《On the shores | KV ✔》°5°


The next time Taehyung gained back consciousness, the mysterious stranger has vanished again and Taehyung debated whether he has been real or just imagined him. He decided to stick with the last option, his brain probably grilled and he heaved himself upwards to get out of the burning sun.

There was a limb in his steps when he stumbled towards the little palms near the beach, flopping down under it before sitting up harshly, hands wandering down to his waist. His survival kit was gone. "Oh no, no no no", Taehyung immediately panicked, he has managed to get this kit through the storm and he now lost it on the safe haven?!

"NO! Please don't be gone!", Taehyung whimpered out but his panic soon diverted otherwise because he has heard coughs and groans, from multiple beings. His fear forgotten and curiosity back, Taehyung moved upwards and made his way to the noises.

He nearly collapsed once again when he caught sight of a group of also stranded passengers, twenty on count and his eyes moved over the group to find his friend. The familiar silver head was missing and Taehyung felt his heart drop while he made his way towards the group. An elderly woman with silver sliced hair looked up and pointed into his direction.

"Thank the Lord, another one has survived! What is your name, son?", she asked him while Taehyung crouched down next to her and the man laying on his back next to her. An elderly couple as it seemed. "My name's Taehyung. Is here a silver haired male? In my age?", he asked her and the woman looked at him confused. "I-I don't know, I don't even know where we are!", she cried out, going back to mumbling incoherent things while bending over the head of her husband.


Taehyung sighed, she wouldn't be from any help. So he stood back up, moving around the groaning passengers who all looked traumatized. There were a few elders saved from the unforgiving ocean but a lot of younger people, around his age. A few females sat around and were crying while others simply stared to the ground. But none of them were Jimin.

He also looked around for his beige survival kit, hoping to find either of the two but with no success. That was until he heard a rather high pitched voice. "Here, this should help against the wound, press the leaf against it", and Taehyung found his friend crouched next to a young male who had tossed purple hair and pressed a green palm leaf against his shoulder.

"JIMIN!", Taehyung yelled out and didn't care for his aching muscles when he ran over the sand towards his friend who turned around the same moment he reached him. Jimin's face lit up and he quickly stood up before he was crushed in a tight hug of the taller. "I was so worried when your hand slipped away!", Taehyung cried out and hugged his friend tightly.

"Tae, oh my god, I thought you died in the storm! Fuck, it's so nice to see you!", Jimin mumbled against Taehyung's already dried shirt before he moved back and stared admiringly at the little raven. "Fuck, you look like shit, my friend", he smiled and Taehyung broke into breathless laughter.

"Did you bring all of them here?", Taehyung then asked after counting the people again, it were twenty-two to be exact while still looking around for the bag. "I only found this big guy here crawling onto the beach just when I had recovered", Jimin replied and patted the purple haired man's shoulder.


"His name is . Namjoon-ssi, this is Taehyung. He's my friend", Jimin introduced them to each other and Namjoon lifted his head to groan as a greeting. "Hi. Say, if you weren't the one to gather them, who was it?", Taehyung asked and looked around, tried to spot the one who was strong enough to help twenty-two people.

"Uh, I don't know. There was this guy pulling me out of the sea and then dropping me to the ground. He looked tall, I didn't see him but he seems to be the one to have helped us. Wait, there he is! Do you see him, the blonde tall guy over there?", Jimin suddenly pointed into a certain direction and Taehyung turned around.

Only to be met with the sight of his dream boy carrying another boy towards the defeated group, his rosy blonde hair catching the light and firing up just when he lifted his head and locked eyes with Taehyung. The petite black haired male stared back at him, not being able to look away. His eyes, these orbs were lurking him close, were holding him captive and Taehyung couldn't look away. He felt locked in place.

"That's him. He seems to be here longer than us, he seems like he knows the island", Jimin whispered just when the male made his way towards them. Coming closer, it really was the gorgeous man who has bent over Taehyung when he has collapsed on the beach. It wasn't a dream.

"Another newcomer? Who might you be?", Namjoon asked who didn't seem to have come into contact with the blonde man who stopped right in front of Taehyung. He was a little bit taller than the raven but only by a few centimeters.

Nonetheless, Taehyung felt tiny compared to that guy because he not only was taller, but also buffer and more muscular, his arms bulging with threatening muscles and he carried himself with such a dangerous confidence that it weakened his knees.

The man stared down at Taehyung with a smirk, lifting his hand to wipe a few wild strands out of his face, his fingertips lingering over Taehyung's soft cheek before moving down to his throat, following his heartbeat. It was a quick, swift movement but it left Taehyung breathless and on the edge.

He has never been touched this... possessive before.

"My name's ", the blonde man introduced himself simply. That was it. He didn't offer the stranded more information about his person, only that he was a ship wrecker who has been stuck on this island longer than the others and offered his help to adjust to the island life.

He appeared friendly and trustworthy but something about him made Taehyung's skin crawl.

But seeing the relieved expressions on the passengers' faces who were so grateful when Jungkook offered them to show them a way to freshwater, Taehyung decided to follow his mind rather than his heart that told him to run away as far as his feet could carry him.

The group soon left the beach and stepped into the jungle, the wounded helped by the recovered and on the top chain was Jungkook, hopefully leading them to a fountain. Taehyung was a bit behind with Jimin and Namjoon by his side.

His skin prickled when he caught Jungkook's intense stare.

There was something about him that didn't feel right at all.


What would that be, TaeTae?


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