《The Human Luna》Part 12


I felt the car moving but at the same time I didn't. I felt Ryder holding me but I didn't.

He was a....wolf?

That.....that doesn't make sense?!

I heard a ripping and I saw as my hoodie slid off my body. Leaving me bare except for my old sports bra.

I was still in so much pain, in and out. To overwhelmed I felt close to falling unconscious.

Then I felt an overpowering feeling of safety and comfort. My breathing slowed and I snuggled closer to this thread of love.

I smelt Ryder's cinnamon-y scent and breathed deeply. I felt myself vibrate slightly.

"Do I smell good kitten?" My favourite voice asked smugly. I just nodded and tucked myself closer.

"Don't leave me please. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to get hurt anymore" I whispered to Ryder. He growled.

Like an animalistic sound. Now I knew where it came from. It was the wolf. He pulled me closer and told me in a stern, comforting voice.

"You are mine Mariah. I would never leave you. I am going to kill whoever hurt you" I ignored the last part of the sentence.

I liked the sound of the first part.

I was his.

"Yah, just wait Mar, you've done it now. He's not gonna leave your side, like ever." Selena spoke up. I jumped slightly. All the sudden remembering we weren't alone.

I heard chuckles around the car and blushed slightly. Just then we pulled up somewhere and stopped.

"Baby we're at the doctor's." My heart jumped. I tried to get out of his grip but Ryder was like steel.

"No! No! I can't go in there! I'm fine! Don't take me in there!" I kept yelling but Ryder took no mind to it and just held me close.


I was being carried bridal style towards the evil place. I went to the doctor the first time Dan hit me.

When I got back home, he beat me until I was a bloody mess. Every time i would seek professional help i would get beat.

"Shhhhh it's okay princess. It'll be quick." Ryder tried to reassure me. I kept fighting. My body crying out in agony.

"Stop" Ryder ordered in a deep, demanding voice. Something in his voice made my body listened to the point where I couldn't move my body.

I still cried and screamed out though. Begging him not to take me in there. He kicked open the door of a house and brought me down some hallways.

Ryder kissed my forehead again, giving some comfort. We entered a white room, all white, everything. I shivered. I was cold again. I looked down and realized that I was only in a sports bra and sweatpants.

Ryder sat me down on the bed and a tall, slim lady with a blonde bob and glasses came in. The door was open. I took my chance. It didn't work.

I had taken two steps when hands grabbed under my arms and I was being lifted. "Sorry little one, you need to get checked out."

It was Ryder. He put me back on the bed. When I got home I was gonna get in so much trouble.

The women spoke in a soothing voice but my heart rate refused to settle. She asked me questions as she examined my beaten body.

Then she pressed lightly on my ribs and I screamed out in pain, doubling over, trying to get away.

Instantly, I felt myself being lifted and a sharp growl rips through the room. I notice I'm on Ryder's lap now.


Blushing deep pink I try to climb up but he tightens the arm he has around my shoulders and growls threatenly.

He's scary.

I whimper unintentionally. Ryder looks down at me and his diamond eyes soften.

"Doctor I'd like you to fix Mariah but no more examining. That needs to be over." He orders to the women.

She looks hesitant but eventually agrees and gives me some pills while wrapping my torso. I look like a marshmallow.

When I'm finally done I'm so exhausted I can't even see straight. My eye are drooping dangerously low and it's a battle to keep myself awake.

I hear Ryder ask something, I just nod my head. I feel my arms being moved and then a thin material is slid over my pretty much naked body. He moves me around so I'm straddling him and then stands up.

I gasp and frantically look for something to grab onto but he still doesn't have a shirt on. Ryder chuckles and whispers.

"It's okay little one, I won't drop you." His voice calms me instantly but then I remember what's happening.

"R-Ryder! P-put me d-down!" I hate the deep stutter in my breathy voice. Another chuckle. Instead of doing as told, he starts walking.

I try to get up but I feel Ryder's huge hand come up and push my head back down gently. I try to protest but he's fudging strong and I'm left to stare at his neck.

He grunts in approval at my submission state but I'm to sleepy to argue.

"Babygirl go to sleep. That medicine for your ribs had sleeping enhancers in it. Don't worry. Your safe with me."

I really didn't want to sleep but the drug inside me was shutting everything down. I hummed and fell reluctantly into the darkness of my mind.

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