《The Human Luna》Part 5


Why was everyone giving me wierd looks. It was just before lunch and a tall, intimidating boy came up to me.

He was flanked with two other boys. They were all freakishly muscly and radiated power.

I tried to put my books in faster but I ended up slamming my locker shut and slamming right into someone.

I looked up, way up and saw a pair of green eyes staring at me. They darkened slightly and I shivered in fear.

"Well look at you. Who knew you would be the Alpha's" The scary boy whispered the last part. What the heck?

All the sudden he grabbed onto my wrist and yanked me to him. I yelped out at the force and crashed into his hard chest.

He didn't even flinch. The hell. Just then I heard an obnoxiously loud throat clearing and I was pulled away with incredible speed.

I fell into a soft chest this time, right away knowing it was a girl. 2 other extremely pretty girls were with the blonde beauty that had grabbed me.

"Stay away from her Tyson" Blondie snarled at scary boy. He simply chuckled and put his hands up in a fake surrender.

"Omg are you okay!?!" They all surrounded me. I was momentarily shocked by their kindness. At my old school none of the girls like me, actually they hated me. All because of the twins.

I cleared my throat and gave them a grateful smile. "Yes thank you...." I trailed off.

"Bryli" Blondie spoke up first.

"Rylin" Redhead said.

"Selena" A latina girl told me.

"Mariah" I spoke back. They all smiled. Wow.

"You guys are all really pretty" I blurted out. Instantly i slapped a hand over my mouth as a scarlett tint painted my cheeks.

They all giggled and I found myself laughing along with them.


"Thank you Mariah. But your gorgeous" Rylin told me.

My blush deepened and I thanked her. They told me they were friends with Diamond or Ryder and they would take me to their table.

As we walked they asked me what were my favourite things were, along with other random things.

"Okay, are you a Jacob or Edward shipper?" Selena asked. I never skipped a beat.

"Jacob" All their faces lit up. "I'm no good with the cold, I couldn't handle a freezing boyfriend" I told them half of the truth.

The full statement was that the man who murdered my mother looked exactly like a Vampire.

We arrived in the busy cafeteria and my anxiety spiked. I hid it well behind a soft smile but my hands were shaking.

I hated big crowds. They made me feel small and weak, especially at my old school when everyone would tease, shove, or glare at me.

My eyes immediately searched for Ryder. I don't know why but my body had the urge to touch him again. My mind was a tornado of images of his amazing self.

When my gaze caught his back I scrunched my eyebrows worriedly. He was looking around and looked tense.

Bryli looked at me "Lu- Mariah what's wrong?"

"He looks worried" Was all I said before moving towards Ryder. I hated when people hurt. It reminded me of my life. But for some reason my whole body wanted to be sick thinking about Ryder being sad.

When I got closer Ryder's head snapped up and towards me. In an instant he was in front of me. What?

"Mariah" He breathed out. It looked like he was holding himself back from something.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, hesitantly putting my hand on his bicep. Ryder immediately relaxed and leaned into my touch. Wierd.


"Yah I'm good" I swear I heard him mutter the word "now" right after but I think I just wanted him to say that.

I wanted to be the one he looked forward to seeing. I had no idea why and it kinda scared me.

Just then 2 freshman came running up to me, huge grins on their faces.

"Hi! I'm Gabe!" The first one said. He was the taller than me by a couple of inches.

"I'm Izrael" the second one told me. I smiled at both and answered.

"Hello. I'm Mariah" They laughed like it was a joke.

"That's funny Lu-" They were cut off by an aggressive cleared throat.

"Okay who did that?" I asked spinning around.

Everyone looked at Ryder. I grabbed my backpack off my shoulder and pulled out a pack of cough drops.

"Here. Your obvious sick if you keep coughing and clearing your throat like that." I told him holding out the packet like it was the cure for cancer.

I didn't want Ryder to be sick. It made me feel bad.

The people around me looked to each other then burst out in insane giggles. Were they laughing at me?

"Yah Ryder's definitely sick Mariah" A tall italian boy told me clapping Ryder on the shoulder.

He was extremely good looking to and was about 6'2 an inch under Ryder. He was hella tall.

I swallowed and looked back at Bryli. "It's okay we're not laughing at you, it's just Ryder is pretty much always sick"

I don't know what came over me. "What!?" I asked in fear. I dropped my backpack and flew over to him.

I touched his forehead and cheeks. Ryder stood patiently, closing his eyes.

"You feel really warm Ryder. Have you seen a doctor?" I was honestly really concerned for this boy.

"Don't worry Mar, I'm great." He reassured me, placing his huge hands over my own. My mouth dropped open as I felt the goosebumps rise on my arms from the sparks.

"Yah our bonds definently strong" I thought I heard Ryder mumble.

"Pardon?" I asked, pulling my hands away. I was left cold without his warm skin on mine.

"Nothing Mar, let's eat." Ryder told me, leaning over me and grabbing my bookbag.

He tugged my hand and I followed him to the lunch line.

I got a sandwich and water which is alot of food for me but not for my new friends.

Each had a plate full of different kinds of food. I saw Ryder look at my plate then me.

"Is that all your eating?" Be asked. Worry obvious in his deep voice.

I shivered at the thought of him whispering my name. Shaking my had I looked at him and smiled, nodding my head.

Ryder looked like he wanted to argue so I pulled his arm silencing him.

We walked back to a table and sat down.

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