《Fated to the Moon and You | TaeKook |》6: Because We're Mates


"Jeongguk!!!" Hoseok sigh and breath hard, feeling annoyed as Jeongguk defeated him again on the training, along with Namjoon.

"Yah, you muscle pigs!! I guess years of training at the camp really make you like giant bunny...hulk" Namjoon grab the water bottle and flopped down to on the ground, tired.

"Jeongguk, don't you think it's too soon to let your mate working again?" Hoseok take a glance at Jeongguk as he become stiff.


"Taehyung. I saw him cleaning dishes on the kitchen when i want to have my breakfast. I thought you knew?"

"I don't know, why is he working?"

"Why are you asking us?" Hoseok ask back. He stands up and pat him on the shoulders

"Don't you want to court him? You're 21 already....and you know...once omega meet his mate, he will soon have his heats...so you better be make progress" Said Hoesok, giving him a sad smile. Jeongguk groans and stumbled to the ground. He doesn't even know if Taehyung likes him? what if he doesn't want him as a mate? what kind of mate letting his other half getting beaten and abused all his life anyway?

"Jeongguk, stop overthinking. Taehyung is just as innocent as you, you're gonna be fine" Namjoon chuckles and ruffle his hair, leaving him alone.


Taehyung sit by the tree to take a rest after cleaning all the plates and glass. He looked at the pups laying around while playing with their parents on their wolf form. It's been a while since he play like that in his wolf form, not that he's complaining, but Moon has been restless. He always forced Taehyung to shift and let him take over. Taehyung couldn't do that. He doesn't want everyone to know he's a male omega.


"Why were you working earlier?" A cold voice surprised him, making him look up to the side, revealing Jeongguk standing tall with his icy stare towards him. Taehyung frowns and look away.

"I wanted to. I finished anyway. I-is there anything i can help you with? Taehyung fidgeted his long sleeves sweater paws.

"You still need to recover"

"I-it's fine. I feel fine, and it's good than doing nothing"

Jeongguk take a look at the surrounding of Taehyung's cottage. He shouldn't live in this place. Jeongguk thought. He grab his duffel bag and throw it on the floor, in front of taehyung.

"Grab your clothes. You're not living here anymore"

Taehyung gasp and furrow his brows. Why is he always try to control Taehyung? ask him to do this and that.

"See? Moon? He's cocky"

"But he's your alpha. You should obey him"

"No he's not. he will never be our alpha Moon...he will throw us away"

"He will not"

"He will!!"

"He won't!!"


"Taehyung? What are you doing? come on grab your clothes. I will see you in the house"


Jeongguk turns and look at Taehyung


"I'm n-not moving"


"I-i like it here"

"Without heater? you'll freeze to death"

"I survived all these years"

Jeongguk feels like his anger will take over him in a matter of seconds. He never knew his mate would be this stubborn. Yes Taehyung is beautiful, Jeongguk could not argue. His black shinig hair and round big eyes are really attractive. Not to mention that he has addicting smell only Jeongguk can smell. Jeongguk walk over to Taehyung and pick him up, slung him over his shoulder. Taehyung yelps and thrashing around, kicking and punching Jeongguk.

"Yaaah!!! put me down!! you bratty alpha muscle bunny head!!!! put me down right now!!!" Taehyung punching jeongguk's back repeatedly but Jeongguk didn't budge. He tighten his grip and everyone who walked pass them share a confused glance at them. Taehyung is really embarassed as Jeongguk treat him like nothing but a doll he can be drag around.


After walking to his house, Jeongguk put Taehyung down and he can see taehyung send him glares. He's angry.

"You're gonna live here. with me"

"No! no! no! no! no! and no!!" Taehyung screamed and walk pass Jeongguk, ready to sprint as fast as he could but Jeongguk quickly grab his wrist. Taehyung yank it away and push Jeongguk.

"Why is so hard for you to live here? This isn't enough for you?"

"Why would i live with you? i have my own house. Thank you for your kindness but i'd rather live in my own house. It might look bad but i feel comfortable there. Why can't you undrstand!!" Taehyung explode and pull his hair out of frustration.

"Because we're mates" said Jeongguk, making Taehyung frozen at word.

"We're mates, Taehyung"


A/n note: please ignore the spelling and grammar mistakes :3 i'm still new :3

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