《Fated to the Moon and You | TaeKook |》11: Found


Hi everyone :)

2.2k reads? are you kidding meeee? I'm so happy that alot of you decided to give this story a try :) i appreciate the votes, i read all of your comments, and it makes me happy, i also noticed some of you also add this story to your list, so thank you, thank you, and thank you :)

I'm in the middle of finishing my master dissertation :( but writing for you guys is more entertaining than writing my dissertation :3 so hope you guys like it.

I don't proofread it, i'm sorry :(


Taehyung wake up with a throbbing head pain. He didn't feel good. It hurts...his head hurts....his body too. Taehyung try to think of what he did that his body is screaming to him right now. And then it clicks. He hasn't take his heat supressant pills. He groan and open his eyes...surprised not finding Jungkook sleep on the couch. He must have woken up early.

Taehyung wobbled to the bathroom and shakily open the drawer, taking out some pills and eating them, swallowing all of them at once.

"Taehyung that pills make me feel yucky, i dont like it" Moon whined inside his head.

Taehyung let out a painful sigh, and slump in the bathroom floor, he doesn't feel good today.

"I'm sorry Moon...but i can't go to heat..." Taehyung mumbles and try to get his shit together. He needs time before the pills kick in into the system, and Taehyung make sure to take that time to close his eyes.

"Well, technically you can since you have your mate right there, just ask him to help you. You're killing me softly Taehyung" Moon whines as he starts to throw a tantrum.

"Drop it Moon, i promise i'll stop taking this pills, but not now"

With the last energy he has, he drop dead to the bed.



After a long nice nap, Taehyung had already feel better, he decided to help Jin and Jimin in the kitchen, but then group of pups asking him to play and catch butterflies, dragging him to the playground and running around in circles. Taehyung loves kids, he love taking care of them, and it maybe in his nature as an omega, but kids make him happy. He was getting ready to shift into his wofl form when the Luna called him from inside her house.

"Taehyung-ah, mind to take a long walk with me? " She said with a beautiful smile and soft voice. Taehyung nodded and trailing behind her until they are in a deep woods. She motion him to walk beside her, so they walk through the deep forest with the sound of birds chirping.

"I actually want to talk to you...about Jeongguk"

Taehyung heart starts to beat faster, he doesn't know what to expect but he doesn't think he did something wrong to Jeongguk in the last few days, not that he remembers.

"Luna, w-whatever it is....i-i swear i-i didn't h-hurt Jeongguk or...or..---"

"Taehyung, stop, you did nothing wrong, just relax Taehyung"

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief, not wanting to make problem with Jeongguk parents as he is an outsider.


"He's hunting right now, and you and i know this would happen sooner or later...Jeongguk told me that he is your mate"

Taehyung fidgeted with the hem of his sweater, he doesn't know what to say. Yes he might be Jeongguk's mate, but he knows he's just a lowkey omega, so Taehyung doesn't want Jeongguk to be burdened by the term "mates"

"I might be his mate, but i don't want him to be burdened by our relationship, i-i heard mates don't have to be like...um..become soulmates"

"Are you saying you're going to reject Jeongguk? Taehyung, are you serious? Joengguk would be heartbroken, he's going to to court you that's why he's hunting right now" Luna let out a sigh, doesn't expect his son would get rejected by his mate.


"N-no!! I mean...I-I didn't know Jeongguk wants me, I'm just an omega...I don't even have education like any other omegas...i'm just--"

"Taehyung, listen to me" the Luna grap Taehyung shoulders and turn him around, making him look at her face.

"Jeongguk never stops talking about you, he's been waiting for this, he likes you, alot. I know you don't have any obligation to say yes just because you're his mates, but if you do like him...don't ever think that you're not good enough for him, because i can see you're a good person, Taehyung, you're kind and beautiful, and you can go to school to if you want, you can achieve everything you want" She gives him reassuring smiles, God she is so beautiful, Taehyung thought to himself, he nodded slowly, happy that Jeongguk's family accepts him for who he was.

They continued to talk and walk until they stop at the lake where he and Jeongguk went few weeks ago. They had a good time until an arrow was shot from somewhere, almost hit Taehyung in the process. Her alpha instinct kicks her as she shifts into her wolf form, shielding Taehyung who is still in shock.

Seven wolf suddenly appeared from behind the big trees, Taehyung let out a gasp, his mind is running fast, thinking what he should do. Ji hyo let out a loud growl as a warning to back off, and before she can even link her mind to his husband, some wolf jumped and started to attack her, Taehyung wasting no time to shift to his wolf and try to bite the leg of the brown wolf attacking his luna. The wolf let out a yelp and kick Taehyung. Taehyung doesn't give up, he stand up fast and running as fast as he could and jump to attack them, biting here and there while linking his mind, trying to reach anyone in the pack.

"Jimin!! Jimin!!"

"Tae? Are you okay?"

"Help!! Help us!!"

"Tae? Where are you? Did something happenned?!!!!!"

"Lake! Jimin Please!! I--"

Before he knows it, a strong paw clawed his face, the sharp nails ripped his skin off and Taehyung let out a painful scream, tumbling to the ground and shift automatically into his human form. There was an open wounds from the corner of his eye down across the nose and his left cheeks, blood started to gush out from his veins. He take a glance at Ji Hyo who is pinned down to the ground. This is it, Taehyung thought. Their attackers has changed into their human form as well, and one of them start dragging Taehyung and pulled his hair, forcing him to look at him.

"Hey, check him" one of them said. The man nodded and start sniffing Taehyung.

"N-no!! Let me go!!" taehyung scream at the top of his lungs and thrasing aroung, the man then put taehyung's head on the ground, his wound was pressed to the cold concrete of stones and it makes him cry in pain. He started to feel someone touch his locks, pressing it a bit which make taehyung let out a loud scream, something is hurting him, he doesn't know what it is, but something inside him feels like it's burning.

"An omega" he can hear the man saying, the one of his friend come to check on taehyung, sniffing him which makes Taehyung cry even more.

"Look, this is the mark, the moon mark.... i can't believe we found him" He put pressure on taeyung's locks again shwoing it to the other man, and there it is again, the pain, the burn inside of him, something wants to rip taehyung's body in half and he doesn't know what it is.

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