《The Human Luna》Part 10



They replaced my dreams. They stole my sleep and my body payed for it.

I looked in the mirror and almost cried at the girl looking back at me.

I was in a bra and panties. My broken rib was sticking out and I was still blue. I was no longer tan, I was pale and sickly green.

Deep black bags rested under my dull eyes and my hair was frizzy. The girl in front of me looked broken.

I slowly made my way into the scalding hot shower and sighed when it burned me. The pain in my heart and ribs faded as the heat took over.

When I was finished a fluffy white towel engulfed me and I changed into a large hoodie and sweatpants.

Dabbing a but of makeup under my eyes I tried to sigh but ended up hissing in pain.

A couple tears leaked from my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. Dreading the 30 minute walk to school I whimpered as I climbed down the tree.

Every step felt like something was crushing my ribs. When I finally got to school, Ryder was standing there, looking around frantically.

I tried to sneak past him but his head snapped to me. He visibly relaxed but tensed as he came closer to me.

Damn it

Damn it

"Mar" He breathed into my neck. I felt him.....sniff me?

I didn't really pay attention because I was almost in tears from the pain I was in.

I pushed him slightly. He let go immediately. My heart broke thinking about doing this. I took in a breath and tried my best to glare at him.

"I don't appreciate you doing that. Don't touch me again." I see his face fall and my heart shatters into a million pieces.


I let a lone tear fall as I seal my fate.

"Stay away from me Ryder. I don't like you."

Then I try walking away. He grabs my wrist and I see his face.

I can see the tears in his eyes. What did I do? Stupid family.

"Wait Mar"

"Don't call me that" I snap but my voice cracks. I pull away and walk as fast as I can without fully fainting in pain.

I get into the abandoned girls bathroom and burst into body shaking sobs. I see black dots swarm my vision as my breathing gets to painful and I try to go without oxygen.

I take a deep breath and stay, crouching on the bathroom floor. Absolutely mortified about what I just did.

I watch as my mate walks away from me.

What happened!!?!?

Is she rejecting us!?!

Luca howls in immense pain and I feel my tears fight to get out. What had I done.

"Ryder hey is Ma- RYDER! What happened!?!" Bryli asks me. I feel numb. I stare into space as tears fall from my eyes.

She looked sickly. What had happened to my mate.

"GUYS GET OVER HERE!" Bryli yells. I hear footsteps and the other 5 of my friends rush over.

"RYDER!" Rylin screams as she sees me. I probably look like how I do when my parents died. I saw them laying there. In the grass. Dead.

I felt dead.

I felt myself shaking and focused my eyes on Nate who was shaking me.

"Deep breathes man. What happened?" He was always level headed.

"Mariah, she, she, she told me to stay away from her. She, told me she didn't like me."

All their faces showed complete and utter shock.

"No way. I don't believe that." Selena blurted out. "Mariah was totally crushing on you. You could see the adoration in her eyes."


I felt Luca whimper thinking about her.

"We need to find her." Rylin concluded. Walking away already. The girls followed. When I tried to the boys stepped in the way.

"No way bro, we're going on a run" I growled but reluctantly agreed.

I had stayed in the bathroom for 6 hours. The whole day. In the lower level of the school. I stared blankly at the wall in front of me.

Ryder hadn't found me. I wonder if he was even worried about me. How could he when I'm like this?

I finally pulled myself up and walked out. I made my way to the last class I had before the end of the day.

As I was going I got knocked to the ground. I whimpered in pain the person was quickly apologizing.

"It's okay. My fault" I gritted out to the boy, cutting him off.

"I'm so sorry Luna!" There's that word again. What is that!?

"What?" I asked. He paled.

"Nothing" the sophomore boy quickly said before scurrying off.

I sat through the whole class with my face on the table in my arms. I was walking through the parking lot when I heard a seriously concerned voice.

"MARIAH!" I turned and saw Bryli, Selena, and Rylin. Oh no. I had to reject them too. The demon twins told me to and I couldn't handle anymore beatings.

"Sorry guys I gotta go home" I told them and started to walk away.

"Hey! Are you okay!? We heard about this morning." I forced another scowl on my face before turning to them.

"If you heard about it then why are you here? I don't want to hang out with him or you guys so go away." It literally physically pained me to hurt my new friends.

They didn't seem mad like I expected, they looked more worried. I turned around and hobbled away.

My heart in more pain then my broken body.

Why me?

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