Bear. Let's talk about this like normal people....oh well, let's talk about this like normal werewolf to human?.... nevermind! Just...stay back!"

I chuckled at her weak attempt to stop me. I was on the other side of the desk, when something flew at my head from behind.

I whipped around and caught. It was a...backpack? I looked at the door and saw a flash of black hair.

I turned around to find Mariah...


"Quickly! Quickly!" I heard someone's hurried voice then fast moving footsteps.

In a second I was out the door and staring at the hallway. I saw all 6 of my friends and Mariah running full speek down the empty hallway.

Well, full speed for humans. Since we were at school, the humans could be around and we weren't aloud to use werewolf strength or speed.

Damn it. I started running down the hallway at an obnoxiously slow pace. I huffed before looking around.

When the coast was clear I ran in werewolf speed down and around the corner my friends at sprinted down.

It was easy to find them since their giggles and laboured breathing filled my enhanced hearing. I chuckled and walked forwards.

"Ohhhhh Maaaariiiiaaaa? Seleeeena? Daaaaamien? Bryyyyyli? Eeethaaan? Ryliiiiiin? Naaaaaate? Helloooooooooo?"

I taunted them while making my footsteps lighter. I heard a round of 'shhh's' and 'he's coming!' From a couple meters away.

I crept forwards, completely silent, until I was outside the door to the old girls locker room.

Then, at the last second, I ripped the door open dramatically and yelled "BOO!" Everyone yelled out in suprise and scrambled away.

I found the wide hazel eyes of my mate and smirked. She backed into Ethan's chest. I felt a growl coming.

"Shit! Mariah get off! Quick!" Ethan yelled. He knew that her touching him was a big no-no. Ethan looked around frantically then jumped over the bench leaving Mariah to fall backwards.


She fell back and yelped in suprise. We were all silent for a second before I ran forwards.

"Are you okay?!?" The game was done as I ran towards her.

Ethan was gonna pay later.

I leaned back on Ethan, just like we had planned and I saw Ryder's eyes turn a darker blue.


Ethan pretended to act suprised before yelling.

"Shit! Mariah get off! Quick!" He jumped over a near bench reminding me of a time I tried parkor to impress my crush, then ended up face planting on the floor from tripping over my shoelace.

Let's just say I never lived it down. I fell back and made sure to make it look real. Then I sat on the floor and waited for Ryder to turn into the Knight in Shining Armor.

"Are you okay?!?!" He frantically said, racing forwards. I almost laughed at how well I could predict him.

When he could see me, I forced tears into my eyes and cried "No!" Ryder wasted no time to pick me up, bridal style, and carry me to the bench.

When he sat down he started to examine my ankles. I looked up and nodded towards the door.

They all smirked and ran out. They were already gone for a good minute and a half before Ryder noticed.

"HEY!" He roared. I covered my smile with my hand. He put me down for a second to yell out the door.

"Hey fuckers! Get back here! I'll catch you idiots!" As he was screaming threats at our friends I snuck around the corner and opened the secret door that led to the library.

I shut the door as quietly as possible and then bolted.

I heard a loud growl.

Oh Sheep!

Stupid friends and smart mate. Ugh! She wasn't hurt! I growled threateningly to whoever could here before trying to find Mariah's scent.

About 2 minutes later of sorting through sweaty girl smells and fake perfume, I got it.

I followed the trail of lemons to a door. Little Sneak. I ripped open the door and was met with a breath of sweet and sour.


I bounded up the stairs and opened another one. It opened to the school's library. I smelt the rest of my friends and followed the trail to the back of the room.

When I got there, everyone was sitting around a table, casually studying science.

"Ryder!" Mar beamed then jumped up and ran into my arms.


"Where were you?!" My mouth fell open. Everyone snickered.

"Shut your mouth babe, you might catch flies." My mate teased me. I closed my mouth then smirked at her.

She gulped again after catching sight of my evil grin. I reached up and tickled her sides.

She screeched. Wow. She was very ticklish. I kept tickling her until she was begging me to stop and tears had gathered in her eyes.

"Stop! Stop! I'm sorry! I'm so-sorry!" She cried.

"Well next time, don't ru-"

"Alpha, rouges have been spotted along the north border. They said they have something for you."

"I'll be right there"

Was my instant respond to the urgent message. Noticing everyone's confused looks I mindlinked.


All my friends tensed almost immediatly. They all nodded and we got up.

"What's happening?" Mariah's innocent voice asks. Welp. No more hiding it I guess.

"Rouges. Wild, crazy werewolves who have lost their minds. They've been sticking around my borders for a couple days and now they have something for me"

I told her as we all rushed out of the library.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me Ryder!" She scolds me. I sigh.

"You were sick. I didn't want to worry you." I say looking at her as we walk out the front doors.

She looks down in shame and guilt consumes me. I stop, making her stumble alittle but I grab her forearms to steady her.

"Listen. It's not your fault a crazy fucking man came and killed your mom. It's not your fault that your dad's a fucking idiot. It's not your fault your not feeling well and it's definitely not your fault that rouges are bothering the shit out of me. Okay?"

I ask her. She looks shocked at my words but nods anyway.

"Good" I say before jogging towards the car. When we're all buckled in I pull out and head to the pack house.

We pull up to the border and I hop out.

"Bryli take the girls back to the house and keep Mariah safe." I tell her. She nods in understanding before waiting for all the guys to get out.

When we do I wave at Mariah and watch as the car pulls away. I turn towards the gate guards and ask.

"Hello. Where are the rouges?" He bows his head in respect before saying.

"Alpha, the rouges are at the north border. They have not posed a threat but have specifically asked to speak with you. We have to run to get there."

I nod my head and strip. Then, I shift into my black wolf. My clothes in my mouth I start jogging after the guard's brown wolf.

Damien's dark, charcoal coat comes into my side view along with Ethan and Nate's lighter shades of grey.

The colour of your wolf changes with your position. I am the darkest because I am the leader. Then Damien, Ethan, Nate ect.

We run for about 5 minutes at werewolf speed until I smell the odor of rouges.

Luca scrunches his nose up from the rotten egg scent. I go behind a bush before shifting and throwing my clothes back on.

I walk out and wait for my Beta, Gamma, and Top Warrior to flank me. When they do I walk towards the crowd that has formed.

On one side is my pack, with some of my border guards and warriors. Then on the other side, beyond my border, is a group of about 7 rouges.

All male and all pretty well build. The one in the middle, looks to be about 40 or 50 and has black hair and brown eyes.

Beside him is a teenager, probably my age, who looks alot like the other man. I'm guessing father and son.

The son has his dad's hair but bright green eyes. He's smirking at me. Sizing me up. I straighten my shoulders and walk forwards.

"Ahh, Alpha Ryder! What a nice suprise!" The older man greets me. My face scrunches up in disgust.

"Hello, how can I help you? You asked to speak to me?" I stood with my hands behind my back, letting my Alpha Aura spread through the space.

"Well, you have something that belongs to my son." The man tells me in a bored tone.

My eyebrows furrows. What? I don't have anything from these rouges.

"No I don't believe I do." I tell him. The pair laughs. They laugh, at me. I feel my aura thicken until everyone around me, even the rouges, bow in submission. The only ones not affected are the father-son match.

"Yes, a girl, very pretty. I believe her name's Mariah."

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