《The Human Luna》Part 19


Ryder is walking down the stairs and I'm desperately clutching onto his huge shoulders and squeezing his abdomen.

I have to admit he feels like a rock there's so much muscle. He's too cocky already though, I would think twice before telling him he's a fudging body builder.

When we get to the bottom of the stairs I hear my friends.

"Hey Ryder. Is she asleep again?" Damien calls. I feel myself blush bright red before what he said goes through my mind.

Is she asleep again?

"Nah, we've come down to eat." I move my head up so I can see everyone. Ryder looks like he wants to make me lay down again so I quickly look around.

Bryli and Damien are on the couch, Byli is sitting up across, well Damien is laying in between her legs, resting his head on her stomach.

Bryli's fingers are soothingly rubbing his scalp and playing with Damien's big blob of thick black hair.

I see Rylin and Nate are on one of the recliner chairs eating, what looks to be bacon, and watching what's on the TV.

Ryder starts walking again the kitchen. I blush red. Why can't he put me down?! I have legs for a reason!

"Ryderrrrr put me dowwwn" I whine. He chuckles along with everyone else.

"Hey Mar" Bryli calls to me.

"Bry! How do I get this leech to put me down!" Everyone laughs while Ryder gives a low growl and holds me tighter against him.

"You can't!" Is her reply.

"WHAT!" She giggles along with Rylin.

"The male wolves are overprotective, possessive, koala bears when they find their mate, you being hurt, and Ryder being an Alpha, doesn't help you at all. Good luck trying to be alone for more than 5 minutes for the rest of the month."

Ryder moves his face to my neck and growls "Mine" All the sudden Ryder's arms tighten again and I'm having a hard time breathing. Fudge he's strong.


"Dude we know she's yours now put her down before you squish the life out of her little human body."

Almost immediately Ryder's death grip looses and I take a deep breathe.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry. I'm not used to human's strength, it's gonna get some gett-"

"I'm okay." I assure him, staring into his Diamond eyes. He breathes a sigh of relief and walks into the kitchen.

"Ryder? Why aren't I hurt? And what happened?" I was stuttering and shaking a bit but wanted to know what happened more.

He let out a huge sigh and put me on the counter, so I was sitting and he was standing in between my legs, with his hands resting on my thighs.

"Well, first of all, you didn't show up to school, so I knew something was wrong, we went to your house and I could smell the blood."

I saw his eyes cloud over in anger.

"We went inside to find that your famil-"

"They aren't my family. Dan disowned me and those fake girls were nothing to me." I interrupt. Ryder gives me a proud smile and kisses my forehead before continuing.

"We found everyone was gone, the house is still intact but their scents were faint meaning they left. I ran upstairs and found you almost dead."

His voice cracks and it looks like he's about to cry when he mentions me being dead. I have this overpowering urge to comfort him.

I move my hands up to his hair and pull him towards me so his head's resting on my chest. He loops his arms around me and breathes in deeply. We stay like that for a couple minutes before Ryder pulls back.

"You were to close to de-death. I took you to a witch and she fixed you up. She owed me a favour so I cashed it in. The witch removed the pain and scars that anything would've made but your gonna be extremely weak for the next couple days. That's part of the reason why I'm carrying you around-."


"-but I was fine in the bathroom, I feel perfectly okay!" I tell him. I do remember feeling alittle woozy in the bathroom but it was nothing.

"Yah but that was because your body hadn't caught up to the witches medicine yet. It should've now. Here."

Ryder lifts me up and places me on the floor. I'm fine for the first couple seconds until my legs feel.....dead and I start to fall. There's no pain, more just like my legs are jello.

"See?" Ryder looks at me while picking me up and plopping me back on the counter. I start to nod but tears fill my eyes.

Ryder's expression goes from calm to alarmed in seconds.

"Hey, hey, baby, it's okay, it'll wear off in a couple days! I'll be here the whole time! Don't worry."

He pull me off the ledge and picks me up. I wrap myself around his strong build and sob.

I cry for my mother.

I cry for the devils that were my family.

I cry for being weak.

I cry for not being in control

And I cry for the worry of being rejected by this family.

"I'm so-sorry I p-promise I-I-I'll leave I-if you d-don't want me h-here."

On the inside I'm praying with everything I have that Ryder will stay with me. I don't want to go back by myself.

A loud, threatening growl jumps from Ryder's throat and he pulls me flush against him, so close not even air could pass between us.

"My mate. Mine. Mate no leave." His sudden change in grammar I know his wolf took control.

"L-Luca?" I question, trying to pull my head from beneath his hand. I feel his face in my neck and he sucks in air fast.

His chest is moving up and down erratically and he's really burning up.

I manage to pull my head from his shoulder and I look in Ryder's eyes. Instead of the clear, diamond, blue of his irises I'm not with pure black.

I gasp slightly. It should be really scary but I find some sort of comfort in the colour.

"Hi Luca." I whisper, moving my hands so their on either sides of his face.

"Hi my mate" Luca replies. I feel my heart flutter when he calls me his mate.

I know that either Luca or Ryder can be in control, I know for Ryder to be in control, Luca has to know I'm safe.

I kiss both his smooth cheeks, then lean up and softly peck in between his bushy eyebrows. With every kiss I feel his body temperature cool down.

He's no longer shaking and it feels like Luca's calm again. Now I have to get Ryder back.

I pull back and say. "I'm okay Luca, can I talk to Ryder?" Luca looks like he's debating it before I see the black pools turn into the shiny blue again.

Ryder shakes his head and looks at me guilty.

"Stupid wolf." He mutters. I scrunch my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. He's excited to see you. When he heard you talking about going home I lost control."

He's scratching the back of his neck while saying this and i giggle at his nervousness.

"Is the big bad Alpha scared of a little human?" I tease. His face brightens before a sly grin creeps onto his face.

Oh god.

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