《The Human Luna》Part 14


I pull out of my peaceful slumber and groan out of pure tiredness. I try to move up but a sharp pain burns through my ribs and I hiss in through my teeth.

Then everything comes crashing back.

The devils destroyed my perfect room and haven. They beat me. Made me stay away from Ryder. Then Tyson came up to me and started talking about nonsense like Alpha's and marking like what!?

Then, then.


I ignore the pain and jump out of bed. No. No!

I fall to the floor and cry out in pain. Damn. What did the demons do to my ribs?

All the sudden the door crashes open, barely staying on the hinges, and a wide-eyed Ryder stands, frantically searching around.

When he sees me on the ground, he rushes forwards and picks me up. Not even just to help me stand, but fully up. So I'm being held like a child, my face on Ryder's collarbone.

"What happened!?!" He seems really concerned for me. It hurts to see him worried.

"Hey, I'm okay." I tell him, cupping his cheek. He looks down and assesses my current state. When he seems satisfied his face goes down to my neck.

I gasp when tingles shoot around my body. I feel him smirk on my skin. Then I remember again what he- he turned into.

"What-what are you?" I ask. A hint of fear creeping into my voice. I push against Ryder's extremly hard chest, trying to get down.

He sighs then let's me down. I take multiple steps away from him. He looks hurt. I think about going back but I'm to scared to move.

Tyson, he, he almost raped me. Or at least that's what I thought he was doing.


"Mariah." Ryder approaches me as if I were a baby deer. I step back for every step he takes.

"Mariah I'm not gonna hurt you. Let's talk downstairs." I was scared out of my socks but mommy always told me to give people the benefit of the doubt. I was always to trusting.

I nodded slowly and walked forward. Indicating for Ryder to lead the way but he didn't. He simply stood there until I made it to his side. Then he walked out of the room.

When we got downstairs, I saw all my friends snuggling with each other. Ethan was playing with Selena's raven black hair as she slept on his chest.

Ryder sat down but I stayed standing. He looked like he was gonna get up and come towards me but Damien shot him a look.

"Okay....well we're werewolves." Ryder said it so bluntly I laughed. I couldn't help the hysterical giggle that jumped out of my throat.

"Yah, and I have a pet dinosaur." I say wiping tears from my eyes. Everyone looks at each other worriedly.

"No" I deadpan. There's no fudging way.

"Yah...we're werewolves. We all live in a pack called the Waxing Cresent Pack. I'm the Alpha. The leader of everyone. Damien is the Beta, or second in Command. Ethan is the Gamma, or third in command and Nate's the top Warrior in the country."

As Ryder says all this I feel myself pale more and more.

"You're not sick. You're, are you growling!?" I asked Ryder in disbelief. I see the faintest traces of a blush creep onto his beautiful face.

"And you're always warm. Is that because of it. And is the whole school werewolves. Omg am I the only human. Is Tyson apart of your pack? He-he was talking about the Alpha. YOU! He was talking about you! And Luna! People keep calling me that. Is that a new form of loser? And marking? What the fudge is that!?!!?!"


I'm breathing heavily by the end of my rant. Everyone looks shocked at my outburst because I'm usually really calm. I suprise myself I'm usually never like this.

"The Luna is the Alpha's mate." Nate speaks up. What the....

"Mate?" I ask carefully. I see Ryder visibly tense.

"A mate is a werewolf's soulmate. You have them too as humans but in the werewolf world their is no divorce or anything. The moon goddess, our god, hand picks everyone's mates. They are their other half, their missing piece."

After Damien says this I look at him in ultimate shock.

"So, so, you and Bryli are m-m-mates?" I hate the stutter in my voice but I can't help it.

"Yes, Damien is my mate. Just like Rylin and Nate are, same with Ethan and Selena." I gape at Bryli.

"A male werewolf shows other wolves that their mate has been claimed by marking her. That's what Tyson was talking about. This is my mark."

Ethan tells me this and I shudder involuntarily. He pulls back Selena's tshirt and I gasp at the two puncture wounds on the crook of her neck.

Ethan looks at with a face full of pride. Bryli and Rylin pull down their shirts and I see the same looking scar on their skin.

I almost laugh at how Nate and Damien puff out their chests when their mates show their marks off. So this is really big for werewolves.

"So, where's your mate?" As I ask Ryder this question dread fills the pit of my stomach. I don't know why but the thought of Ryder with another girl, one hand picked for him, is upsetting to me.

"That's the thing Mar, you're my mate."

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